COALA Industrial Workshop #1 - Welcome And Agenda

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Intensive knowledge sharing between workers is critical for the efficient and effective operation of complex manufacturing processes. Especially the transfer of tacit knowledge on how workers perform their tasks and their understanding of how a machine works to others, specifically novice workers, can be time and resource intensive.

COALA Digital Intelligent Assistant (DIA) implements artificial intelligence to support workers in production. It consists of a conversational user interface, allowing interaction with workers by voice or text and generating a visualization of shop floor data.

In this workshop, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges of capturing workers’ knowledge efficiently and how implementing a Digital Intelligent Assistant can help them to share their knowledge and improve their task performance.

This online workshop is free of charge and dedicated to people who want to see a concrete implementation of AI assistance technology in a real business case. It is interactive, where you can ask questions to the expert panel, and we are happy to receive your feedback on the COALA solution.

COALA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 957296.
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