Machine learning to estimate wind resources uncertainty

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The workshop is a forum organized by the Wind Power Group of the Renewable Energies Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The goal is to promote and share research experiences developed between the wind power group and world-leading universities and innovative research formed by these institutions in the wind power field. This workshop was organized in collaboration with collages from the Reading University, The University of Bristol, Technical University of Delft, Denmark Technical University, and Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California. This workshop is funded and organized by the project 272063 Fondo-SENER-CONACyT whose Technical Responsible is Dr. Osvaldo Rodríguez.

Speaker: Carlos Francisco Morales Ruvalcaba
Chairman: Osvaldo Rodríguez Hernández
Picture design: Celeste Morales
Edition: Gustavo Hernández Yepes
Music: Dreams – From BenSound
Some graphics: Freepik
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