Finding Your Place | How to College | Crash Course

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One of the most challenging parts of going to college is feeling like you belong. You're away from home, maybe for the first time. You're around a whole new group of people in an entirely new setting. Maybe you're also on your own for the first time. There's a lot to take in and a lot to adjust to. In this episode, Erica goes through ways you can work to make sure you feel like you belong and have a place!


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0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Joining a Student Group
3:58 - Getting Support
5:38 - Networking
7:44 - Conclusion

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Рекомендации по теме

Something I had trouble wrapping my head around when I started college was extensions. This was not a thing at my high school but so many of my peers felt totally comfortable asking for extensions and I didn't! So if your professor doesn't include an extension policy in their syllabus, ask them how and when they prefer to receive extension requests and if there are any limitations. Trust me, you'll be glad to know ahead of time! -Paola


I'm a socially reserved student and being so timid trapped me in a cycle of depression and frustration, so bah! I've been in college long enough! I'm breaking out of my shyness shell and I'm working together with my colleagues to move forward!


Joining the Men's Glee Club in college was the best decision I ever made. Had tons of chances to perform places I never thought I would, and the guys I sang with were amazing friends the whole time I was in school. I think the club literally saved my life. When I was going through rough parts, if I could just get to Tuesday night, then I knew I would be in a judgement free zone with a bunch of guys who really had my best interests at heart.


Surviving college through a pandemic from 2020-2022 so far and it's really great to see this video...


College is a good time to try a new skill or hobby that you’ve been interested but haven’t started. There will be other people your same age who are also beginners. I’ve always been interested in trying martial arts, so did a karate PE class my first year. I ended up loving it so much I continued training and was a brown belt when I graduated!


I have been studying in my university for almost two years now. I have no friends and I honestly have no hope I will make any.


The part about the emails was great! I had a class focused on that in my college days, it's super important.


Literally graduated 4 hours ago and I’ll be attending ASU in the fall. Kinda funny how this was recommended.


Honestly the main thing is that you always have to put yourself out there, you can’t find your place without running into a few you don’t quite fit in, and that’s okay


I've got a suggestion for a future Crash Course series (I just stuck it on this video because it's the most recent & most likely to be seen.)

A lot of people today don't have the best grasp of math, either because they just weren't good at it or because they just weren't interested in it when they were in school, &, as such, only retained just enough to get by. Some of these people take a renewed interest in it later in life, either because they need it for something, or because they're trying to expand their horizons & realised that math is a bit of a blind spot for them. Therefore I suggest a Crash Course: Mathematics, starting with the most basic elementary school maths & going all the way into advanced trigonometry by the end of it.

If anyone from Crash Course actually read this, I appreciate you taking the time to do so, & please pass this on to whichever of your fellows can make this happen. Thank you. 😊


Great video, well done! Hopefully it inspires prospective students and gets them excited for their future in post-secondary education!


I went to college on my Veterans benefits to study and get a degree. Most of the acquaintances and friends I made there were veterans who were there for the same reasons.


fun fact : I searched out for these things and find nothing in my university, I am from India and costs of university is 12$ per year. They just focus on studies .. There are sports clubs, debate club only for professional students who are already better


Being around people is just so exhausting, even when I don't interact with anyone. I feel like I should be doing more.


This is so nice to have when I just graduated High School




I was literally watching y’all three minutes ago


I remember when I enrolled in university, it sucks, i was only there because of peer pressure. If i had the freedom to choose how i learn, id go to a polytechnic school


Can you guys please make a crash course on CALCULUS


3:36 That Kiwanis club thing, are you sure isn't a bit too local to be mentioned in this program?
