How to Choose the Best SSL Certificate for Your Business Website | The Journey

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0:14 How to choose the best SSL certificate for your business website
0:31 Wildcard SSL Certificate
1:08 UCC SSL Certificate
1:40 Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate
2:05 Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificate
2:45 Standard Level SSL Certificate
2:54 Deluxe OV SSL Certificate
3:07 Premium High Assurance SSL EVs
Why should you care about a website’s security certificate? You might have heard someone said your website needs an SSL certificate but you aren’t sure what one is. That’s OK. In simple terms, an SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Sockets Layer. You purchase an SSL certificate to protect information that other people enter on your website.
Just like you, your customers expect to see that you care enough about their security and privacy to provide them with a secure visit — free from prying eyes ready to steal personal or financial information. There are a number of SSL certificates available, but how do you select the best SSL certificate for your needs? Let’s explore the options below.
Option #1: Wildcard SSL Certificate
Option #2: Multi-Domain SAN SSL Certificate
A Subject Alternative Names (SAN) SSL Certificate secures multiple websites with geo-based domains or a variety of top-level domains (TLDs), such as .com, .eu, .biz, or .shop. Anyone who has more than one website to protect should consider a SAN Certificate. It's more time and cost-effective than buying separate SSL certificates for each website. The basic version of a Multi-Domain SAN SSL Certificate covers up to five websites. Up to 100 websites can be covered for an additional fee. Whenever you host three sites or more, the savings can add up quickly.
Option #3: Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate
Extended Validation (EV) is the highest class of SSL Certificate available. It uses the same powerful encryption as other SSLs, but getting one requires a thorough vetting of the applicant's business. Only those businesses that pass this process will receive an EV SSL Certificate. In addition to the padlock icon that appears in the browser indicating the site is HTTPS, the entire browser bar changes to green. The green bar tells visitors that your business has endured a stringent, quality-assurance process. In other words, it’s not just encryption for your eCommerce transactions. It’s a way to establish credibility as a legitimate business.
Option #4: Organization Validation (OV) SSL
Any website protected by an OV SSL Certificate displays a small padlock and HTTPS prefix in the visitor's browser bar. Although it's not quite as eye-catching as the EV Certificate's green bar, it's reassuring to those who know to look for it before sharing private details online. These signs confirm that they're on an encrypted site and their data is safe.
Whatever SSL-based security certificate is right for your business, it’s also a great way to boost your visibility online. However slight, the boost Google gives to secure HTTPS/SSL sites might be the key to outranking your competition.
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