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He spoke about you in his live today. You need to see it. His date of finding the shadow is months after your date of finding it!! His ego was on full blast today.


I am not looking to be rude. I am curious though. Do you not have evidence that you showed the shadows first? I would have held on to it like a large sum winning lottery ticket.


The proof needs to be shown-he can always take credit for his 2 jeans!


Do it do it do it you absolutely have every right no one would blame u please please do this because in fact u are the oringnal armchair detective that was your research he stole and we all know it and support u 100% please 💚💜🧡💛


Our team calls you “Shadow Lady” anyhow! You need more subscribers so GO FOR WHATEVER NAME YOU feel fits you‼️🤷‍♀️
Aka Lupus Girl😌


Hello, lovely Diane! I would go for it! He’s so arrogant about saying he found the shadows first when he didn’t, I heard him saying it on his recent Livestream. So yes, take back
watt is yours, Diane! You know I’m rooting for you! God bless you, much love and hugs to you!🤗😘🤗😘✝️🕊🙏🏻💞💝🌺💐💖💝🌷🌸💘🌹🌈💟


Great idea✌️ I like it. Are you going to do it?


You really should, I'd get a lot of pleasure from seeing his head explode :)


I mean, it’s not like he owns the name and Eric “arm chair detective” had it long before Alan. If anything, he’s stollen a hell of a lot more than his user name.. He can’t really say shit


Ad has just said on his live that he saw the shadows in December hes changed it ! Wtf! Wow just wow u found them then not him !


Definately! Just now he was blabbing about him being first to see the shadows and uploading it, take a look...


Wow, old school name change, I remember this 20yrs ago in ICQ and yahoo they used to go shyte themselves how we did it lol only to the nasties out there of course. But if u own it hmm DAMN. Does this mean no disco party ??


© Sweetie ---> Oh! How I so wanted to just start this by saying "YES! DO IT!"
I KNO - That You 'Are' BETTER Than "THAT" - Than HIM!
Right now, I AM 'Furious' - For I too, though I knew he'd 'DO IT' ...
In that I Was CLEAR; In that the info was coming from another Channel,
SHE 'Found' THIS --> PUT IT OUT 'THERE' Before him ... She WAS To be 'Credited'
I CAN'T Stand the Fool - Nor do I support that putrid Fake . . .
But I went last night to follow-up
Just as quick as he could - He had 'Deleted' the 'Tidbit' I left him
Did everything, to get his 'Wenches' To 'Delete' my RESPONSES In his LIVE!
(I got a couple SS's while commenting ...)
Today; Just as I 'KNEW' IT ----> He is 'Using' #MissJaydes latest find as HIS 'Own'
NO 'Credit' to Her - NO 'Thanks' to me ... Not that I care about me!
(Reality IS - You probably HAVE Something much CLEARER 'Identified' regarding it all, anyways ...)
STILL - His 'Nonsense' & Superstar Status (In his head --> Today; He's posting himself W Dr Phil!😵Guffaw!)
He IS Beyond 'Repulsive' & As I 'See' it, a BREACH In Everything, pertaining to MANKIND!
I hope he gets his 'SELF' Royally "Sue-d"!!💲
As a 'Writer' Myself - Always "Credited" On the CD Inserts for the Songs I've done the LYRICS For...
There is 'Nothing' worse; Than to have your Work - "STOLEN" From you!
That said;
I've been in the LE/LEGAL Field for many, many years & There IS a Camaraderie AMONG 'Both' Sides,
Including 'Elements' which are BOTH; Pro 'n Con! And some, very NEUTRAL To each!
Yes, there ARE Times; When WE Don't see 'Eye-To-Eye' & Must ENGAGE In 'Battles' Between Sides!
There IS One thing to be said, though - When We "GO TO WAR"; We must 'Fight' FAIR!
For we are 'Governed' by "RULES" - Set in Stone; From long ago ...
Starting with how we must 'Comport' Ourselves Within a Courtroom!
Further; Each area of LAW Has its own applicable 'Policies/Procedures'!
One wouldn't dare 'CHEAT' - For the 'COST' Of getting in-TO that kind of "CROOKED"
WILL Run the 'Offender' PENNILESS!
Of course; When in an LE Capacity - There are the RULES Governing an OFFICER
The 'RIGHTS' Afforded to ALL People;
Yes! There are 'Bad' Cops - But 'THOSE' Rights --> Are NOT To be 'Infringed' upon!
I Kno that in © Copyright Cases - They CAN Be difficult to 'Bring Forward' . . .
That said; One 'KNOWS' What Is "Theirs" & THAT Is NOT Incredibly 'Difficult' to PROVE!
(I used to 'Poor-Man' © My Work - I still have, everything 'PROTECTED' Under Seal)
It's all predominately 'Adjudicated' & Satisfied Via the Court(s) through DATEs/TIMEs
The 'Opposing' Party "APPEARING" . . . Or not!
LIARS/CHEATS/THIEVES ---> Don't like to be 'Confronted' - NVM Be 'Questioned' By Someone,
WHO 'CAN' Pull their 'Pretend' World out from beneath them . . .
I Don't kno who you are ... But I 'Believe' You!
And to be totally honest ---> I kinda 'Like' Your NAME The WAY It "IS"!💗
I don't think I'd like 'Calling' You by THAT 'Other' Name . . .😉
I'd 'Support' You; Either way! Kno THAT, Okay?💕x


I would if I were u, now I will admit I watch ad but I also watch u and Aubrey and jav, the shadows you pulled out are amazing, I found a lot of pics by just kept snapping away on Nate’s video, ?its insane what u see??? I mentioned to him I had pics to show him, then he sends one of his mods to me to collect them, I believe that is so disrespectful, he should’ve at least get a hold of me on his own and asked for the pictures and never gave them to him, so when his mod get a hold of me I’ve basically never gave them to him. One thing he needs to stop doing is looking in the truck and right next to the truck, he needs to start looking, on the other side of the house where the fences are, the fence that’s on the other side it has the latch you can’t believe how many photos are on that car window and the photos that I have that’s all the way back by his porch next to the fence it’s completely disgusting, that woman is walking around on this earth and not locked up! Also ever sense I opened a email one of my phone were hacked shorty after I said I was not sending them pics!!!💜✝️keep up the good work, I know this


Not being rude. But after 3 months which this obviously came out. Your now in my recommendations? I Have noticed I’ve subbed I’m so confused. But you have come to me for a reason and a Very fair reason, you picked the right person... So let this

To answer your question about having ADs name. I hear by say NO!! I Say “ give it back to Eric” The Original owner!

If Eric wants it back., Watt Do You See, you ARE entitled to your work that you have done. ALL OF IT. !!!!

If Eric no longer wants it. Tell me. Watt Do You See. Why You Should Have it....Heart/Work Only.

Do I hear any other bids for this name?? Going Twice!!………… ( I shall return in 24 hrs.)


I honestly don't see the point in continuing the vendetta against a crooked YouTube guy who stole your material. All you can do for recourse is try reporting it to YouTube n they'll only give him a copywrite strike if your material was copywrite property before armchair used it.

Otherwise there's no recourse and all this battle goes is further distract a great researcher in yourself from continuing to locate points at which this case is physically, legally, logically and literally IMPOSSIBLE as a TRUE legal case in the United States.

Please give up on this vendetta and keep researching other points. We need you to keep helping to wake ppl up. Not to keep hammering on one point that's already proven to be a misleading piece of a Lie filled puzzle.

With respect,
Amanda Running Fox


Legally you could change it to that.. fake A D does not own or have copyright entitlement to the name.
Its All Yours.. besides . He Stole Your Work..
The name change would also bring you alot of new subscribers.. Good Luck.
And I say. Go For It


Really none f it is going to make a difference one but you tube cares about this nonsense...
