How To Get RID Of Biofilms | Ask Eric Bakker

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In this video I will show you how to get rid of biofilms. Short video on complete biofilms treatment and eradication.

Biofilm eradication really requires a multi-stage approach. You're not really going to nail this thing just with one thing. Taking a pill isn't really going to cut it. You need to do a little bit more than that. Let's just go over a few different things you can really do to help eradicate biofilm.
We have to really prevent a biofilm formation in the first place. We have to really disrupt the attachment of the biofilm to the surface that it's adhered to. We have to also interfere with what we call “quorum sensing.” Quorum sensing is something I've spoken about in a previous video. This is basically how the bugs communicate with each other inside these colonies. For a colony to really thrive there has to be a lot of cooperation going on. Food has to go into the colony, and wastes have to be transported out. And they have to reproduce quite effectively, and quorum sensing is a complicated term explaining how that cooperation occurs. So we've got to disrupt this cooperation.
We have to modulate the type of biofilm. What we've got to do is shift the biofilm to planktonic bacteria. I've spoken previously about what planktonic bacteria and biofilm are. Think about planktonic bacteria or yeast as like yeast or bacteria floating freely versus the biofilm, where they live in colonies. What we want to do is shift the film into the planktonic type, so the immune system can really nail these little things getting around in the bloodstream. And we've got to promote detachment of the biofilm to break the biofilm up.
We have to disrupt the shield, the actual shield. So think of it like a glass dome and you've got a city living inside a glass dome. You've got to smash this dome, break it, so we can get in there, and pull these buildings apart. Mechanical and physical means and also there's herbal medicines I recommend that I use that are very effective in smashing the shield and helping to pulverize these buildings down. And then the last one is development of biofilm resistant surfaces. So what we want to really do is give a good course of probiotics to help stop attachment of these bugs onto these surfaces to build the biofilm all over again.
As I mentioned previously, people often with very low levels of beneficial bacteria that I see in stool tests are much more prone to serious biofilm formation. I see that routinely in stool tests. There are many different types of herbs that I use for biofilm eradication. And I developed a product for Candida, but it also works beautifully for biofilm eradication. And that's called Canxida Remove. It contains all the key things in it you want, and I'll explain more about these kinds of herbal medicines in subsequent videos. But you really want to get a good standardized garlic extract. You want to get oregano oil. You want to get grapefruit seed extract. You want to use different kinds of herbs that are specifically indicated for working on bacteria and on Candida, and they're going to help to break the shield down, disrupt the quorum communication, kill directly, eradicate, inhibit reproduction, muck up the food supply. All these things are going to really be achieved by giving a very good balanced herbal formula in a time-released product. And that's why I developed Canxida Remove because I knew that most people with serious Candida infections, in fact, have got biofilm.
Рекомендации по теме

My Lord in heaven, why don't many doctors know this stuff? I have been going to doctors for a year now. My life has been miserable, they keep pawning me off. I am not a lunatic, I'm an educated woman, and have been saying for over a year now that I know this is yeast related the problems I'm having. No one will listen to me. No one will hear my symptoms and help me. You have no idea what I have been through and the pain and suffering I endure. I just wish someone would listen to me. You are the first person that has made sense to me. I am literally at my wits' end. I don't know how much more I can take I'm telling you.


I am confused why mainstream doctors are so ill-informed and behind on the scientific research around the microbiome, candida, parasites, biofilms etc. How completely these topics are neglected and how many people are suffering (including my wife for over a decade with yeasts and other gut issues) is terrible! No 'ordinary' doctor even discusses these issues including the gastrointestinal specialists and infectious disease doctors we see for her blastocyst infection. It is so strange!


Hi. Dental plaque is also a kind of biofilm. I've found Neem extract to be extremely effective in dental plaque eradicating.So It is quite possible that neem extract may be effective also in dealing with other types of biofilms.


As a sufferer with a systemic problem I've tried these oils (and many other things) and have even temporarily gotten rid of the gut biofilm, but what always happens is that the pathogenic organisms and fungus quickly take evasive action and migrate throughout the body and return when it's safe, kill off the opposition (the beneficial you've implanted) and recolonize again. The gut is also not the only place they set up biofilm colonies.. How do you get to them when they're in your back, legs or brain?


I started doing chelation and biofilms and ropey yeast strands started coming out of my bowels on their own. Might be a good idea to look into heavy metals if you can’t get rid of them


Ive noticed systemic enzymes taken not with meals helps me feel better. Do you need this to get rid of candida? some say only enzymes break up biofilm and the wall.. or are antifungals good enough?


To me the biofilm sounds like an ant nest, and you need to break down the ant nest to get to the ants and kill them


Great video!

How about raw chopped garlic instead of garlic extract? Would it not work as well against biofilms?


Dr., I've heard stevia is a biofilm buster. What are your thoughts on stevia?


Apple Cider Vinegar breaks down biofilm. Coconut oil also is excellent for breaking down biofilms.


I am pretty sure that I made my biofilm situation worse by drinking water kefir, kombucha etc


I’ve had my bio film problem so long that it is all throughout my body. I’ll have to look into canXida remove. Right now I’m seeing some real progress with black seed oil. I do believe that turpentine would do the trick as well.


Dear Mr. Bakker, I don't get it. Why is cortisol amping up the immun system? I thought it's suppressing the immun system. Thanks


Would love to consult with you but I just can't afford to this month...
I hope I can afford it soon.


I have a lot of biofilms. I’ve been doing rectal and vaginal ozone therapy and I also take serrapeptase along with a charcoal binder. I take the binder hours after serrapeptase. Serrapeptase disrupts the biofilm but the binder binds it up and flushed it out. One time I had to pee and when I was peeing man I farted and had biofilms come out of my A h@*e. It was a lot of biofilms floating… I also do red light therapy bed, so toxins come out from my pores cuz it’s hot inside the bed. Ever since I’ve been taking serrapeptase and a binder, I’ve been feeling so much better. I don’t take the binder and serrapeptase it everyday though. I should at least take it for one whole week to get a good detox. I take it like once a week.


Thank you ... I followed treatments and then surgery of the upper left lung following mycobacterium kansasii and fungus aspergilus fumigatus in my lungs. And after 7 years my scar made holes that bleed for 3 years without closing. Nothing appears to the scanners and nothing to the biopsy. Just change the dressing every day and wait. I also spit white foam, then transparent glue of the lungs ... Nothing special to the taking of blood. My doctor just says it's better that I spit it rather than keep it in the lungs ... but I also swallow it a lot ...


Really clear and informative i have a serious skin condition the worlds health orginisation refuses to admit exists its known as Morgellons i need to kill the biofilm on my skin and eradicate the pathogens that are buried in the scar tissues this hides where ive had lesions no antibiotic has worked .
Thank you for your time


Hello! I have a chronic vaginal infection called bv. I tried everything to get rid of it. Lots of days I drink lots of water and eat leafy greens. I'm on a probotic and natural bacterial fighting pills. I was going to add a biofilms vitamin defenser. Also researching this another doctor said that minerals such as iron, magnesium, etc. can feed the bacteria. What's your opinion on this?


Thank you for making this video! I got tested with a comprehensive stool test and they found a pathogen of Klebsiella pneumoniae, with high amounts of E.Coli and Citrobacter freundii ( and some missing good bacteria). This biofilm approach has started to help tremendously (Ive been suffering with widespread tendonitis and arthritis for 3 years, eye floaters, ringing in the ears, headaches, calcifications in soft tissues and fatigue). I've tried lots of different approaches but have seen very little improvement until starting with biofilm. I had to start with biofilm myself because my naturopathic doctor doesn't really have any experience with infections to give me any advice. We tried anti-microbials like Oregano and plant-tannins alone with no improvement, until I started eating raw garlic and had an AHA moment, when my ear ringing improved and my squeezing headache disappeared. I'm convinced this is going to be the answer, while also following your crusher diet. I have a question though about Candida, on the mycology section of the stool test it said "no growth". I kind of found it hard to believe I didn't have any fungal growth since I've been pumping sugar like a beast for 29 years. When it says no growth of anything under mycology, what does this mean exactly? I don't have a white tongue, or any another skin or vaginal symptoms of a fungal overgrowth ( to my knowledge). I guess I am just confused about the meaning of that.


I had a stool test showed no growth of candida. However, my urine test showed a high out of range arabinose level. Therefore, candida overgrowth in small intestine.

Will Grapefruit seed extract help with the candida biofilm? because i believe i've had this problem for 2-3 years but only recently started having bad symptoms.
