Ubisoft Lays Off One Of The Division's Greats...

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The Heartland saga continues— as Red Storm Entertainment is hit with a wave of layoffs in the wake of their studio's restructuring after the game's cancellation, and certain artwork and other leaked elements are beginning to surface online.

Intro | 0:00
Red Storm Layoffs | 0:45
New Heartland "Leaks" | 5:05
Conclusion | 8:18


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Outro music: Running Out by Patrick Patrikios

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They do stupid moves like that and later they are surprised, people are angry, disappointed and whole company reputation is falling down


Executives/Publishers: (layoff well known members of development teams)

Video games: (suddenly drop in quality and productivity)

Executives/Publishers: (shocked Pikachu face)


I feel bad for Red Storm. A great studio capable of some amazing things.


Heartland was a game I feel that can still be added to the current game in a smaller way. I still want to see this being made tbh


corpos suck the soul from every media/market.


Alot of layoffs are happening everywhere it's crazy


One of the reasons I’m sad about the Heartland cancellation is that I was really excited to see The Division in smaller town setting.


Ubi is the killer of games. They killed the team at massive to make Avatar and Star wars. Both those games have and will flop. Hopefully these guys can get together under a new studio and make a division style game the fan base deserves.


I really hope another studio is able to hire them. They deserve better than how they had been treated


I hate how much CEOs and higher ups disrespect the art form that is video games. Imagine raising and making something for half a decade, and then having someone up and out of nowhere say, "Nah, throw it in the trash."


As an OG Division player, I think it's safe to say "Game Over" for this franchise as a whole... Red storm made PvP and did most if not all the fine tuning for combat, which made it great, Played a role in creating a better system in Div2 till ubisoft got greedy and pulled the plug... Now, the title they stressed the RED STORM was leading in has been removed, and they have let go of most of the devs that made Division worth playing... It's over man..


I'm a long-time Destiny 2 player. Me and a few of my D2 clanmates recently started playing Divison 2 because of all the layoffs and chase at Bungie. It's interesting and concerning to see all these devs being let go in the current economy and post covid reduction in staff in the gaming industry.


That's crazy he got let go. Heartland should have been released. Damn you Ubisoft.


It really sucks just how little the corporate side of games industry realize how much they're hurting themselves with moves like this in the long run.


Heartland needs to be added to Division 2. No reason to cancel the whole thing and throw it all away


If the community would stop per-ordering there would probably be even more layoffs. The game dev industry as a whole is broken as they take the per-order money and put out buggy betas. Gone are the days when a game is released and feels finished.


This is crazy... The Division just keeps getting hit! Will Division 3 just be a total cluster f***? With that 5 year dev time, they should just release it as some DLC for Division 2 in Year 6 or 7.


it`s crazy and unjustified how they`ll layoff people who actually do the work but the top brass especially the CEOs will keep on drawing larger and thicker cheques for themselves. Majority of these CEOs of gaming based companies have zero clue about gaming as whole, at minimum they need to have some sort of background in gaming as an art rather than bland exploitative business practices


Nah, not Keith. What is Ubi thinking? Few of the names in NC that I know other than Keith seem to still be at RSE, thankfully. My heart is broke and go out to those that aren't there; and those from the San Fran office. Hopefully other studios pick up these great talents and have awesome projects for them develop! :`( <3


I'm thrilled all these "Gaas" spin-off didn't made it, cause if either one of those abominations would have been a success, Ubisoft would have no incentive what so ever to make a proper Division game. Nor do I have issues what so ever with all these Tumbler devs being let go off; especially not since most of them came in at the expense of the o.g. dev teams. And at the expense of people who actually did had the experience and talent, but didnt got hired cause they didn't ticked the right boxes. So no I have very little sympathy for those who bullied themselves into Ubisoft and a zillion other studios and publishers. If Ubisoft also get rid of all those Third Wavers in middle and higher management layers, the Division and their other Ip's can become themselves again. Ubisoft as a corporation, but also their activist devs and managers only have themselves to blame.
