Ultimate High-End Hi-Hats | Sabian vs. Zildjian vs. Paiste

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I think it's funny how "Ben minal" doesn't try meinl. hahahaha, I'm just kidding. great video tho. I liked the k's personally!


I dont know how Paiste does it so consistently.. But they always come out on top in sound comparisons according to my eardrums anyway.


This has to be one of the classics of cymbal reviews of youtube


I have played Zildjian cymbals for years, but have had a set of Paiste Signature hi hats for around 20 yrs .. got them on sale for half price $400 AUD in the early 90s and have loved them so much I never changed them out and they are still crisp as ever ..


Been using the Paiste Dark Crisp ones for 8 years they sound great, last long, and fits in almost all genres. Absolutely the best gift I ever got.


Sabian 1:26
Zildjian 4:16
Paiste 7:01


Your sense of rhythm is unusually good even for drummers.


My hats are the Sabian HHX Xcelerators. They are my favorite cymbals of all time! They are very crisp, with an extremely articulate foot chick. The bottom hat is wavy looking, which lets air escape (similar to the soundwave design from Paiste) You don't have to fiddle with the cradle like Ben did on the hi hat stand with the xcelerator hats. I just love them and love Sabian!


my thought is paiste dark crisp signature


This video convinced me to buy the Paiste Dark Crisp Hi-hats. They're absolutely amazing!


Got into Sabians in the early early 90s because they were quite a step up from my early days ( beginner playing on Cambers ) with the introduction of the B8pro line and quite affordable, then stepped up gradually to AA / AAX as money and my skill set improved . I never really cared for Zildjian with the exception of one or two specific cymbals, always wanted Paiste as I've always thought they sounded just a bit better ( still think that to this day ) but early on and even well before I stepped up to a few HH series they still weren't affordable and I've always been happy playing my wide variety of Sabians . I got out of playing for over a decade and when I got back into it I went with my trusty Sabians yet again because I always had very good luck using them and was absolutely comfortable with the quality and sound. Today I have a mixture or sbr/aa/ aax and the one hh ride I never got rid of. I guess the major reason I stuck with them and went back was their warranty / customer service in the late 90s and early 00s . They took care of me, when I doubt the others would have. Customer for life .


"Ultimate High End" is a bit of a misnomer.

Price usually reflects production methods that are more intensive.

For example: a 14" Paiste 2002 Heavy Hi Hat, and a 14" Signature Heavy Hi Hat are at two separate price points, and the latter a proprietary alloy, and more workmanship in production. However, they are both considered professional grade cymbals.

Zildjian uses automatic hammering for their A, and K likes. The Constantinople might be hand hammered, but I'm not 100% on that.

For Zildjian to create a K cymbal, they only need to change the programming for their hammering machines. The labor is identical, but due to market perception, can charge more.

The main point is that price is misleading. People will buy the most expensive because it is "the best", without realizing that the product is not necessarily the most appropriate for the situation.

Some people will break thousands of dollars worth of thin jazz cymbals because they're not loud or cutting enough, before they realize they need a brighter, thicker cymbal - even though it's got a lower price point.

Pay attention to sonic requirements before falling for a price point.


The K Custom Session hats should definitely be included in this comparison.

If they were, I guarantee that your #1 choice would be a toss-up between the Session hats and the HHX Evolutions.

They are fantastic.


Very glad you used the same recording setup to the budget hats video too. Made for a cool comparison between videos. I'm a guitarist not a drummer so I'm not too clued up on things like types of hats but I preferred the sound of the K's.


Great video and demo of these beautiful cymbals. I've played the K and Paiste DC hats, and I love them both. Haven't tried the Sabians, but they certainly have great articulation. Thanks for sharing, and nice chops.


Great review.

Love the K series, I own some Paiste signature sound edge hats and they are brilliant. I haven't had the pleasure of the Sabians but they sound very, very nice. But as you say, for the price of all of these lovely cymbals they are all going to be super high quality, it just comes down to preference.

Thanks again for the great review.


Paiste are my brand of choice, but I am incredibly fussy about hi hats and was not really satisfied until I stumbled upon a pair of Paiste Twenty Custom Full Hi Hats. They are Turkish B20 bronze - just like Meinl Byzance - but handmade in Switzerland. They're very heavy, with well defined chick and stick, and manage to be both crisp and dark, but with a warm overall tone. You can really lay into them with the shoulder of the stick and they start to roar or, with a little restraint, get lovely little chips and chirps out of them with the tip of the stick. Absolutely the finest hi hats I have ever played. Too bad they don't make them anymore!


I'm generally a paiste fan but there weren't any here that stood out as better than the others, all great sets


To my ear I think the Sabians would sit better in alot of my mixes, Didn't realise they were so different! So awesome! Thanks for this!


I've owned HHX Evos. They weren't very loud at all; great sounding though. I currently have a pair of K Mastersounds and some Paiste sound edge hats. The Ks are by far my favorite; perfect balance between bright and dark and LOUD. My Paiste hats have a ton of character; they are dark and LOUD. I use the Paiste hats as my aux hats.
