Why I choose Islam🌙 | My revert story from Jehovah's Witness to Muslim

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In this video I will share my religious back story, the timeline leading up to me reverting, and what made finally choose Islam.

This video was very vulnerable for me to create because Islam is truly my safe place that I feel no one can infiltrate & it's scary to open up about such a personal thing, BUT if my story can give someone a new perspective & teach them some things about Islam, then I am happy :)

Please feel free to ask any questions if there are some things I can clarify, and I would also love any ideas for what I can share next about my journey.

This is a safe place for a religious discussion, as a reminder it's important to always respect out brothers and sisters 🩷

Thank you so much for watching, Inshallah I'll see you in the next one!

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I grew up Muslim. My mom was raised Christian and for reasons similar to yours chose Islam before I was born. I’m not the perfect Muslim but Islam is the only religion I have ever truly connected with. I love how you did not bash any other religion and just said your truth about how you found your journey towards your peace Allhamdulilah, may life bring you nothing but blessings and peace 🩷


Thank you sister. May Allah bless and protect you and increase you knowledge. Wonderful story. 😊 🇬🇧


I grew up as a Muslim, but reverts are always something like a role model for me. It fascinates me so much, the way you found the truth besides the fact that you grew up in a non-muslim family. All the struggles you go through within yourself, within your family, maybe losing them or losing friends. And yet you continue on your path. It's really fascinating and I'm pretty sure, that the reward will be great in this dunya and in Akhira insha Allah. <3


This is a poem I made long time ago when I reverted. All I can say is take it slowly.


Welcome to Islam.
Take it one by one.
Every step forward is winning,
every step backward is learning.
So stay focus and never stop walking.
Allah only count your steps and intention,
the result is up to Him alone.


Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with reverting to Islam. I’m currently in the research phase right now, and I’m dipping my toes into fasting for Ramadan for the first time. Your story is very helpful to hear 😊


Assalaamu alaikum Quai, it's wonderful to see you embracing your reality. I submitted to AL Islam in 1974 when I was 22 years old. At 72 years old in June, because of AL Islam I still feel and think like that 22yr old 50 yrs ago. It never stops being intellectually exciting. Never stop developing yourself by learning more and more every day. Especially the Qur'an and the history of our Prophet. Reading is the best method to grow and flourish.


My sister in Islam may Allah increase your faith and make the journey easy for you, I pray everyday is beautiful day for you sister


I have similar sorry as yours I just reverted to Islam. I was born in the JW. Faith for 27 years but finally am so at peace ryt now as a revert Muslim


I’m really happy for I became Muslim Jan 27, 2023


“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believeth in him shall not perish” prayers for you and on your journey, never put it beneath you to open the Bible and be informed on what exactly is the gospel of Christ

Hope this find you well
And that you remain safe


I honestly do believe that JW teachings are somewhat closer to Islam when it comes to One God and your responsibilities to serve God


Alhamdulilah, so lovely to hear your account. ❤ I was also a former Jehovah Witness. I'm so grateful that Allah brought me to his deen.


Welcome back to Islam my sister, may Almighty Allah guide your steps


You just came from a wrong denomination. Their teachings are what led you to this grievous decision. 😢Jehovah’s witnesses is false indoctrination. It’s not necessarily Christians. You have never experienced true Christ and that is sad. Sorry you feel this way about Christ. But he is the way, the truth and life. That will never change. May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and have mercy on you. I love you❤


Somebody said Muslim fasting is easy because we eat breakfast but only misses lunch

And I said yes! Allah has made Islam easy for us

The Glorious Qur'an in chapter 3 verse 286 says:

"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…”

No Sheikh or Imam can increase the number of days (fasting) or extend the period beyond sunset.

It's just 29-30 days in a year, other ones are voluntary

And It's not only our fasting that's made easy

Even our way of worship is made easy for us

A Muslim can worship in any mosque

And If you can not find water to perform ablution, Allah permits use of sand

Furthermore, any Muslim that can not stand to pray due to circumstances can also do so while sitting and even in sleeping positions

Our Zakaat was made easy, it's just 2.5% of ones wealth per annum provided you're not indebted to anyone

Yes! 2.5% per year not monthly

And if you are to marry in Islam, just get both parents or representatives and conduct the program in less than 5 minutes, you're done

Every other ceremony is man-made.

Burial in Islam is most easiest.

No need to start borrowing to give your parents or loved ones unnecessary befitting burial.

Once the person is proclaimed dead, get white clothes, bathe the dead, offer prayer and burry the dead. Finish, nothing else

To name your child is also easy, once the child is born, name him/her and...

...if you can afford sheep, buy and if unable to do so, forget it. No need to borrow

If you are to lend or borrow money, do so without collecting interest on loan.

And it's forbidden to hoard goods with the aim of re-selling when the price goes up

Just imagine if these are practice globally today

And if anything happened whether good or bad, just link it to Allah and not anybody

Islam is made easy, to become a Muslim

Just make sahada that "there's no gods but God and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger"

Then know and practice the five pillars of Islam and believe only in the six things Islam enjoins us to believe. Nothing else.

These are just a few of the beauty of Islam.

Islam is beautiful, I'm proud to be a Muslim.

#Ramadan 🌙 Mubarak .


Hey Sis, thanks for sharing! I am a Christian and just stumbled on your video that I found very interesting. I have questions that I would love to discuss with you as I am learning more about the Islam faith. I wish there was a way to connect


Yayyyy i got a new sister, welcome to islam sis i really like how you knew that Quran never changed ! And it is a claim in the Quran itself that god will preserve it cause it is the last message of god to us, ilysmmm u look so cute and girlyyy i love your calm voice and your style in hijab i never saw it before and the colors omggg, brown and biege looks great on you, your sister from yemen💗💗💗


oh beautiful sister you most welcome in community of Islam congratulations from India


i am very happy for you from the bottom of my heart, seriously i want more western people to accept islam so that we can pray togather in macca and perform hajj


From Bangladesh in Asia. Sister hold the rope of Allah SWT and practice the advice of prophet Muhammad SA. Inshallah you will be guided to real truth and will enter jannatul Ferdows.
