Albert Speer's CRAZY Plot To KILL Hitler!

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Albert Speer during the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War 2 managed to convince the judges that he had no knowledge of the concentration camps. During his testimony he claimed that he did use slave labour, but one of the most bizarre parts of his trial was the admission that he had secretly plotted to kill Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany and one of his closest friends. When Hitler issued the Nero Decree, a law that said all armaments factories must be destroyed to prevent them being used by the allies, Speer deemed this treason against the German people and turned against Hitler.

He defied Adolf Hitler, something which was very dangerous. As he was the Minister of Armaments, he convinced other generals not to obey this law, and many factories were left still standing. But one thing destroyed was Speer's faith in Hitler and the Nazi Party. He claimed at the trials, that he contemplated then killing Hitler whilst he was holding meetings inside of his Fuhrerbunker. The bunker inside Berlin was designed by Speer himself, so he had expert knowledge and he planned to drop tabun gas into the air vent, killing all those inside.

However Speer's plot was only just that, and he never acted on his scheme due to a number of mishaps. However when he told the courtroom of this at the post Second World War trials, all of the other Nazis including Goring, Hess and Von Ribbentrop laughed at his admission. Speer today is a controversial figure, but his plot was one of the strangest parts of the proceedings.

So join us today as we look at 'Albert Speer's CRAZY Plot To KILL Hitler!'

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Speer was incredibly intelligent and he saved his own life.


The “good” Nazi...after the fact. His main regret was that his side lost.


As for Speer's claims he tried to kill Hitler, documents uncovered far later show that the chimney was there all along, and Speer had changed his story about it multiple times.


I was living in such underground bunker for almost a year during war, every bunker has air purification which would clear every poison introduced from outside.


He should have won an Oscar for performance for the allies.


Well done, Sir, for immediately identifying Speer as a liar. Like Halder and others, he attempted to clear his own name and with the necessity of creating a compliant West Germany, the US used people like him to create the 'clean Wehrmacht' myth. He did something even worse, however. In his autobiography he claimed to have invented Thomas the Tank Engine.


He also wrote two best selling books. Both are actually interesting but are to be taken not as truth but as his justification of himself. Worth a read but must be taken with a huge grain of salt.


After Hitler's death, when Grand Admiral Dönitz fled to set up a government in Flensberg, economists working for the US Strategic Bombing Survey practically beat a path to Albert Speer's door so they could ask for his input on war industry, weapons production, and how it could be halted by bombing attacks. Always happy to save his own skin, Speer cooperated fully, telling the Americans how and where each of the Air Force's attacks succeeded and failed, his insights into Hitler's regime, how he organized the armaments ministry to be more efficient, and many other details and secrets of German weaponry besides. After he was arrested and taken to Nuremberg to stand trial, he wrote a letter to the American prosecutor reminding him of this.
I think that's the real reason why he was treated so leniently in the trials. Not because of his charm or remorse or whatever else, though those certainly didn't hurt. We were happy to take in von Braun and others from Germany and Japan who used slave labor and human experimentation to produce weapons, so we could use their expertise against the Soviet Union.


Did the NHS bill Germany for his hospital treatment in in the seventies when he finally met his maker?


Got to admit Speer's lie was genius. The Nuremberg Court bought it hook, line, and sinker. I'm sure he laughed back when he was spared the hangman's noose.


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With my head bowed, tears running down my face, I clasped his hand & said thank you. Albert speer, Fuhrer bunker 29th April 1945. Is it any wonder they laughed.


"once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down, that's not my department says Wehrner von Braun." - Tom Lehrer


Wasn’t paintings found a few years ago that Speer had bought from forced Jewish sales that he had hidden?


Ironically, if tried under current, Democrat passed California law, Speer would not be held accountable for murders he did not directly cause and he would get nowhere near 20 year sentence.


Killing with gas was regularly done by the Nazi's and wasn't so crazy after all.


Full of crap this guy. Wormed his way out of it all and it's a sad reflection of the superficiality of charm that he got 20 years whilst the charmless Sauckel got hanged.
As much as we can dismiss the inherent integrity of most of the defendants at Nuremberg, their spontaneous collective mocking of Speer's assasination plan is telling. As his rival architect Giesler said of him and this event... 'The 2nd most powerful man in the Reich and he couldn't find a ladder?'.
Speer would no doubt prosper today too, sadly.


All his claim does is simply confirm as the self-serving, obsequious, slippery liar that he was. And, not content with slipping the Hangman’s noose, he then continued to court publicity once free from imprisonment, to rehabilitate his persona in the eyes of the World. The worst kind of filth.


Perhaps I missed it but . . . did Speer profit financially from his best-selling books?


Really, Speer was a very nice man, educated and well speaking. I can't believe Speer had such plans.
