What Are Pollen Allergies and How Can You Manage Them?

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Tree, grass and weed pollens can cause allergy symptoms. National Jewish Health Allergist Flavia Hoyte, MD, explains the symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and how to manage pollen allergies.

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Shout out to all the homies who's going through this with me.


When people who don't have allergy to pollen ask me why are u always sick..


Every morning I wake up sneezing so much ughhh 😿


I can't go to sleep at night cause of this


My allergy is so strong I have all the symptoms and my medisine isn’t working. I felt like I was dying at school today.


i have suffered 14 years with allergies nothing hurts anymore
you see these battle scars right!


Watching this because my freaking eyes feel like they are on fire due to this pollen season! Dear pollen, roses are red, violets are blue, I have 5 fingers, the middle one is for you!


Pollen: literally nothing


Watching the pollen count is really effective in managing allergic reactions during the season. I have seen several apps o the phone these days, like Aeris or Climacell that alert about high pollen counts. It helps to take enough precautions on those days.


me: *has bad allergies*
also me: *wants to scratch my eyeballs out*
Also me: * wants to take allergy relief pills knowing it will put me to sleep for the whole day🤦🏻‍♀️*
also me:* wants to cry because there’s no way out*😩😭🤬🤬


Yesterday I went outside & suddenly started having allergic reaction to dust which I never had before. Now my whole body skin is swollen. I don't understand what to do


Ugh my eyes are watery and I’m dying of coughing 😔


Im starting to think I may have become allergic to pollen. As soon as spring hit I have had a sore throat and one side of my nose always pretty clogged up and I have never been like that before. This has been going on for about 3 months now.


My eyes mostly be watery, every time i feel SO tired because of the allergy. 😩


0:35 literally me every single morning


On my bday I never get to go outside and my bday is in may


This is good. It gave a lot of information on allergies


I have a pollen allergy and my eyes burn and my throat gets itchy


I like your video presentation. It is informative too, at the same time. Thanks a lot for your guidance!


What I hate the most in life...
3. Life
2. School
1. Allergies

For me personally, my allergy starts during mid-May and ends on approximately mid-June (usually when tree pollen season starts and it actually is that because I am allergic to pollen from trees 😂), and those are exam seasons... I struggle a lot, because first of all, when I try to focus on the material I'm studying or in general studying for a subject, my eyes start itching out of nowhere, so I have to spend the next 5 minutes or even more than that dealing with that bullcrap. Second, coughing... That's the most annoying one in my opinion because when I'm trying to sleep, I'm not able to. I can't even get a minute of sleep. Like take my state right now for example. It's 6am and I haven't slept at all today... How funny 😐. And I have an exam in about 4 hours 😭😭😭. And lastly, my nose. I just wish to shove 2 pens in them to stop them from sneezing and being runny. LIKE STOP ALREADY! They've filled my whole room with tissues and my mom's like "Why don't you throw them in the bin?"... There's barely even any space left and who has the motivation to clean their room?

And did I forget to mention this really sad part? Going outside... I can't take a single step outside because I'm gonna make it worse 😭. But even inside my house it feels 100x worse :(

I've tried all kinds of ways to relieve all these problems and nothing works. But I hope someday, I'll be able to at least get better at dealing with it intead of fully curing it (which is a long and tiring process and I believe is very rare to achieve and it'll just remain a dream for me so better improve coping with it) and I will finally be able to stay happy (nog really).

Summary: Allergies are a bish.

Funny and embarrasing moments you'll probably relate to:
1) During classes (mostly tuitions since they're in the afternoon and that's when it usually gets worse for me) I tend to cough and sneeze a lot which is very very very uncomfortable for me 😭😭😭
2) Exams/Tests: Don't get me started. I'm literally having finals rn and to even make a small sound is like getting your asian parents mad and then getting chased by a chancla. But hell, I always try to hold my sneezes and coughs because I'm just scared of disturbing other students (while of course embarrasing myself 😖)
3) Coughing and Sneezing at the same time: The match made in literally your nightmares 🥰. I swear even I think they're hella weird and just very weird 💀. When I do it I just wanna reverse back in time and never let it happen again or wait for a random black hole to appear and suck me in. It's THAT bad for me.
4) Coughing so aggresively that you feel like a rockstar. 🗿
And 5) Life is sad.

I hope you enjoyed my pep talk, this is the end fellas! Hope you enjoyed my rant and now I'll be continuing my day filled with pain 🤡. Toodles! 😀👋
