Using ChatGPT to write Playwright functions (POM) 10x faster at scale (proof of concept)

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In this video, we show you how to use chatGPT to make defining page object model functions faster and more efficient. chatGPT is a tool that can "remember" elements and actions within a single thread, but it cannot remember across threads.

We demonstrate how to use chatGPT by recording the code for a header menu and using a template to define a class and create relevant functions. We also show how chatGDP can be used to fill out a form and generate test cases based on classes, including step names and custom expect messages in the generated code. By the end of the video, you will have a better understanding of how chatGPT can save time and streamline the process of defining POM functions.

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Рекомендации по теме

Nice video. Have you created a video on the comparison of chatGPT vs github co-pilot using playwright? I am unable to find in your playlist here at YouTube


GDP slips off the tongue easier than GPT :) Was this free version or paid?


Thanking a Bot... Or Just saying a please.. Dooms day. It is a program man.


Screw test driven development to think about designs and interfaces first: lets move testing into a complete afterthought by not even bothering to write them just to get that sweet code coverage. 😂🤦‍♂️
