Medieval II:TW - Modding Tutorial: Starting Conditions

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A guide to the starting conditions in Medieval II Total War.

Years & Turns: 02:22
Fort Upkeep: 03:15
Resources: 03:32
Gold: 06:30
Regions: 07:21
Generals & Agents: 10:50
Family Trees: 17:08
Faction Relations: 22:18
Alliances & Enemies: 23:32
Watchtowers & Forts: 24:52
Religion: 27:16
Legion Names: 28:53
Win Conditions: 29:51
Faction Names: 32:30
Faction Colours: 33:06

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It is a good thing you have started uploading these. TWC is so old and hard to navigate at this point that it seems quite impossible at times to find tutorials or explanations that help you get into modding.


I need to watch this. I've just been modding the England faction in the 'Kingdoms Grand Campaign' mod. I didn't want to start with so many provinces (like two in Ireland and two in france on top their England provinces, so i gave Gloucester and Exeter to the Welsh, Dublin to the Irish, Wexford to the Danes, and Rennes to the rebels, and whittled down Englands provinces to London, Nottingham, York, Lancaster and Caen. - It was all good, ... the game played just fine. The problem started when i turned London and Caen into huge cities and gave London a gm_theologians guild and Caen a gm_assassins guild and improved the faction characters traits. Then when starting the game i'm told that my faction is dead and that i've failed the victory conditions. I assume it's to do with either the huge cities or the guilds because the province changes worked fine, (i highly doubt it's the trait improvements), so the English and Danes had five provinces and the Scots, Welsh and Irish all had four provinces each so we could all have a good fight! - and i fixed the garrison script accordingly too. I'll remove the guilds and see if that works and if not i'll put the cities back to smaller ones. - It would be nice to know WHY however so i'll watch your tutorial and see what i can learn. - Your tutorials are excellent by the way, ... very helpful indeed. - Your 'adding units' tutorial has been particularly helpful. I've managed to create three unique units for the English ... copies basically, of the mailed knights, feudal knights, and dismounted feudal knights, which England uses anyway but i wanted them to have their own unique ones. I also tried to make copies of the arquebusiers and musketeers, which England also uses, but no luck with them for some reason.


Loving these galu! It is likely not gonna happen but a monthly modding tutorial would awesome🤘🤘


So glad you'll show us how to import units from different mods, even tho I learned how to a few weeks ago.
Now I'll be able to expand my knowlegde and see if I overdid some steps or misstep some minor ones.

Cheers, Galu! :)


Your statement about hunvorn got me thinking, would it not be thematically nicer to set the "natural cause death age" to 10.000, and make all generals ages lore-accurate (So for example Elrond and gandalf won't have to be in their twenties anymore)? I know it's a tad unrealistic for humans to have such lifespans, but in practice I've never even had a single general die of old age in TATW/DAC anyways, and I think the same would be true for the vast majority of players. So it would end up just making the game a bit more thematic at, what I think is, very little cost when it comes to "realism".


These modding videos are utterly splendid. Many thanks for the thousands of hours of joy you have brought both myself and countless others with this excellent Third Age Mod. There is little I wish to change apart from the aesthetic terrain on the southern regions of Middle Earth. It has always vexed me that one cannot fight any real desert battle maps in the south - usually semi arid. Will there be a video on how to alter the terrain of the map good Sire?


Could you please make one on creating a new faction? I would really like to do that, especially for DaC


Thank you for mentioning that any changes made in the 'world' folder are not save game compatible. I am playing v2.2 and gondor militia crash my game because of their first armour model, so I asked on discord if anyone knew how to fix the problem and got a suggestion that I have yet to implement in the export_descr_unit folder. I was worried about changing it right away because I am playing a Lindon campaign and did not know if me performing the edit would cause an error and not be able to continue playing. I'm assuming that editing that file will not affect my saved games. Now I can change it without having to worry, and can look forward to playing my first campaign as Gondor.


I noticed that some towns have restrictions on them that prevent them from upgrading to a city, how do I get rid of this restriction?

Also, how do you mod the base game? I tried it but it didn't work.


Hey galu when i try to open the battle models it dosent let me open it any suggestion?


When I create a new general, his name does not appear in the campaign map. How can I fix this?


Do you think you'd do a video on making a new general character? (I'm noobish when it comes to modding)


🤔 When making changes in the folder “*settlement*” is it save game compatible?


I managed to add princesses to Third Age and they can also move and negotiate. only if I want to marry them to other factions, nothing happens. can someone help me?


Is there a file that explains what are actual factions in the txt files, like sicily, spain ect...


Any idea how to change global reputation?


can you add regions in mods ?? or please help how do it


Hi Galu - don't know if this is the best place to ask but do you still have the old (first edition) models and textures for the Ar Ardunaim? The ones with the almost green hue? I'd love to mod them back into the game. I like the new look don't get me wrong, I just really liked the older aesthetic. Thank you.


@Arachîr Galudirithon I really like these and I have actually started to edit quite a few things. But I wanted to modify the Khazad-Dûm Expedition start. But then I thought that that would propably not be a good idea because they have the two different starts for player and ai. Would you agree with that or is it just more work.

On a similar note I realised that the both of the Provinces of Khazad-dûm East and west have the same unique Resource (ResI) I tried to change it but didnt manage to do so. Can you tell me if that even is possible or if there is a specific reason for why both of them have the same resource?


can you tell how to change general's age?
