The Spirit of Grace

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Thank you Father for Grace by Jesus, I am guided by the Spirit of Grace


*The Only FRIEND That Will Never Betray you nor Break Your Heart Is JESUS CHRIST In Whom Is Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy, Redemption, Forgiveness & Assurance Of Enternal Life*


Back on track with the pure gospel of the grace of God. Thank you to this ministry and Joseph Prince Ministries for getting me back on the narrow road. Apologies for persecuting these ministries for a time. I did it in ignorance. Shalom


*Heavenly Father, thank YOU for sending YOUR Son Jesus into this world. Our lives are forever changed. In Jesus Precious Name.Amen ♥️🙏🏽*


This is 😄 My God this man preaching good! Can I get a Amen! 🙌🙌 Wow! Listening from Jamaica 🇯🇲


Church is not a gathering for perfect people. Church is a Hospital for people who need JESUS 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾. I wish some church people can understand that❗


Good morning praise God it's a new day another day thanks a lot for waking me and my family up and all those and pray for those who are going through it and those who didn't wake up this morning good morning everybody good morning pastor and sister Taffy dollar


A.W. Pink had preached this message entitled” They will awaken in hell” back in the 30’s or 40’s. When I had listened to it I began to weep with tears of joy. He provides the listeners with an understanding of apostasy and how it has crept into the modern day churches as well as modern day evangelicalism. He touches on how it will and is currently sending millions of unsuspecting people to hell. The reason for my emotional response after listening to his message, was that I too was once affiliated with the ungodly apostate movement that has spread rapidly throughout the world and I was on my way to hell. But thanks be to God that I was rescued by His loving grace. A.W. Pink spoke on how modern day evangelicalism is NOT evangelicalism at all! Nothing is mentioned in modern day evangelicalism on why unbelievers should DESPERATELY seek Christ. Nothing is mentioned on how God is being restrained by the sacrificial death of His son on cross from destroying all unbelievers. Modern day evangelicalism ONLY speak on the love of Christ and NOT the wrath of His father! They failed to mention that men are TOTALLY depraved. Totally incapable of making peace with God without having Christ as a savior from the wrath of God. Their apostate churches rely strongly on music, activities, storytelling, praises dancing, sensationalism and jokes to lure their unsuspecting congregations to hell. The Apostle Paul said that he relies on NOTHING but the efficiency of the preached GOSPEL ALONE! to win the lost! ❤️🙏🏿


Good morning Lord I thank u for another day n Jesus mighty name 2021


Thank U father for ur grace and mercy upon me....U are highly appreciated In Jesus name Anen!!


Thank God for Grace. I'm in need of miraculous breakthrough healing of my body from head to toe in the name of Jesus. Thank you God for grace & mercy.🙌❤🙏


Bless Pastor Creflo Dollar,
Happy Harmony Monday the Blood of Jesus Christ is my refuge of Grace.

Holiness is absoultely beautiful its the foundation of Life. The Holy Spirit wisdom leads with a gentleness; its the Purification of the Mind & Soul .

Grace is sufficient its the truth.
The LORD delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs 12:22 NLT
Glory be to God Thank You LORD for your my hope, grace, love, salvation, joy, wisdom and righteousness flows within my soul.

Repent and seek Salvation forcus trust in the Blood of Christ Jesus.
Devote to the word of God have faith in the Holy Spirit.

Absolutely live in obedience its the goodness; the truth of the Most High.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NIV

Everyone who call on the name of the LORD will be saved. Romans 10:13 NLT Amen 😇🙏🏾🛐🙏🏻🎺📖🙌🏽🌍🙌🏽❤


I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:27 NLT


Just watched your teaching on Daystar.


Amen xs a million brother n Jesus mighty name 2021


Hey brothers, please let brother Dollar know, They're playing ads in these videos illegaly


It’s crazy that he says you can act as crazy as you want when Paul says should we continue in sin that grace may abound? No


Pls pray, am in high finacial problem for living cost, am denied 49500ETB by friend, I can't pay debt of 98000 ETB, am job less, can't pay house rent.pray for financial breakthrough & Dvine protection & peace


Hello to all commenters who commented on this wicked teaching from a man who is leading so many people astray. Please know that the way this man is teaching the scriptures is so far from right. In order to understand what the writer is saying in the scriptures, you must FIRST Read the ENTIRE CONVERSATION. If you start from John 1:14 and then verse 17 without reading the ENTIRE conversation, of course, it will mean the point he is trying to get across which is TOTALLY wrong. Please know that the bible is not supposed to be read in bits and pieces or in parts. At least try to start from the beginning of the conversation before you come to the conclusion of your understanding. FYI, when that fool says you must keep all 613 commandments he has no idea what he is talking about. first of all, if you are a man the law requirements for a woman we can't keep because it doesn't pertain to a man but that law is a part of the 613 laws. lastly, Creflo is totally taking James 2:10 out of context by saying if you offend in one point then you are guilty of all. The context of what James is speaking about is regarding how you are supposed to treat your neighbor and not show partiality towards one another. James 2:1 starts out by saying have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory with RESPECT OF PERSONS. Verses 9 and 10 go together and the law they are breaking is to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself. Not doing that doesn't mean they broke the law of eating unclean foods or they broke the Leprosy laws which are a part of the 613 laws given to the nation of Israel. In our day we have over 2 million laws that govern America. Are we affected by all of those laws? No. The only way we are affected is if we break one of those laws. If a person doesn't have a car then the laws for having a car wouldn't apply to that person. If a person doesn't have a business then the laws of having a business wouldn't apply to that person but those laws are still a part of the 2 million laws that govern America. So which is harder, trying to keep 2 million laws or 613?? Creflo is going to have the greater condemnation from misleading all of these people, you just to be in the midst of his Judgement when he is getting Judged. Shalom
