Writing systems of the world! #language #chinese #history #didyouknow #education

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We often hear about the “Chinese alphabet,” but it’s more accurately described as a “logography” - but what does that mean? Let’s learn about different writing systems and the languages that use them!
#language #chinese #history #didyouknow #education
#language #chinese #history #didyouknow #education
Writing Systems of the World | Abjads, Alphabets, Abugidas, Syllabaries & Logosyllabaries
Writing Systems: Crash Course Linguistics #16
The Top 7 Craziest Writing Systems in the World
Writing systems of the world! #language #chinese #history #didyouknow #education
Writing Systems
Writing Systems of the World 1
The Korean Writing System is Awesome!
5 Writing Systems in 60 Seconds #language #linguistics
The Writing Systems Iceberg Part 4
Top Ten Coolest Writing Systems
Oldest Languages in the world by writing system: Comparison
Writing Systems of the World
Creating a Writing System
Leaf-Friendly Alphabets 🍃✍️
How to Make a Language: Writing Systems
The Origins of this Fascinating Writing System!
World's Hardest Spelling Bee... is a writing systems bee! But what even is writing?
The Mystery of Writing Direction
Writing systems of Asia
The History of Writing - Where the Story Begins - Extra History
What is the 2nd Most Widely Used Writing System?
How Korea crafted a better alphabet - History of Writing Systems #11 (Featural Alphabet)
The Japanese Writing System in a Nutshell
What Country Borders the Most Alphabets?