China attempts to ‘send a message’ with military drills around Taiwan

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US Indo-Pacific Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Stephen Sklenka says the Chinese Communist Party are trying to send a message with its military drills around Taiwan. 

Taiwan is facing a second day of Chinese military drills aimed at encircling the island.  

Authorities say they’ve tracked dozens of fighter jets and warships operating nearby. 

“I genuinely do not believe that a conflict is inevitable. I think that the CCP are trying to send a message,” Lieutenant General Sklenka told Sky News Australia.
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Former US president Jimmy Carter said December 15, 1978: “The United States recognizes the government of the People’s Republic of China, as a solo legal government of China. There is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” Have video showing that.


The United States is also "sending a message" with a US aircraft carrier sitting in the South China Sea! Lol


You always have to be on the ready. Just in case it ain’t sabre rattling anymore. Then you better really really be ready. Are they?


China wants more rice in it's bowl, but can't even eat what it has. Great interview.


US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the Philippines will support Taiwan.


"That's up to Australia" he says... America says Jump, Australia doesn't even ask "how high" They're already jumping..


The new Taiwan’s leader declared Taiwan a country separating from China. That’s the provocation and crossed the red line of Chinese. China doesn’t call it a drill but “combat readiness security patrol”


how many soldiers and warships jets are US willing to sacrifice for Taiwan?


Why don't the Aussies send one of their frigates over and see what happens?


1) In 1894, Japan invaded China and Korea, the Qing govt was defeated and signed the [Treaty of Shimonoseki] to cede Taiwan Island to Japan.

2) During the WW2, at the Cairo Conference held in 1943, China asked the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty back to China after the war. This content was included in the [Cairo Declaration] and later reiterated in the [Potsdam Proclamation] that it should be implemented.

3) In 14 Aug & 2 Sept 1945, the Emperor and govt of Japan issued the [End War Edict] and [Japanese Instrument of Surrender], Japan surrendered and accepted the [Potsdam Proclamation]. Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered to KMT General CKS and Taiwan re-entered the territory of the Republic of China (ROC).

4) Soon after that China civil war broke out in between KMT and CCP, the KMT was defeated and fled to Taiwan. However, due to US intervention, the CCP without strong navy at that time has no ability to unify Taiwan. The CCP then established the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. The civil war continues.

5) In 1971, UN Resolution No. 2758 ruled that the PRC had obtained the representation rights and all legal rights originally owned by the ROC in the UN. That means the PRC is China’s only legal govt under international law and is recognized by 181 countries around the world, including the USA.

"The USA recognizes the Government of the PRC as the sole legal Government of China."
"The USA acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China."
Joint Cummunique on the Establishment of Diplomatic relations between the PRC and the USA in 1979.

Please refer to President Jimmy Carter's Speech on Relations with China.

6) Therefore, according to international law, international reality, and the wishes of the 1.4 billion Chinese people, Taiwan should return to PRC and the PRC have every rights to protect it's sovereign integrity.


Like Russia, start with military drills turn to special military operations.


America using Taiwan like the Ukraine. I hate to see Taiwan end up like Ukraine, . Taiwan needs to be careful.


Looks like Taiwan is in line to become the next Ukraine 😂


Sabre rattling, very common tactics to intimidate the enemy.


Prime Minister A Albanese has issued a statement : All Australians wish China the very best for its military drills, and looks forward to becoming a vassal state under the most magnanimous CCP
— Anthony Albanese, PRIME MINISTER.


They didn't attempt, they sent their message loud and clear


I'm just an ordinary Chinese person, 50 years old, and I can fly a plane. If you insist on saying that China isn't democratic, then I'm willing to give my life to define a new democracy for China.

Let me tell you something, if it wasn't for China, how many countries would be eyeing your Australia, even Indonesia. You might not believe it, but it's a fact.

You can continue to hope that America controls this world, even sacrificing your own blood and flesh to sustain America.

But I want to ask: if one day America collapses, and Indonesia decides to attack you, what will you do then?

This world, at its core, is really just a jungle.


Free Tibet. Keep Taiwan free. Boycott everything China.


Warning: The "Potsdam Declaration" that proved Japan's surrender in World War II first required Japan to return Taiwan Province to China. Denying the historical facts of the "Potsdam Declaration" is tantamount to denying that Japan signed an unconditional surrender document based on the "Potsdam Declaration" on a US warship during World War II.
Every Secretary-General of the United Nations has emphasized that the United Nations follows the 1971 General Assembly Resolution 2758 and the "One China" policy, and recognizes the representatives of the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legal representatives of China in the United Nations.
'Sovereignty' and 'governance' are different. Japan has administrative 'governance' over Ryukyu (Okinawa), but Ryukyu has its own territorial 'sovereignty'. If Japan claims territorial 'sovereignty' over Ryukyu, it would be an illegal invasion of Ryukyu.

On March 19, 2023, Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Adm. Samuel Paparo was interviewed by CBS aboard the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier near Guam: The Chinese Rocket Force's Hypersonic Missiles (like the DF-21 and DF-26) can destroy U.S. aircraft carriers and U.S. military bases. China is also using its 9, 000 mile coastline to rewrite the rules of fighting at sea. I'll never admit to being ready enough. I worry. You know, I'd be a fool to not worry about it. Of course, I worry about the PLA Rocket Force! Now the distance between us and PLA is 1500 nautical miles, they can hit us. If they've got the targeting in place, they could hit this aircraft carrier(USS Nimitz). Technically speaking, the Chinese now have the largest navy in the world, the number of ships is important, as the saying goes, "Quantity has a quality all its own."


You guys in Australia need to mind your own business.

Taiwan is a part of China.

Your country along with every single country on earth recognize that Mainland China and Taiwan are part of the same country

Not only that, Taiwan's own constitution itself states that Taiwan and China are part of the same country.

Taiwan's name is not even Taiwan. Taiwan's official name is Republic of China.

Taiwan's passports, birth certificates, official money, banks, government institutions, universities all have the word China on their names or the Word China written in them.

Even Taiwan's military is named after China.

The government of Taiwan insisted in representing the whole of China in the UN security council up until 1972.

When they left Mainland China they looted all of China's gold and money in China's treasury and took it to the Island of Taiwan.

For decades they used to carry out air strikes on Mainland Chinese coastal regions all the way to Shanghai as well as raids on Mainland Chinese coastal regions as an attempt to get a foothold on the Mainland

The founder of Taiwan's last wishes before he died was to have his body sent to the Mainland to be burried there beside his ancestors.

He vehemently rejected any thought of separating Taiwan from Mainland China.

There are 2 million Taiwanese who are living and working in the Mainland.

50% of everything Taiwan produces sent to be sold in Mainland China.

Without Mainland China Taiwan is not economically viable.

Taiwan desperately needs Mainland China for trade, food, raw materials and all sorts of good.

Where do you think Taiwanese government officials, military personnel and businessmen and women go to after they retire.

Where do you think Taiwanese businesses and banks move their money to whenever there is political instability in Taiwan?


This is a Chinese internal affair.

You people need to mind your own business.

Keep this in mind you do not want to get into a war with China over Taiwan.

The last time China went to war in Taiwan was in 1632 and it ended in 1682

That war lasted 40 years and cost the lives of 500 000 people.

You want to fight a all out war that will last 40 year war with China.

China is a country that has fought 500 year wars.

You people don't know anything About China or it's history.

You people have no idea what you guys are getting yourselves into.
