Are You Wife Material? 8 Qualities Every Man Seeks In A Woman

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Finding the right person to spend your life with is hard, I know. Most women, when a relationship gets serious, start to wonder if he will propose to them.

Then the next problem appears and they start to wonder if they are wife material.

Looking for the person whom you will give your heart and soul, your mind and body, your everything, is truly hard and some people will tell you it is scary.

It’s scary to think that you are going to spend your life with one person who completes you.

You see, in the 1950s, the term ‘wife’ was assigned to a woman who took care of the household and the kids, and had dinner ready when her husband got home from work.

That’s because men were the ones who provided. Women’s desires and needs came in second place because being a wife was the priority.

Thank goodness’ it’s now different. Still, if one thing is for sure, the question, “How do you know that you have found the one?” still exists.

1. You love each other equally
A woman who loves that much is wife material.

A woman who cares about a man even though she wants to kill him, and I don’t mean literally kill him, is wife material.

Everybody makes mistakes and everybody fights. It’s part of a relationship to fight, no question.

The aftermath of that argument is what matters.

2. You apologize
This kind of woman should be ready to apologize for her mistakes and knows when she has done something wrong and is ready to face the consequences.

3. You take care of yourself
A man doesn’t want a woman who needs constant attention and care. Just like a woman doesn’t want to be like a mother to her man.

I once dated a girl with low self-esteem and she was always in a bad mood.

Hear me out first. It wasn’t a problem that she had low self-esteem, but rather when I pointed out certain mistakes that she had made, she wouldn’t listen to me at all.

4. You are intelligent
A constructive conversation drives men crazy, in a positive way.

It’s like driving a Ferrari for them. Intelligent women approach problems from other angles, they encourage men to think.

If you are one of those women, rest assured, you are wife material.

5. You laugh
If you don’t seek those qualities in someone, then you should reconsider your values.

A couple whose relationship is chill and they have a sense of humor, those are the ones on the right path.

6. You have ambition
A ‘wife material‘ woman is someone who is strong, decisive, and knows what she wants in her life.

Not just that, but she knows how to achieve those dreams and desires.

A strong man wants a strong woman. Simple as that.

If women seek men who possess the courage to make hard decisions then so do men look for those exact same qualities in a woman.

7. You’re a man’s best friend
You will always be together. Always. That means if a woman doesn’t know how to live her life and have fun, a man will grow tired of her.

It’s simple as that. Marry your best friend and you will be happy forever.

A woman who has faith in her man and believes in her man’s potential is great wife material.

8. Your principles and plans match
You cannot say that a relationship is just an obligation. A man won’t marry a woman whose morals and principles are not aligned with his.

It is easy to have differences in your own lives, but those morals and principles need to match each other.

These are not applicable to every woman, as not every woman is the same, and some signs could be applicable to both men and women.


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