Endless Sky: Huge fleet

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Giant fleet I put together after a week of playing the game.

Endless Sky is a free game on Steam
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How many deep river ships would it take to make 60 million in one trading mission, Farming Korath only takes about 3-4 a minute per run and brings in over 60 million credits. Each triple core is worth 20 million and weigh around 160, Only enough room to carry three per run. Three ships and I also farm them for jump drives and once you get enough heavy ships you normally go to the far lower right of the map and look for the holes without routes and then check the nearby system for the korath spawn, one ship spawns in one of the near by systems and I could create a 100 sized merchant fleet and test it or do the math but I assuming you would need a much larger merchant fleet, I remember getting only a few million when I had over 20 merchant ships. My war fleet is well over 70 heavy ships and I sold almost all the other human vessels in favor of beetles and kor robot ships and I still have the cargo warship for looting cargo and I even have the Kors flying Donut the model 512 with the 86, 000 shields, Without a strong fleet the kor swarms will slaughter you and taking one is not depend on crew size but random chance, the ship can explode when boarding and again when capturing. The newest content update, I should build a giant deep river cargo fleet and I should still have 30-40 jump drives installed on two of my deep river ships.


Hey you seem like you know things. I've saved 324 million moneys, trying to decide how many bactrians I need to take over a planet. any suggestions?


All I needed was 3-4 good hours and 1 hour of digging for resources online to farm efficiently to form a fleet at least 50 times of your "fleet".
I understand that you have school and all, I mean... I played the game in the midst of my exam so yeah.


Y have played a week!!?? And still have just 18 little freighters? Insulting


How do you get so much money to buy these???


This isn't a giant fleet, I had a bigger fleet in about 16 hours, and less debt. I have no idea how many hours "a week" is for you. When I was unemployed and playing a lot of games when not looking for work, "a week" was about 4-6 hours each day.
