The Reasons Men Are Single? (This Is Unhinged)

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Women: "You need to level up and become a better man."

Also women: "If you don't accept me for who I am, then you're the problem."


Woman struggles in dating: “I’m a victim!” Man struggles in dating: “Do better!”


I love how she attacks guys that don’t go to the gym and aren’t fit, yet criticizes guys that wants a woman for her looks.


If you tell someone repeatedly that you don't need them, you don't and you wish they'd leave you alone, they will go away. Especially after 40-50 years of this.


We've been told for over a decade that we're bad because we're men and that we're no longer needed. The dating scene reflects this.


It's pretty simple. Men don't want to be with disagreeable women. It's too much stress.


"Men want a fantasy!"
The fantasy: a woman who sees us as human beings.


I'm recently single because my partner at the time said to me she hated becoming 30 and that she is going to make her 30's her new 20's. When i asked her to expand on that, she just wanted to go out and have fun with her friends and live her life to the fullest. While i'm thinking we've been together 5 years, we are engaged and saved up for a deposit ready for the next chapter of our life's. I ended it maturely, and we are still friends but i have no idea where this mindset came from as it did take me by surprise.

Since then a friend of mine set me up on a couple of dating apps just for me to look at every now and then, although they he meant well, i don't have the energy or drive to actually go and do all that stuff again. They do say time is a great healer, so as a 34 year old, with a good job, very family orientated, ready to move out and start a new life with someone. i actually feel hurt. So until i've healed ill remain single, how long that takes, we will see.


The way she described unworthy men also describes women too often yet men who have a higher standard are criticized and called controlling.


It is hilarious. Men can’t tell women anything but at the same time we are the leaders when it is time to assign blame.


I like how physical appearance was listed first in her criteria, literally above all other things, and then she complained that men had preferences on looks.


We're not tired, we just don't care anymore.


I decided to stay single at the age of 25. I was so unhappy being in relationships. once it clicked with me that I was happier alone, I decided to do what makes me happy. I'm 41 now, and have only seen the dating scene go from an unpleasant experience, to a downright nightmare. I've come to peace with dying alone


I'm 36, male, and I'm done too. Too much work for no reward, other than a 50% chance of losing 50% of my assets thrown in as a bonus. I'd have to be insane to take that deal. Thank God for the mid-30s slump in testosterone levels, things have gotten much easier for me lately. I still care, after a fashion, but I'm not broken up about the prospect of being alone for the rest of my life. I suspect that with time I'll stop caring completely, and be content with what I do have, which objectively is a hell of a lot. Wealth, time, and most importantly, freedom and peace of mind.

And that crying chick in the vid is absolutely delusional. Just insane. She would be a nightmare to deal with on a daily basis. The crocodile tears followed by rage is a classic combo.


I regret listening to her 2nd video. I tried so hard to to become a better man. I finally got a girlfriend within my league and she put no effort into making it work out. The moment the "spark" left she stonewalled until I ended the relationship. This woman in the tiktok has no idea how unbelievably broken dating is for average men. Emotionally, I've died to trying at being better. If I push myself anymore, I will probably cry. Being alone hurts less than setting myself up for further disappointment. I want to love and protect a wife so badly, but no woman wants to have that. I have to stop trying because it is destroying my self-esteem.


I’m not attractive to women and that’s fine with me. I’m 5’8”, skinny fat, not manly, big nose, receding widows peak, homebody. I’m perfectly fine being alone with my hobbies, working hard at work, and improving my life.

My problem is everyone else looking down at my singleness. I am complete on my own and the only shame I feel is from others comments.


I wish I could be as empathetic toward women as Courtney is toward men... the chick in the video is exactly what I meet every freaking day and I just don't want any of it. I workout, work 50+ hours a week and I play video games cause I love it. It would be like me complaining about a woman watching true crime. And of course if I did all those things the goal posts would change like with wage... it was six figures and now you need to make a million a year. I'm done playing into the games personally.


Years ago I met a woman online, met for lunch, and she told me that she had messages on the site from 47 men. I realized then that it didn't matter how "perfect" I worked at making myself or how I scored on all the metrics---the only thing that mattered was this flighty woman's emotions in the moment, as she instantly decided my fate, likely based upon what salad dressing I ordered, or the color of my socks. Men don't get inquiries from 47 women. So, after a period of trying to be the best we can be, we walk away and save our time, money, energy, and yes, emotions.


In my dating years from 1987 to 2015 here is what I experienced with ladies:

- Lived at home or with roommates 58%
- Overweight or obese 55%
- Kids at home or single mothers 48%
- Found out they cheated 23%
- Has an actual hobby 19%
* Shopping, watching TV, traveling and eating out aren't hobbies
** At some point in every relationship, given enough time, all of the women wanted me to quit my hobbies so we could sit on the couch and watch TV together.
*** Doing the same hobby as me, with me, doesn't count

I will freely admit at some point I was dating a lot of women that weren't particularly desirable to me. However, as you get older your options thin out and I was willing to take chances. I will also say I realized that I attracted broken women because I was broken. Now that I've fixed my issues dating seems like a waste of time.

I've been single 8 years and I look the same as I did 10yrs ago. I'm working on being better then I was 20yrs ago.


After trying many times I realized that if I had got married there would be about a 99% chance I would just be divorced. I decided just to not put the 2 of us threw that. Oh and I don`t live in my moms basement, I have a paid off house, a paid off car and a boat and a dog, I have everything I need.
