Sword Art Online (How To Get Lisbeth's Shop To Lvl 12.)

Показать описание
1.Beat Solitary Sands #10 -On Normal
2.Beat The Old South #11 -On Normal
3.Beat A New Squad #15 -On Normal
4.Beat Solitary Sands #10-On Extreme
5.Beat The Old South #11-On Extreme
6.Beat A New Squad #15-On Extreme
7.Buy DLC 1
8.Buy DLC 2
9.Buy DLC 3
10.Buy DLC 4

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Switch user here but i got it by starting new game+ on regular, then switching to extreme after teleporting out from right before each boss and complete these missions on extreme, switch back to regular afterwards just to get it easier and this made it much less hassle (im not someone whos super interested in getting that many rank 10 or 11s since i like to equip two different weapons and as a minigun+ rocket user this is the most annoying thing about max rank weapons and id rather use rank 7-9, so anyone with higher rank weapons than me it should be even easier)

just thought id bring this up for anyone who doesnt feel like doing the entire game on extreme only or just wants the upgrade level easier, this was done on switch complete edition but it may work on other versions as well


maybe the best straight forward explanation of how to do this i have seen. thanks. again


Playing through now and am completionist bought all dlc as soon as i bought the game frigggin love the help man was stuck for so long ty


bruh i need help. Mine is at level 9. I noticed that i was on normal mode in new game plus. I switched to extreme and defeated the bosses again.... she still didn't level up, as for the squad leader battle, i don't think the "reset" after beating the boss went that far back so i'd have to beat the final boss again and go back to the very beginning... which i don't want to do.
in any case... helpppp i just can't seem to get more than lvl9 on her shop. And i own 4 DLCS so that means i should have 4 levels on her along with the ones from normal mode


ty for confirmation. i am stuck at lvl 9 and about to start the extreme walkthrough. been farming a lot but so far my bounty is 26m...but good to know there are worthwile rewards waiting. at least i am almost lvl 200 when starting that.i beat the endboss and other bosses on extreme but not in story mode XD. they just keep you totally in the dark about this.


so if i understand this correctly, just beat the game as i normally would/have(second play thru) an it will raise up on its own? or am i missing something an you need to do a specific action like talk to her or bring her with you on runs? sorry if this sounds like a noob question. only been playing SAO FB for a few weeks. been mostly on Alicization tbh lol


Wait so is it The Cave Boss in Remnant Wastelands or a Boss in The Old South?? because the description and video state two different things. Edit: Nevermind it is definitely The Cave Boss cuz I just got 12. Might wanna fix that description so theres no more confusion for people like me xD. Thanks for the help!


Im sorry but I did not understand this.

So I have to

Finish Fatal Bullet on Normal Mode once
Finish Fatal Bullet on Extreme Mode once
Finish all DLCs
And THEN I get Lisbeth on Mod12?


Man I wish you made videos a couple months ago when I first started playing so many people struggle to explain this game and made it hard for me to get through this game but I'm level 210 now and I'm thriving


So basically do the story mode in normal and complete it then do it in extreme and complete it


When i choose to play normal mode my quest always starts at fugel and not be able to go back from the start whre i can play solitary sands quest....how am i going to go back from the start?


Hi Mile, Having read all comments, I am unsure about liz lv 12.

My current Liz Lv is 9: I have so far completed Normal once with bad ending, then rewind and got true ending. Rewind again and am have fun going through DLC and farming weapons all on Normal.

According to your commentI have to complete 3 quests on Extreme, but when I rewind I have gone passed those missions and bosses even if I change to extreme on main menu?

I do not want to grind the whole story on extreme again, just the needed quests to get lv 12 liz?


seriously this game literally tells you nothing so much time wasted


Hey do u actually restart the whole game where ur character is lvl 1 on extreme mode


I didn't even know you could level her shop..


I have everything done but idk how I’m supposed to do the new squad quest on extreme I finished the story and I should have everything done cause I’ve new game + like 4 time


What do you mean by 10, 11, and 15? And do you know how I can find a SPB Night Sky MK4?


Sorry if this is a little late
Do you also have to beat kirito mode on extreme to?


All you need to do is do story mode a 2nd time in hardcore it’s simple🙄


I got to 9 do you have to restart story or you just go start Forrest
