12 Things You NEED When Staying In Hostels | Backpacker Packing Guide

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Here's everything that's taken my hostel experiences from "fine" to "damn comfortable". I swear by every single thing on this list. Especially those earplugs, I could be murdered in my sleep and I wouldn't even notice.


Eye mask is from H&M, tote bag is from Flying Tiger. Tupperware is from a random hostel kitchen in Poland.

Instagram: @jemimaskelley
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The tote bag is also a great idea for planes. Put it next to your feet and keep all the stuff you need in flight in it. Easy to organise when you are deboarding (after a bad night's sleep), no drawling around on the icky floor looking for stuff and nothing forgotten in the seat pocket.


1- Eyemask
2- Padlock
3- Flocks
4- Portable charger
5- Earplugs
6- White noise playlist and headphones
7- Tupperwares with your name on it(IMPORTANT)
8- Washing powder
9- Tote bag for sleeping in the top bunk of the bed
10- Packing cubes
2-DIY Curtain


From someone who has stayed in hostels many times, all your ideas are great. For privacy, I carry a bungee cord with hooks on each end. I stretched across the bunk bed frame and use my lightweight airplane blanket to drape a curtain across the bungee cord.


Here’s a tip that’s a bit off the wall, but I like it. Get a totally waterproof wash kit bag - not for your bathroom items but to bring your small valuables into the shower with you (without looking like you don’t trust anybody). I’ve only used it once in anger, when I couldn’t see what was happening in the the changing area when I was inside the shower. It worked!


Plus a SARONG! The ones from like Bali, Thailand etc… you can use it as a curtain for your bunkbed as mentioned in the video, as a towel on the beach, as a skirt or a dress when coming from the beach, in a country where you drive scooters it can be used over the seat to prevent your bum to be burnt when it’s been shining the whole day and the seat it super hot, or then cover the seat when it’s been raining and there you have a dry seat! It’s also super lightweight, it can be just hung to any straps on your backpack or daybag, so it’s definitely a MUST! 😎


I wish I could've found this video from before I started backpacking. This is on the money. I can vouch 100% that you need all of this. I do carry my own pillowcase as well but thats because I have curly hair and I need that soft satin goodness for my hair.


Love all of these, and wanted to add something for the pillow case: you can put one of your t-shirts over the pillow instead of having to bring a separate item with you. It can even be one that is lightly worn or your beach cover up or whatever


Pillow cases are life savers.. I use to travel with about 4 of them to separate essentials like underwear, socks etc in my luggage.. and sometimes I've stayed at place's where there wasn't a pillow so I'd stuff a couple of jumpers in a pillow case and sleep with that.. also to carry undies socks etc to wash them while I'm in the shower... That curtain idea is genius wish I'd known that before.


The tote bag is an excellent idea, especially for someone like me who prefers the top bunk (yes lol). Also, if you have the luxury of space in your travel bag, I suggest bringing a blanket that you can use as an extra blanket or as a makeshift curtain if you ever needed one, and it comes handy during cold bus trips. I haven't thought of bringing a pillowcase on my trips, but after watching this video, I realized it is indeed a good idea.


In India, I always had a ball of strong twine. I used it all the time to create clothes lines and curtains lines. I had mini clothes pins that I used. I'd put up a line and hang my sari over it all around my berth to give me privacy on the trains, and always take the top berth because that was safer for theft prevention when sleeping. It gave me a sense of safety and cut down on too much distraction and kept me safe from curious males. A sleeping bag liner is a very good idea. Otherwise, your sleeping bag will eventually get stinky and there is no way to wash it..


All great advices I would add:
-Baby wipes / Cleaning wipes
- Quick dry towel / diy curtain / you usually have to rent them otherwise and don t know how well washed
-first aid kit
-Keep shower make up product in same plastic bag you can attach to shower and prevent leakage in suitcase
-Suitcase that separate in two ( got my eastpack for 18 years still going strong and it has been tossed and overweight a lot) or a tote to separate dirty clothes
-Granola bars
- a multiplug so everyone can charge their stuff
I love top bunk better because afraid top bunk will fall on me, person get sick and I m harder to reach/ easier to jump out so feel safer. Usually they have barrier so you can hang your towel too.


Honestly a live safer on many camping trips was just a big piece of fabric with a nice print!! Curtain, pillow cover, skirt, shirt, dress, hair towel, cardigan, mosquito protection, sun protection/ shadow, blanket, picnic cloth, some Paracord, carabiners and zip ties and youroe perfectly covered! Absolutely love mine. (Not really been to many hostels but 5 years of boarding school and 10 years of camping 😂) nice travels to everyone 💕


I progressed from hostels to budget hotels and Im very happy about it.
No matter how good a hostel is having all sorts of people in one room became for me a problem. Snoring, talking, walking in, out and around made me insomniac. Having a toilet and a shower room out and for a band of people was another problem.
Now I prefer overpay extra 10-20 bucks but have my privacy, better sleep and a restroom for me alone-)


Thanks for all the tips. Some of these not many people mention and had to learn from experience - like the portable charger, tupperware and tote bag.


Nice idea the tote bag and the pillow case... I'll also suggest some basic medicines to deal with fever, infections, small injuries(all happened to me in the most inconvenient situations), a soap bar in plastic case, small roll of duct tape, travel towel, 2m charging cable, hand wipe sachets..


This is just really great advice, not just for hostels but for many travelers. Well done.


Instead of packing cubes, I used those vacuum packs, it helps saves space and its very easy to bring around spares(in case one breaks) since they are just plastic bags. Plus, it keeps the dirty/smelling clothes lock in that pack. Also, instead of pillow case I usually just put my clean towel/shirt on top and sleep on it


Great list! Two pillowcases would be top choice for me. They don't take space and are lightweight. Two because you could wash one and let it dry, and you would have a second to use during the night.


A hanging toiletry bag is a must. So you can hang your toothbrush etc in a clean place. My power pack comes everywhere aswell


Another thing similar to the Tupperware is silicon reusable stashed food bags they probably take up less space the. Tupperware because I can fold them they also close like a sandwich baggies and you can wash and reuse them ! Lots of different brands have them stasher is just one Brand I know of
