13 Ways To Annoy People on a Plane

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Air rage is a real thing and here we go through a number of reasons why people get passed off and mad on a plane. whether it is simple things like bringing stinky food on the plane or being stinky yourself to more serious matters like being drunk and violent on a plane. Here are our 13 Watson to annoy your fellow airline and airplane travelers.
filmed in Chicago, IL USA
Copyright Mark Wolters 2016

USA Today & 10Best's #1 Independent Travel Videographer 2014

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Using the seat in front of you to pull yourself out of the seat


When Flying Southwest Airlines a couple will sit one person in the window seat and the other in the aisle, leaving the middle seat open in the hopes that nobody will dare sit there and they will have the whole row to themselves. That NEVER WORKS because the flights are always sold out. Instead the couple gets pissed at the person who had the audacity to sit in between them and foil their big plan to get an extra seat for free. Then they talk over you the whole way and treat you like you did something wrong. Listen, you knew, or should have known, that flights are booked solid these days. Sit next to your own damn relative because you are not fooling anybody and just making the trip miserable for everybody. That is all!


I hate when people ask me to move my seat. I travel solo most of the time. I'm also scared to fly and prep my seat in advance with the airlines. A lot of the time, this arrangement can cost an extra $50-$200. So it grinds my gears when someone aggressively asks me to switch, because s/he was separated from a spouse/sibling/whoever. PICK YOUR SEATS IN ADVANCE, PEOPLE. IT IS CALLED THE INTERNET.


Also, my pet peeve. if you have already put your stuff in the overhead SIT DOWN. Don't get up and fumble with your stuff while folks are trying to board to the rear of the plane.


Women that wear too much perfume or men that wear too much cologne should have to ride in the wheel well!


From a solo travellers perspective, nothing annoys me more than being asked by a couple or friends travelling together whether I can swap seats with them especially after I've settled in, and normally the seat you're exchanging is much less desirable. So you're left with feeling like the bad guy for saying "NO".


being on a plane is like being on the internet you can see the worst side of the ppl lol


Parents failing to control their kids - YES!! In particular, kids kicking the sh*t out of your seat from behind. I mean, if their own PARENTS won't tell them to stop, what are you supposed to do?!


When traveling with children, no one else once to hear theirvideo games. Turn the sound way down on the games.


Two classes that should be mandatory at every high school worldwide: Manners/Etiquette & Money Managing.
A better world in less than five years...


I remember the first time I ever flew, I was sitting by a mom and her baby. I heard plenty of people grumble about her baby and she kept apologizing when her baby would make any sound. She was clearly exhausted and it obviously wasn't their first flight that day. At one point, she fell asleep with the baby, but the baby woke up first. I felt bad for her, so I dug through her baby bag and gave him some baby cereal. When he was satisfied, I gave him my keys to play with and talked to him for a while. After about 30 minutes, the mom woke up. She felt awful, but I told her not to worry. I had fun playing with the little guy and she deserved a nap. She looked like she was about to cry when she thanked me. I didn't think anything of it at the time, because I didn't realize how rude people could be to parents on airlines. When did people stop genuinely caring about those around them?


+woltersworld Speaking of Children on a plane... My husband and I were travelling from Florence to Madrid last summer and we ended up seated next to a child of maybe 7 years old. Right away I thought it was odd that the mother was sitting across the aisle from him. (Yes you could say those were the only seats left however I feel like if you are travelling with a small child it is your responsibility to make sure you are sitting with them) Anyhow this child was the worst. The entire flight he was kicking the seats in front of him, grabbing at my husbands things, letting the tray fall down then putting it up to let it fall again, yelling to his grandmother who was sitting at the back of the plane, running up and down the aisles, yelling mom mom mom mom mom to his mother who I kid you not pretended to be asleep the entire time! Not once did she even attempt to control him. The flight attendant came over three times and asked her to control the child! At one point the snack cart came by and he started grabbing things off of it and his mother literally just watched him do it and did nothing. The flight attendant had to sort of slap his hands away and the mom still said nothing. He was ripping up all the in flight magazines in front of him while his mom watched so my husband took them away from him and told him to stop. We kept looking at his mother and telling her to do something and she literally would just turn away and pretend to be asleep again. It was the worst experience I have ever had on a plane. I was so upset with the child but more upset with the mother. I get it maybe you are exhausted and your child is a horror and he has been driving you crazy for your entire vacation but that is not the rest of the flights issue! At least try to control him! Ughhh anyway that is an experience I will never forget.


The general rule is: if you're stuck in the middle seat, that person usually get's the arm rests. The people on the aisles and windows, have the option to shift themselves to a more comfortable position since there's no one sitting on one of the sides next to them. The middle seat person has no choice, and no room to shift. Therefore, generally, the person in the middle should get the arm rests.


Grabbing the back of each aisle seat when you're walking, especially in the middle of the night on a long-haul flight. Its hard enough to try to sleep in the aisle seat with out having some one making you bounce up & down every half an hour or so.


A corollary to the tip about not being stinky wear a lot of perfume/cologne. Besides the fact that many people are allergic to scents, a heavy, overpowering scent is just as annoying as not using deodorant.


On my 16-hour flight from Atlanta to Johannesburg last year, the guy sitting next to me watched 50 Shades of Gray like three times. I was rather uncomfortable lol


People hate kids because so many are not controlled and there are parents that don't give a fuck.


I was flying back from Tokyo earlier this year. The plane was all dark so people could sleep, including me. These people across the aisle from me were sleeping with eye masks on but they left their overhead lights on. It was angled so it was pointing right at me when I was trying to sleep. That was super annoying! Turn your lights off, people, when you're not using them.


Kid's don't bother me especially if they are happy. I flew back home from visiting family in Michigan. There was a little boy in front of me. He said he gets scared taking off I told him it is fun and I enjoy the takeoff. He wasn't scared. He told me about his super heroes. His mother felt bad I said he was a pleasure to talk to. He asked a lot of good questions and that is how a child learns. I understand that I was that kid once and would rather make him feel welcome than feel like he is in jail because you add stress to anyone they act differently.


I think the number-one thing airlines could do to eliminate a LOT of the on-board passenger conflicts, would be to just give everyone more space. The seats need to be wider and further apart.
