Omnichannel Retail: Experience in Retail 4/5 | Innovation eLearning

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While commodities are always going to be necessary for the average consumer's life, the experience to obtain these things can make or break whether the purchase is made. In the third module of omnichannel retail, Ady will look at how curated shopping experiences can increase your consumers' loyalty and maintain healthy relationships. When considering what curated shopping means, it's important to recognize what consumers value: interactivity, consistency, and memorability.

Consumers crave gamification, education and above all a positive experience and pleasant brand interactions. This module will help you understand why it's important to balance fun interactions with helpful interactions and how you can win your consumers by transforming traditional shopping experiences.

Hi and welcome to our third module. Now we're going to be diving into Experience. When it comes to Experience, we understand that consumers will always need stuff in their lives, but the actual Experience to obtain those products can really make or break whether a purchase is actually made.

Now, unlike these epic and kind of terrifying stunts from GoPro when it comes to your Retail Experience s, consumers are really looking for memorability and consistency on their path to purchase. So we do understand that 72% of digital shoppers actually say that the in-store Experience is the most important part.

So with that information, I thought it would be great to kick off this section by looking at Retail gaming, where we know that gamification is a huge aspect of marketing and retail. But brands are actually leveraging more of a competitive front when it comes to their in-store experiences.

Ultimately hoping that consumers will want to come to the stores and actually return to those same stores to essentially beat their scores. So one brand that's doing something really amazing when it comes to gamification is Nike. They created a pop up that's called Nike's React Land, where they invited consumers to come down and try on their latest piece of athletic footwear. Consumers were then able to create a virtual avatar and actually compete in a VR style video game while running on a treadmill. This allowed them to see how the footwear would actually feel while they were being physically active, and when they left this activation, they could share about 15 seconds of their Experience on their social media. So it made that memorability factor incredibly irresistible.

Our next insight dives into more of the simplicity aspects of retail, so it's not always about gamification. Sometimes consumers just want things to be simple. Retail Tech Directory looks at how technology is being leveraged in stores to actually help consumers compare prices, find products they need and actually navigate the stores. So one really great example comes to us from Kroger. Kroger created what they call the Digital Edge, which is a shelving system, so it completely eliminates the use of paper tags, which really does speak to the sustainable consumer. These digital shelving systems allow the prices and discounts to be instantly updated. They're also really great for advertisements, and soon beacon technology will be incorporated to actually recognize when consumers walk into the store and they can actually navigate the entire store using their cell phones.

So to wrap up our third module on Experience , we looked at how retailers can really focus on both gamification and simplicity. So one workshop question for you to consider when it comes to your brand, how can you really leverage different forms of technology to truly transform the customer's Experience ?

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