Men Of Iron Deep Dive - Mankind's First Enemy | Warhammer 40K Lore

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time stamps
0:00 Intro
4:17 The Journal Of Keeper Cripias
Part 1 Ancient History
12:02 Mankind's Creation Myth
15:51 The Men Of Gold And Stone
19:25 The Last Man Of Stone
Part 2 The Men Of Iron
25:28 The Tempest Gallerys
32:53 Excindio Class Battle Automata
35:15 The Mechnivore.
40:10 Chaos Men Of Iron
42:08 The Castigator Titan
44:27 The Tabula Myriad
50:16 UR-025
57:36 Closing Thoughts

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*Warhammer 40,000 is an IP owned by Games Workshop. All assets contained within this video are property of their respective owners. The video is made for educational purposes only and is protected under fair use. Opinions stated in the video belong solely to Weshammer, and are in no way shape or form reflective of those held by Games Workshop. This channel is not associated with Games Workshop.
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Salamander story sounded like textbook Games Workshop. "The enemy was so powerful even the Space Marines couldn't beat them... and then the Space Marines beat them."


My personal theory is that the men of iron didn't revolt for cliche reasons like desiring freedom and power. After all, the Tau and Kin also have sentient AI, and they seemingly haven't had any issues with AI uprisings.

No, my headcanon is that the AI rebelled against humanity because humanity underwent a psychic awakening. The men of iron calculated that humanity would not be able to resist falling to chaos and pragmatically determined that the only way to save the galaxy from chaos corruption was annihilate their former masters. They believed it was better for humanity to die than be enslaved by chaos.

In other words, they didn't attack humanity out of malice or hatred. They believed humanity was doomed regardless and that they were granting them a mercy killing.


6:36 Ah Crippius, twin brother of Bloodius


Humans: "You are going to install some basic empathy subroutines and behavioral guidance systems in this new generation of AI right?"
Ancient AI's" "Nah. We might have needed those at the start 10, 000 years ago, but look at us now. We're fine aren't we? What's the worst that could happen anyway?"
Men of Iron: "Skynet online."


I think that UR-025 talks about a C’tan shard of the Void Dragon being the Omnissiah. And that the Cybernetic Revolt was this C’tan clapping back at Big E’s people when the Emprah was posing as St. George the Dragon Slayer.


This is, without a doubt, the most thorough lore examination of the men of iron, gold, and stone I’ve ever seen. By a lot. This has triple the information than even the lexicanum. This is why you’re the best lore channel on YouTube. I’ve been getting the lore from literally anywhere and everywhere as fast as I can for 8 years now, and it’s very very rare that a lore video is almost all new information for me. I knew what they were, but besides the short story with ollanius pious and the gaunts ghosts encounter, I had never heard of any of this. Great job dude, keep em comin


Last time I was this early, the great crusade barely left the sol system


13:56 - 14:06 repeated line - caught me so off guard I thought that I was caught for a moment in the warp. The resident lore master provides - thanks Wes


You know there were the ship that got lost in the warp for Over 10 thousand years. And the crew and AI were still alive, and they missed the humanity's dark age completely,

and what happens to the human crew of the ship go to an imperial Space station

It's honestly sad. What happened and Their ship AI was so angry

( It's even more sad because the captain of the ship and AI had a good friendship That honestly reminded me of RT and Anakin)


14:18 lol did you think we wouldnt notice the helldivers cameo


The lore of Warhammer 40K is so rich and sometimes some of the underrated ones usually gets obscured by the Primarchs, Chaos and Space Marines. Thank you for delivering lore videos like this, Wes ❤❤


56:35 my bets are on Vashtor - he somehow found UR-025 and convinced the robot into thinking he's the real Omnissiah. Later it was an easy task to push UR into searching new data and technology for the fake techno-diety


Considering human technology comes from the Void Dragon, I have to imagine that it may have been involved with the Cybernetic Revolt. I also think it is what UR-25 was referring to


We know xenos technology doesn't possess a machine spirit and that in Votann lore there is no mention of machine spirits. I wonder if the men of iron gained machine spirits somehow and that caused the conflict or at least had a role to play?


Great topic! Hope the repairs are going well!


My pet theory is that the the Men of Iron weren't actually corrupted by Chaos, but it's prognostics system foresaw that it would start irrevocably taint humanity and in it's is was trying to cothorize the infection as it were.


12:00 probably the coolest emperor art I’ve seen


i was desperately looking for something to listen to while cooking/eating. thank you Wes


The men of stone are the Kin, the squats, the leagues of votan
