Adeptus Mechanicus DEEP DIVE. The Flesh Is Weak | Warhammer 40K Lore

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Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
1:45 Into The AM
3:17 What is The Adeptus Mechanicus
10:18 Servitors
13:37 Forge Worlds
18:11 Early History Of The Mechanicus
22:37 Worship of Machines
31:24 16 Universal Truths
35:56 Exploratory Fleets. Quest For Knowledge
39:21 Storm of Iron. The Cult's Secrets
44:00 Tech Priests
53:51 The Magi
58:27 Tech Priest Dominus
1:00:48 Knights Brief History
1:02:31 Who Are The Skitarii?
1:07:45 Skitarii Vanguard
1:09:04 Dune Crawlers
1:10:55 Skitarii Rangers
1:12:28 Sicarian Rust Stalkers / Infiltrators
1:17:01 Iron Striders. Ballistari & Dragoons
1:21:32 Syrberys Corps
1:23:03 Pteraxii
1:24:10 Electro Priests
1:30:21 Legio Cybernetica
1:34:00 Kastelan Robots
1:37:18 Final Thoughts

*Warhammer 40,000 is an IP owned by Games Workshop. All assets contained within this video are property of their respective owners. The video is made for educational purposes only and is protected under fair use.
Opinions stated in the video belong solely to Weshammer and Lore forge LLC. and are in no way shape or form reflective of those held by Games Workshop. Weshammer and Lore forge LLC are not associated with Games Workshop.
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You know its deadly serious when Wes casually uploads almost a 2 hour video


Your analogy with chemistry was actually better than you thought, since it was spot-on: as you said, they understand the process (in a very direct fashion) but lack understanding behind said processes and so, they assign supernatural qualities to it. What they do to science is like what alchemy is to chemistry.


Props for rewriting and editing the lexicanum sources so that they're not a slog. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it as a lore source, but even as an avid lore reader, I REALLY appreciate the presentation and digestibility of this format. It's also great to hear asides from someone so obviously passionate about the setting.

You and Luetin09 are my top 2 guys for this stuff. You're like an impassioned remembrancer, he's like a tired but wise Librarian. Da ying and da yang, just like gork n' mork.


Every day I feel more like a tech priest. (I fix things, I don’t know how, I refuse to improve the things I fix, and most of my repairs involve prayers, strange religious like rituals, and incantations)


The whole idea behind the Mechanicum is simply brilliant. A faction of technology priests, tech development coming from the past through archeology whereas science itself is seen as heresy. Going backwards is the way forwards, and going forwards is punishable by death. Men who worship a robot god but abhor actual robots, yet they themselves do their best to become as much of a robot as possible. And their aesthetics is just on another level! Forge worlds are the epithome of sci-fi horror in my opinion. The guy who first thought of them definitely deserved the raise he got.


100 minutes? Wes is putting Luetin on blast! 😂


I personally loved this passage of when the Emperor visited Mars for the first time; the tech-priests and others reaction to the arrival of the Omnissiah:

“A silhouette moved within the light, tall and powerful, glorious and magnificent. The light seemed to move with him and as Verticorda watched the figure descend the ramp, a shadow fell across the surface of the plain on which the craft had landed. Though he was loath to tear his gaze from the magnificent figure…light from the storm-wracked skies faded until the only illumination came from the figure as he stepped onto Martian soil for the first time.

Verticorda felt the collective gasp from the thousands of spectators in his bones, as though the very planet shuddered with pleasure to know this individual’s touch. He looked back down and saw the warrior standing before him, tall and clad in golden armour, each plate wrought with the same skill and love as had been lavished upon his vessel.

The warrior wore no helm and was fitted with no visible breathing augmetics, yet seemed untroubled by the chemical-laden air of Mars. Verticorda found his gaze dwelling on the warrior’s face, beautiful and perfect as though able to see beyond the armoured exterior of Ares Lictor and into Verticorda’s soul. In his eyes, his so very ancient eyes, Verticorda saw the wisdom of all the ages and the burden of all the knowledge contained within them.

A crimson mantle flapped in the wind behind the giant warrior and he carried an eagle-topped sceptre clutched in one mighty gauntlet. The golden giant’s eyes scrutinised the blue-armoured form of Verticorda’s mount, from its conical glacis to the aventailed shoulder plates upon which the wheel and lightning bolt symbol of the Knights of Taranis was emblazoned.

The warrior reached out towards him. ‘Your machine is damaged, Taymon Verticorda, ’ he said, his voice heavy and yet musical, like the most perfect sound imaginable. ‘May I?’ Verticorda found himself unable to form a reply, knowing that anything he might say would be trite in the face of such perfection. It didn’t occur to him to wonder how the sublime warrior knew his name. Without waiting for a reply, the warrior reached out, and Verticorda felt his touch upon the joints of Ares Lictor’s knee.

‘Machine, heal thyself, ’ said the warrior, the purpose and self-belief in his voice passing into Verticorda as though infusing every molecule of his hybrid existence of flesh and steel with new-found purpose and vitality. He felt the warmth of the warrior’s touch through the shell of his mount, and gasped as trembling vibrations spread through its armoured frame of plasteel and ceramite. He took an involuntary step back, feeling the movements of his mount flow as smoothly as ever they had. With one step, he could feel Ares Lictor move as though it had just come off the assembly lines, its stubborn knee joint flexing like new. ‘Who are you?’ he gasped, his voice sounding grating and pathetic next to the mighty timbre of the golden warrior’s voice. ‘I am the Emperor, ’ said the warrior. It was a simple answer, yet the weight of history and the potential of a glorious future were carried in every syllable.

Knowing he would never again hear words spoken with such meaning, Verticorda and Ares Lictor dropped to one knee, performing the manoeuvre with a grace that would have been impossible before the Emperor’s touch. In that moment, Taymon Verticorda knew the truth of the being standing before him. ‘Welcome to Mars, my lord, ’ he said. ‘All praise to the Omnissiah.’”

So there you have it. I can only apologise for the many paragraphs, but it gives you an idea at how GODLY the Big E appears to the people of Mars.


I gotta say, I never played Warhammer, any table top game or video game from this franchise, but just the lore and the delivery that WeHammer puts in his videos is enough to keep me watching everytime some new deep dive comes out.
Great work !


I got a bit misty-eyed at the end with "the mechanicus is ultimately a slave to its own humanity." Wes executed that binharic cant perfectly.


I like how trazyn put it.
"I was dragged in chains through bio transference. You i think willfully traded away your humanity".

Coming from an alien that line hits hard.


Also Its ironic that Adeptus Mechanicus often deliberately ignoring the Whole 'Remember No AI' rule throughout the Imperium


The Omnissiah approves of this and blesses your work. The Adeptus Mechanicus is pleased. May thier cogitators overflow with human joy...


I find it hilarious that machines can have spirits but can't have AI.


I love this long-form content, I was never a bigfan of your short-form stuff, its great to see you progress both with consistency and cohesiveness. Keep it up 👍


I have no idea how much work did you put into a nearly 2 hour long video. But the quality is on point as always. I love video-essays so your deep dives are a huge treat! ❤


Ad Mech is my first army, having recently gotten into the game. I thought they looked cool, and the concept was up my alley. Your video has convinced me I made the absolute right choice. Well done!


There are two things that got me into the Warhammer 40K franchise; the Death Korp of Krieg and the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Thank you so much for this video man. We appreciate your efforts. Could we PLZ have one about the dark mechanicus ?


While I'm still relatively new to all of the info in W40K, the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Dark Mechanicus have to be by far my favourite of all the factions.

Brilliant video Wes, thank you for putting in all the time and effort required to make it such a good time.


This was such a fun time. AdMech are my boys, and if they weren’t so hard to play on the tabletop and hard to paint, they would have been my first army. If you’re still riding high on AdMech knowledge, I’d love to hear you talk about the different major forge worlds. From what I remember, the imperium and Stygies VIII have a very messy relationship, and I’d adore hearing more about them in particular.
