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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu

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Speaker: Ustadh Abu Ibraheem Hussnayn

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Astugfirrulah, may Allah swt protect us from evil


I was possessed. I think maybe the Jin was in love with me because of the horrifying dreams that I can’t go into detail…. It happened for years and years. My health was deteriorating. I couldn’t get married etc. things always popped up. People always asked me in shock why aren’t you married!? I said I don’t know :/ Allahs will.
But now that I found out I was possessed I think my sheik helped me get on track with my life again and I’m always going my Athkar and ask Allah to protect me from
All evil. It was the worst feeling ever! SubhanAllah
I had ruqyah done on me and drank zam zam water etc. it helped me but it took a couple weeks to recover. Im still not ok but Alhamdulillah I always ask for protection from all the evil of this world


*3 important advice of our Prophet(ﷺ)*
Narrated Abu Huraira:
*My friend (the Prophet) advised me to do three things and I shall not leave them till I die, these are: To fast three days every month, to offer the Duha prayer, and to offer witr before sleeping.*

Sahih al-Bukhari (1178)

Three days are 13, 14, and 15th days of Lunar calendar.
The time for Duha prayer is from when the sun has risen to the height of a spear, which is fifteen or twenty minutes after sunrise, until just before the sun passes its zenith (and the zenith is when the time for Zuhr prayer begins). What is meant by just before the sun passes its zenith is ten to fifteen minutes before it reaches the zenith, i.e. before the time when it is forbidden to pray begins.


toba toba May Almighty Allah protect us Ameen


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Shall I not tell you of something which, if some of the misery and distress of this world befalls a man and he recites it, he will be relieved of his stress. It is the du'a of Dhul-Nun: La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu min al-zalimin. (Reported by al-Hakim; Sahih al-Jami', 2605).


Allah please protect us from jinn possession 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I have these scratches for no reason I'm comeback to praying


I used to be kind, jolly and ready to help others but now i am scared, i have fear of unknown. I don't want to socialize because i am not comfortable being around others. When i listen Qur'an i feel difficulty in breathing and fearful shadows come in front of my eyes. I can't close my eyes while listening to Qur'an.


اللهم صلّ وسلم على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين


My personality suddenly got change, a lot of aggression and things that i don't like to do, , , i feel this so much after i wake up from sleep, i dont like use abusive language and anything, and later on i regret, i like to live clean but then suddenly i started to dislike water, i started to fear of water, and things that i like, i lose control over my mind, specially near days of periods, and its all happening from the time i got puberty, sometimes i used to get out on the roof at night during 2 or 3 am, and no one understanding me and thinking i am bad and all when i dont like any bad studd or things.sometimes, reading quran become so difficult, i got faint, sometime, i started to do dance, and i hate all but i lose control during women senstive days, , ,


Assalamu Alaikum
If possessed by jinn what should be the remedy. You don't feel praying, reading Quran then what one can do...


Whenever I do Dhikr and pray . My heart races with anxiety and I feel that something is coming inside out of me I feel like screaming and my eyes get wet and I feel like vomit ? Idk why this happens 😔


Mostly jinns on earth will die, because creation of the heavens of the earth.


I know a non Muslim who absolutely hates when the adhan goes on our when the Quran is being played. And she hates the words Bismillah, Alhamdulillor any words of praise to Allah. What can I do to help her?


I have sudden change in my personality i am such an softie and speak not loud suddenly i have this anger. Also they come and go what to do now?


i helped holding on a friend's hand once when she was possessed. after that my hands became stiff and i couldnt grip them. then my possessed friend suggested me to go see this one woman that she has been seeing to help her in her recovery. so i went because of some other factors that convinced me. then long story short after i went to do ruqya w that woman, my feets' fingers have ever since then keep twitching. it was only on my feets at first but then it started gradually twitching on my other body parts like hands, thighs, chin, mouth, eyes and etc. this has been going on for almost 6 months now. im kinda worried for myself because my friend who was possessed used to have her hands twitching by itself before she got possessed. i went to do ruqya with an official ruqya team after that because i dont trust the woman and i got better only temporarily. my body parts are still twitching from time to time, are these signs of jinns going in/out of my body? i dont feel scared when i listen to quran recitation or adzan though.


May Allah protect us from evil, Jin’s and the shaytan 🤲


Every time I listen to the Quran and fall asleep I get terrible nightmares, without fail, what does this mean ?


I am curious about a certain situation. My sister is Christian and is communicating with something that she thinks is Jesus/God (Astagfirullah). This spirit speaks good things through her, and she speaks very well her self. She has a youtube and speaks to many on there. However, she's been a hypocrite in speaking to other people and not us, her family members. Her daughter has been isolated from us recently, and on her birthday as well. We did not do anything to deserve that reaction. Yet she speaks as someone who is promoting positivity. One day, another sister of mine was debating with her saying things like "I can't be Christian because to say that Jesus is God, is like watering down God". After she said that, my Christian sister got into a possessed state and said, "Don't doubt me my daughter, have faith in me". And right after this she said to me "Danny, you are in the right path. You are good". My other sister and I started asking her if this spirit gave her a name and she couldn't answer. And as far as what it said about me, how can this Christian 'holy spirit' tell me that I'm on the right path? Maybe the spirit knew not to risk a debate with me. Can jinn lie and make things seem good when they are not?


Except of all the signs I have a couple of things which is from the signs for example sitting in the bathroom for hour's, sleeping late in the night and living in un hygienic way... Do i possessed with Jin ??
