FM24 Player Roles: Part 7 - Attacking Midfielder roles and combinations (AM, AP, SS, Treq, Enganche)

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Tactics in Football Manager 2024 is built around player roles, and this is the 7th in a series of videos explaining the different roles that you could choose for your players as you deploy them on the pitch. This one looks at your attacking midfielders, featuring the enganche, trequartista, shadow striker, attacking midfielder and advanced playmaker, and how you can combine them with other positions and roles to create the tactic you want to see on the field!

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these are the best in depth videos i have seen, so well explained.


This is the only video that has ever explained AP, AMC, SS, T and E prefectly. I just subscribed!! you doing great bro.


Finally figured why I couldn't get consistent results with other AMC formations, yet I did great with the AMC on attack. It's the wings. It's odd, because forwards have no restrictions to how they combine with wingers based on whether they stay wide or not, the AMC does. The AMC on support links up better with inverting wingers, the one on attack is better off with ones that stay wide. The type of forward in front doesn't matter nearly as much. All of them work to a different degree.
* Both AMC types ended up doing better with wings on support. The AMC on Support had much better success with forwards that move into channels. Either can play with wide and inverting wingers, but they're not equally as good with both.
Enganche probably confuses people as being a bad, outdated role that gets marked out of the game. I spent some time playing him. We're winning games and he's getting those key passes in. It's just that because he holds position like a Target Man or Poacher he gets used as a decoy by the other players most of the time. He contributes by existing. He doesn't have to get the ball a lot despite being the best creator in the team. He has to make the most out of the few times he does.


I love your videos man, makes me happy to see you uploaded


1:25 Enganche (static playmaker)
9:24 Advanced Playmaker (playmaker with more freedom to create for others; playmaker)
11:38 Attacking Midfielder Support (Similar to AP, but NO playmaker)
12:54 Attacking Midfielder Attack (Goalscorer; very customizable role)
20:54 Shadow Striker (More rigid/limited version of the AM[AT])
27:10 Trequartista (Like AP, but almost no defence unless you have player with high work rate)


A few things to be addressed in this video. Otherwise, good video.

1. Am (a) + AF (a) is actually the most lethal combination in FM rn. It has been found that overloading the box is a lot more important than occupying different spaces. In fact, you would want to overcrowd the box as much as you can with roles like IF, AM (a) and SS(a) to some extent.

2. A support striker is not a really good fit for the SS (a). I know this is counter intuitive, but, the best role for a striker to be alongside the SS is AF (a). Why? Most supportive strikers are "ball magnets, " similarly to playmaker roles. These roles are extremely unfavorable in the current meta.

3. "Take more risks" is the most important instruction regardless of the combination around the no10 position. It's been tested multiple times that this instruction is simply a must and removing it harms the tactic.

Again, good video mate. Keep up the good work.


This channel is pure gold. Changed the way i play the game.


Love your videos! A cool video idea that might be fun to see would be if you took a struggling IRL clubs like man united and do a walk through video of how you would set up their starting 11 and tactics :)


Thanks for your great videos! Love it!
Just one minor thing: it hurts a little every time you say "enganche". This is not a French word. Try to pronounce it like "ann-gun-che". (Better yet, google "enganche pronunciation" and hear a Spanish speaker say it).


I like your videos, but please learn how to pronounce Enganche. It’s a Spanish word, not a French one. It’s pronounced very straightforward, the ending is like in Che Guevara.


You have succesfully ignited my tactical flame🤝


VOL interferes so much to AM’s movements thanks to the positional play. The reason why your AM is usually on the left side was not because of his player instructions. He was constantly moving towards to the left because your right sided DM was forcing him to do Lol. I wish we had a chance to turn on and off the positional play.


I'm trying to create a tactic which has a 442 type formation which then transforms into a 343 diamond midfield structure in possession, just can't figure out how to exactly get my second striker to act as the cam in the diamond though


Thank you for the videos, always helpful.


Hey man, I love your videos, really. I understand a lot more about the game right now. Always have been struggling to create my tactics ( i have like 1 year of playing FM), but now i have more awareness about the tactics and all of the things that happens in the game.
Have a great week
(sorry if my english isn't great)


Avg, in FM the Raumdeuter is a flank-exclusive role, so how would I get an AM to replicate that playstyle?


The AMA works fine with Poacher/Target Man on Attack. They don't get in each other's way. The AMA will move between the lines, dribble through the halfspaces, or go all the way to the corners to cross. Those strikers don't move between the lines and don't move with the ball, so this situation where the AMS plays a one-two throughball to them is an extreme rarity and they will occupy the same vertical channel the majority of the game. Without an AMA there is no central second box threat, unless another midfielder below is set on attack.

The Enganche is bit weird to use. He operates a bit like the target man - sits holding position in a danger zone while the inverted wingers run past him. He doesn't get as many touches from what I tested as a normal AMC on support because he gets used as a decoy most of the time. A bit like what happens with the Poacher. He sits and waits for his moments. He is not going to press much and modern top level teams press high and intense. His marking is also low effort and the opposition DM won't be sweating much. When the ball gets cleared upfield on the counter he's almost never going to beat the DM to it. He doesn't tackle, AMS does. The runs made by the players around him will free him from his marker the same way an AF drags CBs away from the Target Forward. An AF above attacking the channels and a CM on attack below make it so the only way he gets "marked out of he game" is if they have incredible close man marking. The last time someone tried to tight man mark like that they lost 7-0 to Liverpool. When an attacker makes a run through a zone occupied by a teammate it becomes an attacking overload as one defender can't track both consistently and they have no time to think should they stay put, or risk messing up the shape when a teammate also leaves their shared zone's marker to stop the runner. Modern football didn't solve central high pivots out of the game, defensive responsibility did.

A Target Man on attack is still a supporting striker in the engine. They still drop down, but from higher. They still look to create more than score. What happens with a Target Man on Attack and a Shadow Striker below is they don't start in the same area. Both will and should get in the box. The outcome of a Shadow Striker/AMA paired with a striker on support is that they do the same thing they would if the striker was set on attack, but the attacking midfield is squished tightly and the attacking midfielder can't dribble. That Target Man on attack keeps the pocket of space for the SS to exploit by threatening the backline. DLF on attack will also drop down, but from higher, and when he dribbles and attacks channels, it will be primarily in positions to create rather than score.


So well explain.
Shorter will be better.
BTW. What means about tempo in the FM and when to tweak it in the game?


What role would be best for someone who has good dribbling but i want to act as peppering passes between the forward.


Another great video, thanks for the variety with the Bruno example 😂❤
