'This Does Not Make Sense!' - Single Women Own 2.64 Million More Homes Than Single Men

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In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Roger Stone, Vincent Oshana and Kai Lode react to single women owning 2.64 million more homes than single men.

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As a realtor I actually know the answer to this. Most of the women that I closed with are single and college educated mothers. They are more serious about buying a home in general. About 90% of single people (male or female) don't take buying a home Seriously, at least the ones I've prospected. Another thing is women are looking for security then males. Most male take on more risk of starting a business (for example) that may fail causing financial setbacks in contrast more females go to college looking for a more SECURE financial route. Even guys who do have money still don't buy houses generally (Sos and Vinny) unless it's investment properties and in that case they generally buy in bulk.


It’s not all single mothers or divorcees who own homes. Plenty of women who’ve never been married own their homes. We really should do a poll.


Men buy homes for a family. Women buy homes as a status symbol.


lol they’re spooked by women dominating home ownership in THREE STATES. 😂😂 Are they expecting men to dominate home ownership in 50/50 states?


I can not give a why but I know that owning a home is a part of the game for most women
I deal with some first time homebuyers and a majority are single women or couples where the women are dragging the man along
If I had to give a why, I would say a majority of women have a higher standard of comfort
The highest standard of comfort where you live is owning and customizing a home


Women prioritize stability and are working on getting it themselves instead of waiting.


It makes perfect sense. A lot of “men” are really boys who refuse to grow up. Wasting their time smoking it up, playing video games, drinking, or hoping to make it “big” with music or YouTube - chasing pipe dreams instead of working towards a more realistic profession.

My female high school friends all have stable employment, most with college degrees.
My guy friends? Quite a few never graduated. A few went to college. About half are lost to drugs and video games, no real career goals. I wonder what they will do when their parents die.


Owning a house shouldnt be a competition, be happy for all of them.


1. Divorce, Alimony and Child Support
2. Young men are not incentivized to purchase homes anymore with the marriage rates declining
3. The difference will increase as more American men start traveling abroad to start families.


Personally I know young women with no children about 22-25 age group working in medical doing 16 hours a work day. I know men in same group having multiple children and hardly working.


Women tend to value buying homes more than men.. it’s always been like this. We men tend to not take it as serious unless we have a family and are married.


Its quite simple. Single women with no kids save more, have higher credit score or simply value stability more so than their male peers. So they prioritize buying homes more so than their peers. In the the states that were discussed (LA, NC, etc) it isn't that expensive to buy homes. So if you have a normal job and simply getting your financial house in order, its very possible for most working age adults to purchase a home. It isn't that complicated.


It makes perfect sense honestly. When you take into account who gets the house after a divorce. After alimony, child support and so forth a lot of men can’t afford homes. Men are also more practical, where women are more willing to get into debt


Single moms are going to get all types of assistance in terms of child support, sugar daddies, real daddies, family, and step fathers. Not to mention all of the programs the government offers then when you compare that to men who are expected to be closer 100% independent these numbers make sense.


I love watching all these men sitting scratching their heads confused by the fact that women (a “lesser” sex) could possibly make better decisions than men. Women think about savings more. It’s always been that way. It just wasn’t obvious when women needed marriage for financial security. Maybe add a woman to the panel so it’s not just men trying to figure out how women operate. All the best financial decisions I’ve made like purchasing a condo by myself in my 20s and building a house by myself in my 30s were directly influenced and encouraged by my mother! Who also purchased numerous apartments and paid off her and my dad’s primary home long before they retired. Not getting married will hurt more men than women in the long run.


Let’s see the statistics after having to spend money on the upkeep of the house, it’s not cheap.


I've worked with women who are in their mid to late 20's, with multiple kids no husband, who make no more than $20/hr and still all somehow are living in nice houses


It does make sense when you consider "Single divorced women" who are able to purchase homes based on divorcing their husbands and courts making husbands pay for ex wifes house, just like mine did/does. She also makes way more money than I do.


Patrick is too BluPiled. Many vvomen get child support. That $ can go toward a home. And the stats about vvomen earning less includes vvomen who are married and only working part time.


When I went on YouTube to do some research on home buying I barely saw any videos from men unless they were real estate agents, it was all women talking about the process of buying their homes.
I think women get out of school and their first investment is usually a home so that makes sense. Personally I’m renting, got out of debt, investing in the stock market, and just now looking to buy then I get hit with the now is not the right time to buy because interest rate, high prices, and unstable economy.
