How Music Changed My Life ♬ | New Age Creators

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Music has always been a huge part of my life. From concerts with my dad, and listening to vinyl records, to summers spent at band camp, I truly am a music nerd ;) And I wholeheartedly believe in the power that music has to change people's lives. It has been scientifically proven that music can help reduce stress levels and heal people with speech impairments. Music can inspire, uplift, and make this world a better place. How has music made your life better?

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Music means the world to me. I know people always say that but to be honest I really cannot imagine what my world would be like without it. As a singer and a dancer, I simply cannot get rid of the constant wish of singing and dancing around my house. Wherever I go, I'll always sing to myself whenever I have the chance, I'll at least tap with my feet to the beat I hear from a speaker far away. My ears are so very sensitive to hearing music that I can hear and recognise a song playing far, far away, just by hearing its beat. Music is my shelter I hide in whenever the world around me is too stressful, negative or when problems get too big to handle. It's what cheers me up when I need a smile and what gives me inspiration to do things I love doing. There's so much more I could list about it, but all in all, music truly means a lot of me and is surely a part of me. I would not be who I am today without music in my life 😊💙🎶


I went from severe social anxiety to being band president. To put that in perspective I was having multiple panic attacks in school, I stuttered all the time, and I had never started a conversation with anyone (the friends I had were really outgoing and pushed to be my friends). As band president, I was making speeches, networking with other leadership teams, talking to adults, dealing with conflicts, and being a ms. Social butterfly. I was really proud of that change and made sure any freshman that said something along the lines of "I wish I was as confident as you" knew


This is so amazing, I can't believe you've marched DCI!! I've been around drum corps all of my life. It's how my grandparents and my parents met. My family and I have marched with so many different corps and I have met so many people through this amazing organization. I would love to talk sometime about the corps you've marched with and experiences you've had throughout 😊


Ever since you shared you moved to London to be a better filmmaker and MUSICIAN I've been wanting you to share about that Orin, so thanks for finally taking us into your musical world. Music has truly made me a better person and has taught me a lot of important things.


I don't play any instruments (tried piano, didn't work out) but music has been such an important part of my life. Listening to music and singing out loud instantly makes my day better and I feel way happier for the rest of the day. I don't know how that works but I bet it has to do with science.


Just want to share. It was not intentional for me to study Music. My dad insisted and I was there for almost a year before I changed my program to Advertising Arts. I did learn a lot from studying music and I believe it made me become a better person. I never thought that music can be a huge part of me. It became my escape and my source of joy. Thanks to music I was able to meet the friends I treasure right now as well.

Thanks for sharing this Orin and it would be nice to see a video of you playing the snare drums! :D


Did anyone else get excited to see another new age creators video pop up in there subscriptions box?


Great vid. My dad was a band director over 50 years (now retired) - yes, 50. I started on piano as a little kid, then played the bassoon in band and orchestra through high school; I wish I had continued. Now I just listen to music but that gave me a great foundation. We used to watch the DCI competitions on PBS when I was a kid.


My life is music so I understand you. I play several instruments and violin in a professional way. However, from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I'm singing or dancing or listening to music... People say I'm a happy person but what I am is actually a music lover!


Music has gotten me through some of the toughest times of my life and this video puts it into words just how powerful music is


This is such a great video Orin! I love that both listening to music, and being apart of music can be such life changing experiences. I was in orchestra throughout my middle school and high school years, and I loved every second of it. From night rehearsals, to rejected songs, to performance changes; we have all stuck together and when you're finally playing together, there's a rush that, I think only music can bring you.


"Yes we have band camps, and no they are not like the American Pie ones" SO


Yeah band!!! I am from SC and was in marching band! I cannot agree more with this video!!! Marching band was the best part of my high school experience! It taught me discipline, teamwork, persistence, how to deal with disappointment, and I developed friends that will last a life time. I'm 31 and my HS band friends are still my best friends even though we live in different parts of the country. Band is awesome! :-)


I relate to the part about bonding so much— I don't even know what my music taste would be without my dad. Love thissss


Music helped me with my anxiety A LOT. One year ago, i was in a camp and i was supossed to go with one of my bestfriends, but i wasn't sure at the beginning If i would go, but i heard she was going, So i said yes. When i told her, she Said that she wasn't going anymore, and i was SO SAD. I went anyway and i met some people that are some of my favourite people in this WORLD! A girl started talking to me and she introdused me to her friends. I was 24/7 with them and, in that camp, i moved in their room, because i was with some kids that were SO LOUD, i started crying because i couldn't sleep, so i moved the Next day in their room. I was SO EXCITED i couldn't believe it. I still talk to them, but they live in another part of the country, so i talk with them on the phone. At the begining of the summer, a girl stoped by when she was going with her parents somewhere, and we were so happy we huged in the middle of the street and started crying. When i get home i will visit ALL OF THEM, and i can't wait to see them OMG!


My new favourite video about my favourite thing, music's made my life better in every way from friends to experiences and opportunities (like going to Madrid on tour in 3 days omg)


Can't believe you marched Carolina Crown! They're incredible. You must have great skill.


I feel the exact same way. Marching band changed my life I can socialize better and I meet all these great people. There are more reasons of course but these are just a few


Beautiful vid as always, Orin x
Music has been like a scrapbook for my life. So often when I hear a certain song, I'm reminded of the time that I listened to it over and over during that summer or that trip.


Music is so powerful ! Music has always been a huge part of my life and always will be. It's so cool that you're really into music too. I've always believed that music & filmmaking and other things like writing and drawing go hand in hand and I think you are proof that this is true ;) another great video <333
