Definition: Russell's paradox

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Russell's paradox is a standard way to show naïve set theory is flawed.
Naïve set theory uses the comprehension principle. This states that 'given any property there exists a set containing all objects that have that property'.
Russell's paradox demonstrates the looseness of this definition leads to a contradiction.
Consider the set defined by the property:
'The set of all sets which don't contain themselves.'
You will see in the video that this leads to a contradiction.
Naïve set theory uses the comprehension principle. This states that 'given any property there exists a set containing all objects that have that property'.
Russell's paradox demonstrates the looseness of this definition leads to a contradiction.
Consider the set defined by the property:
'The set of all sets which don't contain themselves.'
You will see in the video that this leads to a contradiction.
Definition: Russell's paradox
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Mathematics - Russell's Paradox
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Russell's Paradox
Discrete Mathematical Structures, Lecture 2.9: Russell's paradox and the halting problem
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Sets, Classes, and Russell's Paradox (Axiomatic Set Theory)
Das Russell'sche Paradox (TU Berlin)
Set Theory - Russell's Paradox: Oxford Mathematics 3rd Year Student Lecture
Bertrand Russell, Set Theory and Russell's Paradox - Professor Tony Mann
1.11.9 Russell's Paradox: Video
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Example: Russell's Paradox
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