Bay Parking ‘RECAP’ - Forward & Reverse (45 & 90 degree methods)

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A summary RECAP refresher on forward & reverse bay parking (both 45 degree ‘turn-away’ & 90 degree ‘3 bay line’ methods) for people who have already received in-car coaching on these techniques and are familiar with reference points.

We refer to the DL25 notes for guidance on what the DVSA Examiners will be looking for on Driving Test Day. We then explore the techniques both in-car and with ‘static briefings’ using toy cars to illustrate the process; taking guidance from both the DVSA’s ‘Driving - Essential Skills’ text and Roadcraft.

Time codes: Forward (90): 2m
Reverse (90): 8m50s
Reverse (45) :17m

Turning Circle: 28m56s & 33m08s
Reverse (non-test): 31m15s
Doughnuts 🍩 : 34m25s

*IMPORTANT: remove the key from the Ignition if you or your Accompanying Driver are referring to these videos in-car.

*For a DVSA Driving ‘L-Test’ the Reverse Bay Park would be done in the car park of the Test Centre. So it’s worth having a look at the layout of your local centre’s car park; you are unlikely to be able to practice at the test centre, so find another car park which best replicates its layout to ‘rehearse’ test day to minimise the effects of any test nerves. You will obviously need to practice your parking techniques in other car park layouts too! Remember that multi-storey car parks may have tight turns and narrow ramps, so take an experienced friend with you before progressing to explore these car parks.

For safety while filming this video I picked a very quiet area of the car park, but you will need to be confident in parking amongst the normal hustle-&-bustle of a busy retail car park.

My curated selection of videos freely shared by other ADIs demonstrating their approach to Bay Parking, & other Test Manoeuvres:

As long as the Test/Safety Criteria are met, the Examiner won’t be prescriptive on which technique you chose to use.

1-in-3 Tests candidates will be selected, at random, to demonstrate.

* Parking Lessons are attractive business to an ADI, they use very little fuel and don’t put many miles on the training car. However, once you have established the fundamental techniques/references, slow speed car control & safety critical observations, Parking is something you can practice very effectively & safely in your own car with your Accompanying Driver. Just find a quiet car park, out of hours, and repeat, repeat, repeat, until you instinctively know which way to turn the steering wheel when reverse manoeuvring.

If you are balancing a limited training budget with an ADI then I would certainly recommend spending some of that time/budget on Rural Roads training rather than seeking millimetre precise parking ‘perfection’. Statistically, Rural Roads are where many new drivers come unstuck! Or take a Motorway lesson as this is an area your Accompanying Driver cannot legally give you experience on your Provisional License but an ADI can.

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* From 9th May 2022 DVSA Examiners can use non-DVSA car parks for the Reverse Bay Park manoeuvre, as well as for Forward Bay parks.
