Growing Crystals And Making a Mirror with Gallium.

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Greetings all. Today I'll talk to you about one unusual element - gallium. Gallium is a fusible metal which is in the Group 3 of elements of the Periodic System.
This metal was discovered by a German scientist and was named in honor of France, and more precisely, its Latin name which is Gaul.
Let's examine some of the properties of the metal. For this I’ll put a few beads of gallium on my hand. The melting point of gallium is 29.8 degrees Celsius.
Since the human body temperature is 36.6 degrees, the gallium will just melt right in my hand. However, melting does not occur immediately as gallium previously was at the room temperature.
I’m trying as hard as possible to press the pieces of gallium into the hand, so they would melt faster. After some time gallium does melt and we finally see a very beautiful phenomenon - the liquid metal directly in our hands!
To melt the remaining gallium beads I pour them into the hot water. Gallium simply melts faster in there.
Molten gallium can be poured into a syringe for easy transportation and carrying out experiments. I’m trying to release as much gallium as possible into my hand from the syringe.
It’s a very strange feeling when you hold the liquid metal in your hand. And unlike mercury gallium is not toxic. However, gallium does have one big disadvantage, it is just very dirty.
Since gallium has a low surface tension it moistens many surfaces. If you put a drop of gallium in the glass jar and shake it, you can get a beautiful gallium mirror.
Also, gallium may create a supersaturated solution. Or to simply put it, it often does not harden when cooled down below 30 degrees.
This property can be used for growing crystals of gallium. To do this, I have cooled down gallium to the room temperature. Next I’m throwing a piece of solid gallium into the liquid one and waiting about 10 minutes.
After that the metal turns into a small crystal. I've made a few of these. As you can see, they are all very beautiful.
Also, if you dip such crystal in warm water, it is possible to hear a so-called "singing metal."
With the rapid melting of gallium crystals its structure collapses and instead we get a sound.
Gallium is now mainly used in electronics. LEDs and semiconductors are made based on it. The compounds of gallium can now be find inside of any mobile phone.
Рекомендации по теме

Would be a great (but potentially expensive) prank to gift a utensil set made out of gallium, so it would melt in the peoples' hands.


Thanks, Thoisoi2. That singing metal is amazing; I'm tempted to try this just to hear it.


It's like a SAFE MERCURY!!! Liquid mirror!!! so cute!!!


Hello. I really love your videos. But this time, I think I have to correct you. I am German and you say it was discovered by a German scientist. But from what I read, it was predicted first by a Russian scientist Dmitri Iwanowitsch Mendelejew in 1871. And in 1875 it was produced as pure element by French chemist Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Although I am German and thank you for the credits, I think you are wrong. Please correct me, if my research was wrong. Greetings from a German in China


Great video! I've got a video on Gallium too but you growing crystals is very nice.


Originally, gallium was to be use in Hubble telescope but having to keep a motor running to form the dome mirror, a foil was developed. As we all know the telescope was out of focus in an error to stretch the foil according to specifications. Later added the scopes to correct it. The motor running do not depend on solar or batteries. In a system of induction and dedicated magnetic fields, our company is perfectly capable to provide the better satellite service. SchererFoundation(r)2018


When you first pulled a gallium crystal out of the liquid it blew my mind, I was not expecting that!


thank you so much for this video Borat


If you get the gallium all over the bottle, how do you get all of the gallium back out?


Galium is pretty cool!!!! I might go out and get some


On behalf of T-1000's everywhere, thank you for this video, lol


ive always been fascinated with Gemmumum.


If you make a sculpture out of gallium, and the temperature is 30+ deg Celsius, like it gets normally in the Caribbean where I am writing from.. will the sculpture just melt when the temperature gets hot? Many thanks


bro that was so cool Im so interested thank you for that video I will subscribe


reminds me the bad cop in Terminator 2, Nice.


....Why keep in your bare hands?
*"H314: Causes severe burns and eye damage."*


nice video. some people used gallium to replicate house keys


This is so cool!!! Can Gallium be purchased?


You put the polish on your finish crystals ?


just bought 100 grams for 57$... can't wait to get it and how did you make it into those bead shapes at the beginning??
