The Cornerstone: There is Salvation in No One Else

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Dr. Brant Pitre discusses Peter and John's encounter with the Sanhedrin. Peter proclaims Jesus to be the "cornerstone" and that "there is salvation in no one else." This was taken from the Mass Readings Explained. Subscribers can find the full video here:

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Commons Images used:

Nicolas Poussin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Paolo Veronese / Public domain

José de Madrazo y Agudo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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Listening to Brant Pitre has convinced me that the Catholic lectionary should be expanded.


Thank Dr Brant, I am enriched because of your teaching and now I am not longer a lukewarm Christian


The mercy of God the Lord Almighty Jesus and our Holy Spirit One will take the wheat and burn away the chaff.


Thank you Dr. Brant pietre. I love your content.


My teenage kids have accepted that no matter what religion they follow, Jesus Christ is at the apex, The Alpha and Omega and everything else in between. Every grace, every breath, every joy, comes from the I AM. ✝️🇮🇪☘💚


Really hard to Grasp for other people out there... Hopefully they will find Christ. As he is the only one that Claims such powerful and beautiful AUTHORITY... I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE 🙏🏻👍🏻


The reading has been beautifully simplified. Thank you Dr. Brant Pitre. God bless us all


Brant, God Bless & Protect You & Your Family, Please Continue To Courageously Teach TRUTH As You Do In The Power Of The Holy Spirit, As A River Of Living Water. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Praying Daily For You & Yours!


A superb explanation of the Holy scriptures. Thank you for sharing. Praise Almighty GOD


Bless be you among gentiles for bringing us the divine truth!


This Message Pierces Through The Blackest Darkness & Illuminates The Entire Cosmos Brighter Than The Brightest Sun In All The Expanse Of Multiverses!


By which we MAY be saved?
It is.... By which we MUST be saved.
There is an urgency to the gospel message of salvation!


I think Peter spoke his bold message in the context of Judeo-Christianity, where people expect one Messiah who is the only savior of all mankind and I absolutely agree with it.

On the other side, I cannot disagree with my brethern who do not care if our Lord Jesus is messiah. They have other contexts on their mind. They don't think that a messiah is required for salvation. In their view salvation is achieved with a pure mind and a graceful life.

Well, that's what we Christian would face were we to live as a minority in a country.

Yet they are my brethern, who I should love as Jesus loves them.


Opra felt push back from her own audience when she practicing New Age said, “There are many paths to Heaven, and Jesus Christ is not the only path to GOD.” Women in her own audience was furious and yelled at her. Jesus said there is only ONE way to The Father, but through The Son.” There are many paths to destruction, but only one path to paradise.


That in NOT what Fr. Barron told Ben Shapiro.


Th problem is that all those other religions say the same thing, that their way is the only way to salvation.


This makes it sound very simple, but 1) protestants believe this, too (it's sola scriptura); 2) Nostra Aetate says we need "to work honestly for mutual understanding" with adherents of non-Christian religions. Telling them there is salvation in no one else but Christ doesn't sit well with them- you're telling them they're wrong.


Relativism is satanic. Jesus is the One who resolves all paradoxes in philosophy and life. If something seems to contradict itself, it is ultimately resolved by Jesus. Sometimes I will have these discussions about relativism and people will tell me that there is no truth. That's when I tell them that Jesus is the Truth with a capital T. It's hard to explain to people what that means, because for non-believers that just sounds stupid, but it is the most concise way in which I can explain the argument. Yes, everybody has their own view on life and the world, but there is one force that binds us all together, and that's Jesus. Satan wants to drive us apart and scatter us like mice, but Jesus gathers His flock.


I am the way the truth and the life no one can come to the Father except through me
That straight from the Bible Ii was a Devoted practice Catholic for 53 and we have all been our doctrine is that are other ways for Salvation it totally unblicall wrong it only through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Amen


Jesus is the ransom which paid off Adam's sin's penalty. It is natural that we accept that ransom if we want to live on earth without the need to die (John 3:16).
Jesus is naturally the only WAY. Even the dead who will be resurrected will have to learn about Jesus' ransom and accept it to continue living on earth.
