The Legend of Duendes: A Latin American Cryptid - Part One: Goblins?

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This is an excerpt from Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - "The Legend of Duendes: A Latin American Cryptid."

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Hi guys, I'm from Argentina. the latin american concept of Duendes is similar to the smurfs. There are different types of Duendes. For instance there is one called "Pombero", it is a little man creature, very intelligent, powerful and bad who is usually seen in the countryside or jungles in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. To avoid problems with the Pombero, some people usually leaves him some cigars (he loves smoking). Obviously this is part of the folkclore but many people in those areas claim that they saw him


Many years ago I lived in Costa Rica. I knew a woman who told me that her grandmother had been snatched by the duendes when she was about 4 years old. Her grandmother was playing hide-and-seek with a group of children. When the game was over, the grandmother had disappeared. The community implemented a large search using tracking dogs. They eventually found the little girl stuck very tightly in a cleft in a rocky mountainside. It took some time to free her. When they got her out, she told the searchers that some little blue people had taken her and stuck her in the hole.


Yes these are real, seen one before.
I've heard so many crazy stories about these duendes. There's also a museum in Mexico based on duendes.


Glad you guys are makin' videos again. Ya the reason I made a Cryptid instrumental Metal album a few years ago


They’ve been stealing socks from my dryer my entire life, damn duendes


"none of the dwarves died"
Thorin, Fili, and Kili: Are our deaths a joke to you?


As Mexican I’m glad you talking about them definitely I grew up seeing them from time to time even my grandparents would see them in Mexico they definitely real.


About time someone covered duendes lol


The video was great. There’s on Noel and that’s what made it the best. Nothing but talent.


David Bowie was not a goblin, he was a magical being that decided to become a goblin king


My in-laws live on tule river in Porterville California, there are gnomes in the area. The Native American store on the reservation nearby sells small statues to keep them away.


I was born in Nayarit, Mexico, grew up in Calif. U.S. Wen I was a baby n Mex, grandma was walkin to tha next door pueblo while carrying me in her arms. Walking through tha woods she passed through a river. After mins walking she was gonna arrive she had a feeling something was wrong. She talked to me, shook me, I wouldn't wake up. She remembered that in that area of tha river (where she passed) ppl see duendes. She walks back-fast as she can- to that spot. She dunks me in tha cold river water, I wouldn't wake up. She slapped me on my behind and shook me, I wouldn't wake up. Tha duendes had took my soul. She started crying, yelling: give me back my baby! Return my baby. After a few mins, I "wake up" crying. Tha duendes had took my soul.


My Mom would curse them out every time she could not find an item she just saw somewhere minutes ago.
All I know about them is that they are mischievous little creatures, with (what I presume) a supernatural ability to move at the speed of light, since I have never seen one when my mom would point-out that they are misbehaving.


Man been a while since i watched a video from you guys loved it before.
Why have you guys stopped doing the videos like you were before roughly close to the begining of your rise? those videos to me my girl and friends was much better it created a huge mystery suspenseful feeling reason why we would got hooked kept coming back every day for new videos and even re watched videos we have seen several times. I miss the good ol days.


Taking my car keys is not "helping" until the flood came. How did it know the next camp site was going to flood?


Duendes been years since I heard that name


Here in Costa Rica, our parents where really afraid when we where in the country side, here the duendes are know for steal kids, there are a ton of stories where kids get lost and are founds miles from they where left before get lost, the leyend says they pinch and bother the kids, even in my close familly we have a relative that supposedly he was abducted by duendes. For erderly people the duendes are very much real, they really really beleave in them.


Duendes are just little people, more like elemenatals and are more compatible with the Irish leprechauns. I’ve heard these legends all my life and are mischievous little people who are usually common around rural areas of Mexico.The elders say that they like candy.


These things sound more like brownies than goblins.


Gandalf the grey- "am i nothing to you?!"
