Biggest Unanswered Questions In Picard Season 2

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Genocidal supermen, the death of immortal aliens, and kinder, gentler cyborg conquerors. The second season of Picard left us with a lot of questions.

#Picard #TVSeries #Season2

Are the Q gone? | 0:00
Kore's destiny | 1:07
Goodbye to Rios | 2:15
Seven in Starfleet | 3:09
Guinan and Picard | 4:22
Renée and the totalitarian timeline | 5:21
Jurati, age 400 | 6:31
The transwarp conduit | 7:49

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What do you hope to see in season 3 of Picard?


I cried when Picard gave Q a big hug. Told him he won’t die alone. Q selflessly sends Picard and party to their timeline. Q is one of my favorite characters.


Thoroughly enjoyed everything so far. Looking forward to the next. :)


I'm in the camp that there are two Borg factions. The Borg we know and the new Borg. For all we know the new Borg kept the old Borg from assimilating Earth for all these years.


Here's hoping the TNG cast makes Picard S3 a beautiful sendoff for a departing era of Trek. Trek doesn't really have a chronological successor cast for a proper passing of the torch like in Generations. The nearest we have is Seven, Elnor, Queen Jurati, and Raffi. But passing the torch to them doesn't make much sense to me.


"The new Borg would be built on cooperation and salvation, not assimilation."
To paraphrase Kurn,
"Their now complete." 😧😧😩😩


the Guinin issue I think can be explained by fragmented timelines that don't merge until they correct the change in the time line. Once corrected both timelines merge and Guinin can actively recall the memories. We can support this with " Yesterdays Enterprise " where Guinin knows time is wrong but cant access the memories that tell her why & how.


I can see Worf Dying in Season 3, To him dying of old age is a great shame. remember the DS9 episodes with the old Klingons?


The trans warp conduit could be species 8472 or I'm betting something even worse. Can't wait for Season 3 with all the cast of TNG coming back. The new Borg is going to be very interesting.


Why didn't she just raise her helmet in the beginning and show Picard who she was? With time anomalies the effect can come after the cause like in the voyager episode. Other than there being no story to tell after that just wondering.


It was wonderful to see Q and 7 of 9 again I liked Rios and elnor. When the Q's fought each other It manifested itself by stars exploding I am wondering if Q really is dying what does that mean for the universe. I was a bit worried when the borg queen infected Agnes but I kind of liked how it turned out in the end .


Here’s how I see why Q is losing his powers…

Spoiler Alert

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Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert

In an episode of Star Trek: Voyager (I don’t remember the name of the episode) they came across a giant crystal in space that contained a life form that turned out to to be a Q.

Q then showed up and told Janeway that Q was trying to commit suicide. They decided to put Q on trial to see if he had the right to do so.

It was was judged that Q didn’t have the right so Q was to be put back in the crystal and left to drift for all eternity.

In the end Q felt bad for Q and brought Q a leaf from far away plants that can kill Q. Q swallows the leaf and dies.

My theory is that when Q brought Q the leaf Q got some of the toxins in his system and it took this long to take full affect on Q.

(that’s how I see it anyway)


Biggest unanswered question “what the hell were they thinking when writing this show!?” It’s been a total disaster thus far. Here’s hoping season three reversed course and is a good farewell


I can’t not even express how excited I am about season 3 and the whole cast coming back!!!!


The main question I know most people have, is why was this season's plot green lit?


This video makes season 2 of Picard sounds far more entertaining and intriguing than I, personally, found it to be.


On the Q: Perhaps Q2 coming into being changed the conditions that allowed the rest of the Continuum to exist in their omnipotent god-like state. Basically, the existence of Q2 introduced entropy to the Continuum.

On Rios: In most of the Star Trek canon, WW3 broke out in 2026 and the fallout, both nuclear and otherwise, formally lasted until 10 years prior to First Contact in 2063. Q described the dystopian societies that formed during this period in his prosecution of humanity in 'Encounter at Farpoint', notably when he played judge in a show courtroom and as a soldier that was controlled by stimulants, actually quite similarly to the Jem'hadar's tetracel-white. Yet knowing this, Rios opted to remain behind with his newfound family. True, Ricardo apparently was instrumental in utilizing a Europan organism to reverse the ecological damage to Earth, but even so...

On Guinan: This situation is probably best explained as a kind of pre-destination paradox or loop. Because the events of Time's Arrow didn't occur in the totalitarian timeline, Picard was never in the past to meet Guinan for the first time. Because of Guinan's awareness of shifts in time, when the timeline was restored, her memories were likely restored as well.

On Soong and the dark future: With the failure of the Europa Mission, Soong likely gained prominence from using the environmental shielding he used for Kore to mitigate the damage to the biosphere, as seen through the planetary shield network. The events of WW3 probably still occurred and a government akin to the Terran Empire likely emerged out of it.

On the Borg: The Borg Cooperative, as opposed to the Collective, I would imagine went to great lengths to stay out of the galactic spotlight, recruiting willing members that would have otherwise perished. After the events of VOY: 'Endgame", the Collective was in disarray, giving Jurati's Cooperative the opening to incorporate the Collective into itself and assert its philosophy. This going forward could result in a large number of xBs (ex-Borg) being reintegrated into their home people and societies, given the choice and being accepted by them, of course.

On the Transwarp Conduit: Perhaps this is an early encounter with Species 10-C?


I hope it's something more akin to the iconians returning, rather than the tentacle artificial intelligence from season 1 that was coming through the porthole


The Transwarp Conduit at the end was Q Dyeing, would be my guess.


The writers includes all these extra plots points thinking that they would have time to explore them all in depth. However we’re only getting one more season instead of the idealistic five. Which means some things are gonna forever remain an enigma.
