What if 2 Billion Muslims Were Praying in the Wrong Direction

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The Sacred City presents compelling evidence that suggests the holy city of Mecca is in the wrong location and that the worlds 1.6 billion Muslims are praying in the direction of the wrong city. Compiling evidence from both historic sources and new technologies point to the correct location in this seismic, revelatory new film. In the film 'The Sacred City' we set out his evidence from within Islamic and ancient histories – while also using modern technologies - to track down the biggest secret of the last fifteen hundred years. Gibson not only finds the location of the original Mecca but also provides a convincing argument as to how such a great misunderstanding in Islamic history came about.

0:00 Challenging the Foundation of Islam as New Archaeological Discoveries Question the Origins of Mecca 🕋

3:37 🕌 The foundation of Islam is being questioned as new archaeological discoveries challenge traditional beliefs about the religion's origins in Mecca.

10:30 🕌 The historical accounts of the foundation of Islam and the city of Mecca are inconsistent with archaeological evidence, leading some historians to believe that the early Islamic records are myths.

20:46 🕌 The original Qibla direction of prayer in Islam is believed to have been towards Jerusalem, but recent research suggests it may have been towards a different direction.

26:55 🕌 During the first 100 years of Islam, all surviving mosques were located in the south of Jordan, facing Petra.

35:48 🕌 The early mosques of Islam faced the ancient city of Petra, which had water, fields, and trees, unlike Mecca.

44:01 🕌 The city of Petra may have been the original holy city of Islam, and not Mecca as traditionally believed.

52:33 🕌 The direction of the Qibla in early Islamic mosques shifted between Petra and Mecca, causing confusion and division among Muslims.

1:00:36 🕌 The direction of the Qibla in early Islamic mosques shifted from Petra to Mecca, causing division and confusion within the Islamic world.

1:09:06 📚 The early history of Islam was influenced by the destruction of books and manuscripts, leading to a literary void that was later filled by the Abbasids with their politically biased version of Islamic history.

1:18:42 🕌 The theory suggests that the city of Petra, not Mecca, was the original holy city of Islam.
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To pray in a specific direction doesn't mean that Allah is in a specific direction. The glorious Qur’an says about Qibla and explains its reality:

And Allah's is the East and the West, therefore, whither you turn, thither is Allah's purpose…1

And in another ayah Allah says:

The East and the West belong only to Allah.2

It means east and west belongs to Allah (and all places are similar for Him).

In fact to pray facing the Qibla is due to that since a person has physical body, while praying he has to face some direction and Islam desires that for the perfection of this worship, he should take as much benefit as possible. The reason to face the holy Ka'ba is, as we all know, the holy Ka'ba is the oldest center of monotheism. It is the house built by the hands of the Pillar of Monotheism, Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and was the center of attention of all the Prophets and guides of Monotheism, which is why turning towards this center of Monotheism means turning towards Allah.

It is correct that Allah is not confined by space, but when a person stands towards such a center, because of many reasons he is nearer to Allah and feels himself in Allah's proximity. The turning of the Muslims of the world towards this holy center five times a day creates the inspiration of oneness and unity and this creates the similarity between the Muslims of the world and connection between them who are spread from East to West and shows their magnanimity and greatness and after all represents to the world the purpose and faith of Islamic teachings.


Сура 17, ая 76:

И се домогваха да напуснеш земята [на Мека], за да те прогонят оттам. Тогава и те щяха да останат само малко след теб.

وَإِن كَادُوا لَيَسْتَفِزُّونَكَ مِنَ الْأَرْضِ لِيُخْرِجُوكَ مِنْهَا ۖ وَإِذًا لَّا يَلْبَثُونَ خِلَافَكَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا


What if 1.6 Billion Harry Potter fans were saying the spells wrong?


The heart of the hearts of Muslims in all parts of the earth, the place of revelation and the site of the Grand Mosque, and its honorable Kaaba, the destination of millions of pilgrims, Umrah performers and visitors, the purest spot on earth. Thank God for the blessing of Islam


They are far too many lies and contradictions in that book. It’s a fictional story obviously


Saya muslim
Kami beribadah menghadap kabah karena sudah diperintahkan allah
Bukan berarti kami umat muslim menyembah kabah
Tapi atas dasar perintah allah
Sama seperti kami mencium batu hajar aswad bukan berarti kami mengkultuskan batu tersebut
Tapi hanya semata mengikuti nabi kami untuk menciumnya
Pahami lah islam secara menyeluruh agar kita dapat memahami secara utuh


استغفر الله العظيم عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد لكلماته. مكه هي بيت الله، اللهم ارزقني زيارة مكة المكرمة اللهم آمين.


Very interesting documentary. What about tawaf and the well of zam zam?


جزء من تشكيك المسلمين بمعتقداتهم ....مكة المكرمة نعرفها ابا عن جد والله سبحانه متكفل بحفظ دينه الحق


Is it such a big deal? No. What matters, is to stay humane, make no harm, be kind. The rest is up to you, what appealing illusion to choose to live in to not lose one's mind in the end of the day ❤


What an amazing documentary. As one has said, No need to face in one direction, God is everywhere and you can speak to god at any time in what ever direction you please. Many thank for this great video.


I'm a parapsychologist, i don't know much about Islamic history.. I visited Petra twice and i can tell you that the observation of Dan Gibson was ridiculous!


"To Allah belong the East and the West: Whithersoever ye turn, there is Allah's countenance(118). For Allah is all-Embracing, all- Knowing."

(Baqara 115)


There’s simple explanation, Prophet prohibits idolizing his name so the early scholars knew that and never made decorations with his name or God’s name, it was much later that ppl believe writings are not idolizing so the writings started


Boy if you want to attract all the trolls all you have to do is put a religious video on YouTube and out they all come!


Black box system's are based upon an "oracle" - in which energy is generated by circular movement around it. Circumnavigation..


والله جنون، يعني التاريخ يحفظ بالتواتر فهذه الأماكن أخذناها أبا عن جد ويأتي لك شخص لا يعرف حتى أن يقرأ كتبنا ويريد إثبات أمر غير موجود لأي مصلحة كانت.
مقطع مسموم وخال من المنطقية تماما وفعلا هو ما يطلق عليه بالهرطقة وقد يكون لهذا لمصالح سياسية.


As a Muslim scholar i found that this documentary has some wrong information about our prophet life
First one about attacking caravans : there was only one attack and only to restore there belongings wich were left in mecca

Another issue about mecca, it wasn't an agriculture city (were did you bring that from), infact mecca before islam was the center land where there was made festivals to trade merchandise and prize the status ( assnam ) there gods in another word

The only thing that were harvested there is dates (fruit)

And i found many other things that Honestly makes me wonder is this a documentary or a propaganda, also another thing when you search for something or a sorte of knowledge you gotta ask for that from the proper ppl

Another final thing wich is technology, we may have technology but they couldn't know how the pyramids were made or shaped as perfect as it is.. and also for archeology is one of the less resourceful fields and need hundred of years to be well shaped ( and all the calculation used of carbon distortion are most likely not accurate at all )

What can i say, look for the truth yourself, not the well prepared stuff, you have to examen the details..

Sorry for the English.


It’s very interesting when a filmmaker tries to make up an interesting subject by ignoring facts and highlighting a Pseudohistory version of the story…


Petra a city of Muslim’s origin?
Petra a city of building without a hall behind the entrance or windows ? How can this be?
