That's How MUSLIM WORLD will RISE! - Why 2 Billion Muslims Can't Help Palestinians?

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Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters.
In today's video we talked about How will Muslim world will rise again like our past. We talked about why the atrocities against Muslims could not be prevented. we have analysed the 3 biggest problems prevalent among Muslims.. You can like and share the video to increase awareness around you...

Reference for hadith: "Seek knowledge, even if you have to go as far as china" (Beyhakî, Shuabu’l-Eeman-Beirut, 1410, 2/253)

Reference for the story about the conquest of Istanbul: MOKS, izgoren, 2008, p. 61

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00:00 Intro
01:00 What Will Make Muslims Rise? Interesting Example From History
03:40 Periods When Muslims Were On The Rise And The Reasons
04:11 Amazing Quote About Muslim Scientists
04:29 Famous Muslim Scientists
05:12 What Should A Muslim Do
06:40 Why The Muslim World Is Weakened
12:30 What Can Muslims Do Against All This?
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Exactly. I too am Muslim. I pray as much as I can and I'm working continuously so that I can become knowledgeable and help the Ummah with it .


Here are few tips, from someone lived in a muslim majority society:
- Get a good education.
- Work hard.
- Do not force your religion on others.
- When a representative of your religion commits a crime, do not whitewash it.
- Do not consider others as inferiors.
- Be friendly and do not commit crimes when you land in a new society.

You are free to attack in the comments.


Muslim should be united under one flag☪️.


The main summary of weaknesses in this ummah is three words,
1. Poverty
2. Divisions
3. Ignorance ( lack of knowledge )

Towards eternity- thank you so much for reminding us. Jazakallah khair


I’m a Christian. We may differ but I respect any person searching for the truth. Respect and love to anyone reading this. God knows all, and fighting each other for any reason is clearly not our job. Our job is to learn to actually love each other regardless of anything. Leave the judging to god


This message was extremely necessary. Thank you for making it!


The Quran states:
واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا


They try their best to separate us and unfortunately they are successful in doing that
We Muslims have conflicts between ourselves and lost our unity so that they can take advantage of it
The only thing that we need is unity
May Allah help us to achieve our unity and become powerful uma


So true that we need to work hard to serve Islam and Allah will grant the victory - in this world and the hereafter!


this is EXTREMELY important to us. Great Vid


Tell Muslims to leave radicalism and believe in democracy, their good day will definitely come.


I’m sharing and this needs to be shared more and more .Its a wakeup call for all muslims


The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Dhul Hijja)." Then some companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Not even Jihad?" He replied, "Not even Jihad, except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger (for Allah's sake) and does not return with any of those things."


Not a Muslim myself but admire your cultural encouragement for all Muslims to become educated. Where I live, education is, and always was, a function of the economy. When the economy required more educated workers, as in today's economy, study will be encouraged. In the past manual labour was required and a working-class culture developed that regarded education as something outside their purview.
Crime is a function of poverty for sure but not always. In Britain there is a lot of white-collar crime which steals £billions each year. This is crime committed by the middle and upper classes and by politicians who transfer taxpayers money to the private companies who lobby and fund their parties with donations. These people are comfortably off already; their crimes are often committed to gain power and influence, which brings them more money. Psychopaths and narcissists will always exist and they are often successful in gaining positions of power in business and politics. The nature of British society (capitalism and neo-liberal policies) benefits and encourages their personality type above all others.


Every muslim needs to watch this video thank you so much Towards Eternity.


Thankyou soo much Towards eternity.
We Muslims have broken up emotionally for past 7 months but this video gives hope to me and many like me. ❤


wise words, but scholars have already answered this question. The main factors are the following:
1. religion and politics do not mix, create failed states and corruption (too much concentration of power)
2. womens rights, half the population is not utilized
3. womens education, there is corelation to be educated if you're mother is educated
4. religious limitations on financial aspects, such as interest, inheritance and social classes

Seeking knowledge and education is vital, Muslims as individuals have done well for themselves in western countries. Its the Islamic political systems that thrive and stay in power due the uneducated and poor population


Assalamu alaykum brother! We need your help to raise awareness about the hijab ban in Tajikistan 🇹🇯. The government has banned wearing the hijab, and they are fining and arresting women who wear it on the streets. They have been trying for a long time to secularize the public and make them less religious. Men under 18 are not allowed to go to the mosque, teaching Tajweed is illegal, and men are not allowed to have beards. They imprison anyone who speaks out, and we don’t know what to do. Please pray for us and help spread the word!


Guy's this message is beautiful, please acknowledge it. The basic premise of this video was, do your work, be a functional member of society, strive for better and automatically things will get better inshaAllah. Don't live in such a mentality where you think nothing will get better, that is very disrespectful to Allah. He has all the power to change the worst of situations to the best of the best, keep faith.


I am a Hindu and really appreciate this excellent video. This message is not only meant for Muslims, but for all of humanity. There are also numerous Hindus (and people of all faiths) who are ignorant of their goals and purpose in life and are consumed by futile worldly desires and procrastination. The world would be more glorious if all of mankind became more knowledgable and live a life of love, sacrifice and service!
