SHOONYA vs BSP | My experience of doing two advance spiritual program

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I did BSP or Bhavaspandana in January and followed it up with Shoonya this October. And after doing these two advance spiritual programs here is my thoughts on it.
I hope this video will be helpful, if you are also interested in doing the programs too.

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I made all these videos while I was in the ashram, with the intention of making people aware of what Isha has to offer and how one can benefit from the spiritual programs.

I wish no one lose their spark & individuality by investing their whole life after an entity and regret later. 🙏🏼


During 1997, I did Shoonya meditation course for two weeks at Chennai directly under Sadhguru's guidance. After a month most of the ladies including me, went to Isha Ashram for BSP. BSP was fun


I ruined my IE online initiation experience because of a lot of expectations i had because of the videos i saw online.
But after doing it for sometime i can see the benefits (tho nothing blissful and explosive) but it works. So just go with an open mind and trust the process!
Thankyou for your work.


Akka, you have changed. You are calmer this time ( observed same thing in others who did shoonya)


Both the program cannot be compared as both are different in nature. BSP is completely experiential nature and it allows you to get a glimpse of the spiritual world Sadhguru has been telling us on, there is no initiation, no practices taught to be done daily.

Shoonya is one of the 112 paths given by Adiyogi to reach the ultimate. Once you’re initiated into Shoonya you have to practice it daily to keep it alive and even in terms of experience of doing the practices it’s completely different, I would say you will experience what is being in meditation is like in Shoonya.


I don't know but I find your whole energy in this vedio is so purified. Love love love it


Shato, it is interesting to listen to your natural and continuous flow of speech. I did Shoonya and BSP way back in 2002. Recently I have started doing again. Good Luck.


I hardly leave comments on Youtube videos but this video is an exception. You are radiating so much energy that I can feel the power of these spiritual practices.


I did BSP in 2017. My advice is do your homework COMPLETELY and give yourself 100% like it's the last thing you'll do. Do not hold back at all.
Going for Shoonya in the fall 😊🙏


I didnt know shambhavi was like preparation for shoonya medition, im really excited to learn shoonya after I do Inner Enginnering Completion!


I really feel that i must do isha practices in aashram (update us on ashram opening ) & i will definetly try .now i currently doing upa yoga its relief giving 😊😊 thank you😊...


That was very helpful! I am planning to persue BSP as soon as we get out of this lockdown situation so this is very helpful! Thank you :)


Brilliantly explained 👍 You are enlightening people with your superb explanations👌well done, subscribed and look forward to more from you, thank you for this post, lots of love from ireland🇮🇪


Namaskaram akka, couple of things to mention here.

To maintain the sanctity of advance programs you cannot even mention the question on the form (like you mentioned about question of "if you can travel in business continuously for 100 miles?"

Also mentioning that during BSP you are not allowed to maintain contact with outside world should not be done..

One doesn't speak about the home work of BSP in a youtube video.. let the participants understand it when they register.

Don't speak about practices which are taught in shoonya with specific names.

Kindly keep these things in mind while sharing your advance program experiences..


This gives a lot of important information that we must know before planning to do them. Thanks a lot!


Actually I was waiting for this video 🙂🙂 and woila!! Its finally here!!😇💜


Namaskaram Shato 🙏🏼🥰 Shubho Bijoya Dashami ☺️ the video is well done without revealing anything 😃 I am doing my Shoonya mandala… as you said it really needs commitment. It’s best to have no expectations and just do the practices as per instructions regularly as an offering 🙏🏼🥰


Thanks for sharing the facts which u came to know from swami. I can imagine by this info that how much sadguru was experimenting with the teachings in early days just for us to get most out of it. This brings tears of gratitude to my eys. Namaskaram.


It was helpful, You're doing great in your life as well as helping us.☺️😊💐


Thank you Shato for sharing. It's really helpful. I am doing online Inner engineering & I am going to do in this order.
1. Inner engineering
2. Shambhavi
3. Shoonya
4. BSP

Most of all the Sadguru app is really helpful to prepare to these practices. Please make video on this. 🙏🙏🙏
