Sematext Infrastructure Monitoring Tool | Full stack observability | Product and Feature Overview

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Sematext infrastructure Monitoring platform is an easy and effective way to monitor a full-stack.
Monitoring a monolithic system was an easy task. But as software becomes more distributed, DevOps, SysAdmins, and run-of-the-mill developers need to have monitoring tools that are capable of monitoring dynamic distributed systems.
Sematext is a complete monitoring platform that monitors your entire stack and reports back to one centralized UI, Sematext Cloud. Instead of logging into hundreds of different machines, see your full system in one place. Customize your dashboard to suit your needs and receive relevant alerts to keep your systems up and running.
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Follow Sematext:
0:00 ⏩ Why Use Infrastructure Monitoring?
0:37 ⏩ Sematext Full-Stack Monitoring
0:51 ⏩ Auto-Discovery with Sematext Agent
1:15 ⏩ Integration
1:46 ⏩ Components
2:06 ⏩ Server Metrics
2:23 ⏩ Database Monitoring
2:37 ⏩ Container Monitoring
2:53 ⏩ Networking Monitoring
3:07 ⏩ Inventory
3:25 ⏩ Custom Metrics
3:51 ⏩ Alerts and Notifications
4:13 ⏩ Pricing
4:42 ⏩ Outro
Sematext Infrastructure Monitoring Tool | Full stack observability | Product and Feature Overview
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