Can You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding? Do You Have To Stop Breastfeeding For Fertility Treatment?

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Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses whether or not you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. She also discusses breastfeeding while going through fertility treatments and preventing pregnancy while breastfeeding. Watch this video to learn more about how breastfeeding can impact your fertility.

Questions answered:
How can breastfeeding impact your fertility?
What is lactational amenorrhea?
What is prolactin?
What happens to the pituitary gland when you are breastfeeding?
What else can cause high prolactin?What is a prolactinoma?
How does prolactin impact ovulation?
How long does it take to get your period back after breastfeeding?
What medication decreases prolactin?
How can prolactin impact the uterine lining?
Can you do IVF while breastfeeding?


International Planned Parenthood Federation IPPF. International Medical Advisory Panel IMAP. New IPPF statement on breastfeeding, fertility and post-partum contraception. IPPF Med Bull. 1990 Apr;24(2):2-4. PMID: 12316285.

Gray RH, Campbell OM, Apelo R, Eslami SS, Zacur H, Ramos RM, Gehret JC, Labbok MH. Risk of ovulation during lactation. Lancet. 1990 Jan 6;335(8680):25-9. doi: 10.1016/0140-6736(90)90147-w. PMID: 1967336.
Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.


715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705

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Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more.
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Always amazing and informative.

I would like to point out in case you didn't know, it would be very beneficial if you can improve the sound.


Lol as someone who got pregnant while breastfeeding, the answer is YES


Gosh the timing of this video couldn't be better! I'm working on weaning my 13 month old baby and we're currently down to 2-3 feeds a day, so that i can get a FET. My lining is very thin, at around 2mm. I'd love to know how long it takes for the lining to thicken after weaning completely. ❤


I’m currently still breast-feeding my 13 month old but have been trying to get pregnant for the last two months. I just got my cycle back three months ago and have been ovulating each month. Do you think breast-feeding is affecting my chance at getting pregnant even though I’m ovulating ? Your videos have been so helpful! Thank you.


I don't know if I was ovulating, but I didn't get my period back until bubba was 20 months! Just weaned her now at 2, starting my ttc journey again 🙂🤞


My luteal phase has been about 7 days. Last month it was only 4 days.


Thank you! I just had a hysterectomy during my csection due to placenta accreta. I’m hoping you can do a video on how to track your “cycle” after hysterectomy. I have endometriosis so I would love to have an idea of what’s happening in my body when I don’t have a period to go by. Thanks!


Relevant video, as i just quit breastfeeding a week and a half ago, partly to give my body the best chance to conceive. How long does it take prolactin levels to go down to baseline levels after ceasing breastfeeding?

I managed to get pregnant while breastfeeding twice daily 6 months ago, although had a miscarriage. The times I've tracked my cycle this last year, my luteal phase has been too short at 7-8 days, even when I was only breastfeeding 2-3 times a week over the last couple months. I'm hoping the short phase has something to do with prolactin.


IVF helped me conceive my 8 month old after PCOS & reccurent loss. How long after stopping breastfeeding/pumping can I commence my next IVF transfer process?


my period came back 12 weeks postpartum despite breastfeeding round the clock, is this normal/healthy?


Omg I asked you this question on Instagram! Thank you for answering this! 🩷 I’m currently 5 months PP and pumping so I was curious!


The first one . Keep uploading these videos


Can you please talk about pregnancy and thyroid


I'm try to get pregnant while I'm breastfeeding my toddler he is GOING to be 3 and I seem to not get pregnant I do have my cycle and I know I'm ovulating what can I do to get pregnant and breastfeed I don't take meds only vitamins


I’m still breastfeeding my 14 month old and I’m thinking about baby #2, especially since I just turned 38. I used donor sperm with at home insemination and no medications to conceive her and plan to do the same again. My daughter still breastfeeds quite a bit because she is dairy intolerant, so no cow’s milk for her. My period came back when she was 10 months, but my cycle lengths have been 35, 23, 22 and now 29 days without my period starting, but my daughter has been sick a lot this month. It sounds like thinner uterine linings might increase miscarriage rates if I do conceive. Is this true?
