The cruelty of some YouTubers

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Rodney Herron is her channel. You can go to my video about my son, the one previous to this one, and see the comment and who she is. She's also @rodneyherron 5662, I messed up the numbers in the video.
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Unfortunately evil/jealous people are everywhere. Rodney Herron has only 2 subscribers. I wonder why only 2? I am glad you shared this video and got it off your chest. I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I understand. I was glad to hear that your son is doing well. He sounds like a fighter. Please take care of yourself. We are here for you. Sending prayers & hugs. Will have to learn how to do emojis.


I worked with evil psychopaths for many years and that woman most definitely is one.


there are so many SICK people on the internet. I bet that picture isn't even them. Sounds like a person who was hurt by someone and may be using their picture while going around saying the most disgusting things they can to people on the internet. You'd be surprised how weird people are online.
I could see how genuine you were, and how stressful and saddening this situation. Sending more love your way 💗💗 to you and your son.


Even though my comment is late. Hope your son is getting better. The great amount of love you have for your child/son is what hurts. Try to focus on the good and positive as you and your family are going through the pain. After the storm, brighter times await.


I’m sorry there are such cruel, insensitive idiots in this world.
We are here for you, I’m praying for your son as I’m sure are many others🙏🏻


Oh beautiful lady! I want to send warm hugs and kisses to you and your son! As a man being tested for liver cancer I feel so sad for you all! But I know that my Jesus is there with your family! May your wonderful son prevail over this difficult illness and get back to enjoying his life! And please mama keep smiling and praying! Because I'm praying and will always be! And let the Lord deal with the evil ones! God Bless your family pretty lady!😇🙏❤❤❤😘


I am just now seeing this video. I am so deeply sorry for the pain you are feeling. There are no words, for the sadness that is in your heart.

Please know your light still shines bright!

There unfortunately are soulless , heartless people that have no light. They have black souls.

You have more strength than you know. Please take baby steps forward. I am hoping your son is on a healing journey.

Sending lots of love


People mistakenly believe that the Internet guarantees anonymity, but it doesn't. God knows our hearts, and we will be held accountable for those we hurt.


So sorry people are so cruel, I understanding you bringing it to your followers attention, you've done nothing wrong, I hope people flood you with support. Cancer is so scary, especially a family member..and your son, even harder, I wish him good recovery, I'm sure it will work out.❤ Keep accepting support from your friends..😊


Sending a great big hug to you from N, Y, C. Please stop reading the negative comments. Trolls do not deserve your attention. Besides, they're allergic to love.


I'm sending you love and comfort ❤💯🔥


She is disgusting for commenting that she must not have children or is just a terrible mother who cannot comprehend a mothers love. I think you did an amazing job with that video you had to vent and did everything in your power to express what you were feeling and as you vent you help others who are o can be in a similar situation.❤


I pray for your Son, your family and you daily. I'm certain he will get through this. And I'm certain you will too. :)


So sorry you had to read such awful comments. But don’t give her a second thought she’s not worth your time. Prayers for your son.🙏🙏


I am so sorry to hear of your painful experience when you need support and encouragement not vindictive comments Nigella. Be strong Angel. ❤️❤️❤️


Im so sorry for what you and your son are going through...May God bless you both and bring you both comfort...


It is appalling what she has done; totally shameful. But know that you have a community that supports you; many of us are praying for your son 🙏💚 (green is the colour of healing).


You are a wonderful lovely soul of a woman. The world is full of mean, cruel people. Put your faith in the hand of the man from Galilee, our Lord Jesus Christ. ❤🙏♥️🌈


I am so sorry you had that horrible comment Lori! Pay her no mind! She is an horrible excuse of a human being. You are way more than she thinks you are! Again sorry about your son and I am sending healing energy ❤❤❤


What a terrible terrible person. Sending love and hugs ❤ you deserve to be lifted up and surrounded in hope and support. I’m so sorry.
