What is SCADA? | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

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🎥 Automation engineers look forward to using a control system that reduces overhead expenses, streamlines operations, and mitigates system errors. That’s why in today’s world, most industrial enterprises rely on a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, known as a SCADA system.

By watching this video, you’ll get the answer to these questions:
- What is SCADA HMI?
- What are SCADA features?
- What are SCADA protocols?
- What is SCADA architecture?
- What is the function of SCADA?
- What is SCADA communication?
- What is SCADA and how it works?
- What is the SCADA system used for?
- What are the components of SCADA?


💬 Video Summary:

- SCADA is made up of both software and hardware elements to create a control system used for industrial automation. It is a centralized system that allows you to keep an eye on a variety of equipment that provides information about particular processes that have become complex for humans to manage.

- Where you need to visualize real-time data on connected equipment located across a plant, SCADA is needed

- SCADA is required where you need a safe environment and want the measurement parameters to be within specific ranges to avoid harmful circumstances.

- Where you want to supervise and control numerous industrial sites while you don’t have sufficient personnel to cover them, SCADA is needed.

- SCADA is a suitable solution for remote operating capability.

- Level 0 includes field devices, such as sensors that recognize operations inputs and actuators that control operations mechanisms.

- Level 1 includes field controllers such as Remote Terminal Unit or RTU and Programmable Logic Controller or PLC.

- Level 2 contains a control center, including a SCADA server alongside SQL database, mobile HMI, and supervisory computer.

- The SCADA function can be divided into four categories:
1. Data acquisition
2. Data communication
3. Data presentation
4. Control

- Since the processing time in the SCADA system is almost fast, it is suitable for time-sensitive processes.

- If security is a priority, then the SCADA system is not a suggested solution

- The SCADA system can anticipate possible failures before they happen and send out immediate warnings to the responsible personnel to fix the issue before it causes serious problems.

- Sometimes, multiple servers are arranged in a dual-redundant configuration to enhance the system integrity.


00:00 SCADA Definition
00:47 Need for SCADA
01:32 SCADA Architecture Components
02:52 SCADA Function
05:33 SCADA Features


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I watched a lot of videos to understand what a SCADA is. So far, This the best explanation of SCADA I've ever seen. Please keep going.


A brief review, but clear enough to describe what SCADA is. Maybe it can be followed by a more advanced SCADA illustration video. Thank you.


How does this system sounds if received with an analogue receiver?


Hi. I need scada for on grid solar plant 155kw where to buy it.
