What would you ask a Christian? #christianfaith #faith #christinity

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so many opportunities in this video alone to share the word of god!!! beautiful ❤


They're some great questions they really get u thinking


Question 3: For me, Christianity is just having a best friend and a relationship with Christ, more than religion but beliving Christ is a my companion forever.


Yaaaay as a Christian i think about the Lord all day lol Jesus is my everything and my whole life and personality revolves around Him, love this vid and what you guys are doing❤❤


I think about Jesus so much, there is not an hour or even half hour I don't think about him or pray to him. I think my love for Him is more then my family, hobbies and friends because of how much I turn my life around Him ❤


I love you guys
Hopefully you'll do a meeting here soon


I really loved these questions, I feel like a good next post would be asking Cristian’s about their love for the lord? Always an opportunity to speak about god! 💗🥰


1) Against sin? You can't. You just got to stay alert to when the Holy Spirit guides you and remember to ask for guidance and read scripture to arm yourself with wisdom.

2) I didn't choose it. Life (God) lead me to Him and it opened my eyes to the truth. I asked, I knocked, He answered.

3) This is hard to answer because the small things is a ripple effect of the "grand things". Once you have an encounter with God, everything changes. Because God IS life. God IS goodness. So it's like being reunited with the greatest parent in the universe, but you are at the same time being taught by Him and that's not always easy.

4) Well I'm human so I can't think of God 24/7, but I am aware that He is always with me so in that sense I think of Him always. But I remind myself of Him all the time because everything I do, I do for Him. Because like I said earlier, He is the essence of Life itself and the ultimate good.

5) I'm not anxious about my life because I trust in Him. I'm more sensitive to things that are destructive so because of that my life started changing in all aspects. I'm still myself in a way but transformed to use what makes me, me, for greater things. For good things. For love.


1. I get an accountability partner, friends who keep me in check.
2. I found no joy in this life, but Christ showed me the greater, everlasting joy, which is Him.
3. Hm. It means I'm sure that when I die, it won't be the end, and if I'm able to submit fully to God, I'll get to be with the Creator of my soul forever. That would be a new, strange, higher sort of joy.
4. It is kind of a 24/7 thing now. Even when secular stuff happens around me, I'm able to understand that that isnt right, God should be in everything.


Question 2: We dont realky choose to get into Christianity but we are all individually called. You'll definitely have a personal experience


The way God changes our lives is by speaking to us, guiding us, giving is an inner knowing of something that we would usually never think of. It’s a lot of times unexplainable stuff that makes Christians sound crazy, until you experience it yourself and then you feel bad for the people who still think it’s crazy.

If God has the power to make the universe, then he definitely has the power to communicate with you in many ways. It’s nothing to him. It takes more effort for us to understand what’s happening, than it does for him to do what he does.


We don't stay consistent, its always a struggle


How about asking if what they believe in is actually true.


Were your parents Christian hence you were born into it? Or did you decide yourself?
