How to make discord embed message | dyno bot embed message 🔥

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In this video, we're going to show you how to make a discord embed message and a dyno bot embed message. These messages allow you to embed a video from your channel directly into a message on Discord. Discord is a popular chat platform used by gamers to chat and coordinate games. This embed message feature makes it easy to share videos from your channel with other Discord users. We hope you find this video useful!

Hey everyone! 👋

▶️My name is ultron and I'm a discord server designer!
▶️Through this channel i want to help those who want to learn something about discord.

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✨Here is my discord id you can dm me if u got any problem related to discord.

Id ÷ ULTRON#4579

discord bot
discord embed
embed discord
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discord dyno bot
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#discord #discordtutorials #dynobot #ultron
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Explained perfectly, went strtaight to the point. New sub, thanks for helping me dude, wish ya the best in life


This really helped cause I have my own Discord I have to manage and making rules is difficult!


Well, now I have a slightly professional server (:


how do i get the text for when you typed checklist I have a different emoji which is \:scroll: how do I get this to work?


Very helpful thanks i did this on mobile


Why it not sending at may server huhu i click many times the send and save after i finish it does not work what can i do


I cant do that thing you did like the emoji its not giving me the code when I use "\"


can you put the text that you used to create arrows and check list in this comment?
