Your first inside look at Season 4 filming

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We’ve given you glimpses, but here’s your first real, extended look at the production of Season 4. Why is everyone buzzing with excitement, but also feeling some sadness right from the start? You’ll just have to watch and see.

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Catch up on Seasons 1-3 in preparation for Season Four. All episodes are available free and easy in "The Chosen" app.


I know everyone wants Season 4 soon, but it does take longer to film it than it does to watch it. :) But stay tuned here so we can take you through it every step of the way.


So thankful for all of you who work so hard on making The Chosen. My prayers are with you all as the work on Season 4 begins. ❤


CAN’T FREAKIN’ The Chosen changed my husband before he went home...he saw Jesus in a way that he had never seen him... my husband’s in heaven now because of THIS show!!! Thank you Dallas!!! Thank you Lord Jesus!!!


This series has helped me understand the word of God in so many ways . I love how Jesus speaks to me and is speaking to many people in so many ways . God is good . Can't wait for season 4 anymore 🥺❤️


God guide and protect Dallas Jenkins and all The Chosen cast and crew through this impactful and holy work!


When the Chosen started to rise in popularity I was afraid that it would fall and implode on itself from its own weight. Popularity is hard to manage and we see how many celebrities crumble under it.l am so grateful that hasn’t happened. This show has been such a blessing to me and for me and my family. I have had health problems so I haven’t been able to go to Church in person since December but I still want to feel that Sabbath day feeling and rewatching your show helps me feel it. Thank you so much and may our Lord and God protect you and all those involved in the production


Can't wait for Season 4. Praise God and may He provide his protection and blessings on you!


My family of four wore our Chosen hoodies to see for King and Country. Many people were excited to see them, as we were excited to see others wearing theirs. On our way to the concert, my husband ran into a man wearing his Chosen hat and shirt at a rest stop bathroom…in Connecticut!!! God is using this amazing show to reach so many people!! We keep telling others about the show, and have our Come and See sticker on our Jeep. Praising Jesus wherever we go!!✝️💟


I am so excited for the conversation between Shumel and Yussif. And yeah, for Gaius too❤


Just thinking about John’s death & seeing/feeling the intensity of what little I’ve seen…..I’m already emotional 😭


I have a feeling there will be a lot of tears this season but this is good for learning the Bible WELCOME BACK WE LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH❤❤❤🙏


My 16 year old son loves Jesus, but still has questions and anger about the goodness of God. I saw a softening in his heart begin to take place when we went to see the finale of Season 3 in the theatre and he sat spellbound then weeping in the theatre. Thank you for following God’s leading throughout the process of making The Chosen. Each season is worth the wait and I pray that other young people will continue to be impacted by the Truth of its message.


Thank you Dallas and all Choose member ❤❤❤❤❤


Well, I can't wait anymore! I'm super excited about Season 4 and I'm praying for y'all everyday ! I just loved Season 3, and my most favorite episode is "Clean Part 2 " (ep 5 ) and that Jesus and Veronica scene just wrecked my emotions. That scene is more relatable with my current situation. I'm just gonna open up. I'm a 15 year old, diagnosed with PCOS, and I used to bleed heavily .The doctors said that it has no cure . But that episode gave me an eternal hope and faith that Lord Jesus will make me well ! And without doubt, season 4 would never fail to bring me tears. I strongly believe that the Lord is gonna bring a revolution into everyone's life through The Chosen. Anxiously awaiting for S4!! ❤


The fact that we know how all these will end yet we are still excited to see the rest of the season. Just amazing and blessed to have to see it in movie ❤


Blessings to all you that make this happen for the world. Thank you


May God be with you all every step of the way. 🙌🏻


Definitely praying for God's hand to be in every take, every decision and everyone's lives for the making of The Chosen. Love to see dreams come true.


Wow.... the excitement is just awesome.... love the great team.... God bless you all for this masterpiece... looking forward to be part of all the BTS
