Binding of Isaac basic item system - Unity 2019 beginner tutorial

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This video covers how you could go about creating a *very basic* item system in Unity! I go over a couple of ideas for items that you could use in your game based on some items in Binding of Isaac!

#Unity #Tutorial #GameDevelopment
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dude this tutorial is exactly what I wanted, I dont understand everything we're doing, BUT i can look it up and figure it out, and find out how to make different enemy paths rather than just go to the enemy, but this is the structural basis for what I need, thank you for making this! I just finished this lesson and after much bug fixing on my part its upto date with this vid lol.
One criticism if I may, you're very fast and you click around a lot, it can be very hard to follow, pauses would be nice, for now I've been rewatching bits to see what I missed because youll change a value in the Inspector and then just say Alright! haha, its hard to follow but not too hard! Love this whole series, thank you


For some reason, I collect two items instead of a single. What could possibly be wrong?
upd: So my issue was resolved, when I got rid of another BoxCollider2D (with the Trigger) on a Player and added this code to CollectionController (Start function):
var collider =
collider.isTrigger = true;


If it doesn't work for someone, the problem is that items spawn with PolygonCollider2D without isTrigger set to true. To make that happen change part of the code to this

var collider =
collider.isTrigger = true;


When I shoot with anything but the right arrow physics starts spinning my little square around. So I disabled the the box collider on the player that isn't a trigger all seems to be working now but I have no idea what I did wrong. I noted that his first box collider isn't disabled either so it must be used somehow. I'll post back if I figure things out.


That's just a few but they all show the same error just for different methods. Everything is saved and I copied from your github. I just don't know what to do


мне не понравилось долго писать скрипт кидай его сразу чтобы я не тратил свое время
