Sarah Jakes Roberts: How To Become A Powerful Woman, Build Self-Worth & Set Boundaries!

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It’s Lisa Bilyeu with an AMAZINGGG episode of Women of Impact for you today that’s alllllll about becoming a frikin’ POWERFUL force that nobody can push around, walk all over, or manipulate!

And today’s guest here to help us learn how to make that possible is the one and only Sarah Jakes Roberts. She’s a New York Times Bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker, mother of 6, wife, and a BADASS on a MISSION to help women evolve into the best version of themselves!

Get ready, because in this episode we are talking about something a lot of women might shy away from or see as “bad” – and it’s POWER. And Sarah is going to turn the way you think of power on its head and show you how to use it to become a more authentic version of yourself.

We go DEEP and get into:
- The false beliefs of power that come from outward success, achievement, or performance
- The TRUE meaning of power
- How power is different from what we traditionally might think of as “power”
- What you can do to actually ignite your power in just 60 seconds
- How fear, insecurity and shame have WAYYYY more power over you that you think
- Why you need to embrace your humanity instead of hide it
- How power flows and shows up in different areas of your life at different times
- WHY women avoid power
- What you can do to stay away from the “dark” side of power
- The importance of having CORE VALUES to keep you aligned and accountable
- How to overcome competition so it doesn’t strip you of your power
- The small ways you are slowly giving your power away without you even realizing it & how to catch yourself so you can keep your power
- And muchhhhh more!

Seriously guys, the tips and tactics we get into in this episode are SOOO frikin’ profound and can actually help you ignite your confidence, give you a voice, and OWN you damn power so you can live your life on YOUR terms! So listen closely to Sarah and learn how you can use power to help you become a better, more authentic version of yourself.

Follow Sarah Jakes Roberts:

Follow Dinah Jane:

Follow Me, Lisa Bilyeu:

Themes: Confidence, Relationships, Business, Mental Health, Self-Improvement
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WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!


"I stopped treating my life like I didn't have any option!" So powerful!!!


Her effortless communication and articulation is astounding 🥰🥰🥰


This is the type of conversations I desperately need to be apart of daily, this entire conversation has my head spinning! So many gems!!! ❤️💎❤️


Your happiness is found in your authenticity.


For the person reading this, may God take care of you, enlighten you, take care of you, may God bless you


"I dont want to become her again" Very powerful.
Thank you for the clarity.


Sarah is so talented and charismatic. I have no doubt she'd be a success at anything she pursued.


This is a great Video. This brings back painful memories which i have been enduring. My relationship of 5 years ended 3 months ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.


Sarah’s humility and honesty in saying that I was one situation away from incarceration or losing my kids, 🙏🏻THAT! THAT is a woman I can wholeheartedly respect ♥️🙏🏻
So many ppl will sit back and shake heads without ever realizing we all have that potential and for that I will ALWAYS respect her!
I needed this message 🙏🏻True restoration where I don’t have to erase my past flaws but instead, spirit restoration feels like the goal I’ve been seeking but had no language for. I can see my past self with compassion now and that is the Power Move ♥️♥️♥️


"You want to be the best but can you be the best without wanting every other person to be less" this was so powerful.


Stumbled upon this video at the right time where i feel like life experiences have stripped me off my power, I'm getting it back!


I never been married but I have always thought that I needed a husband to be powerful. I am learning a lot. Thank you Ladies!!!


I'm only 3/4 of the way thru this interview, and I'm so compelled to praise this powerful, beautiful young woman. She has answered each question so eloquently and confidently, not skipping one beat, and not saying one "um". I'm absolutely mesmerized by Sarah Jakes Roberts. This has been the smoothest, most soul touching interview I have seen. There's a thousand emotions flowing thru me from regret to not having been a mom of such grace and patience, to gratitude that I'm listening to this right now. Well done Lisa, for bringing her on. I've never heard her speak, so this is the first time, but certainly not the last. SIMPLY BLOWN AWAY!!


"Restauration is when my spirit returns to where it was before this happened". Sarah Jakes. This woman is too powerful. The anointing that was on her father is also on her. Her words are straight from God!!!! Each sentence stirs my soul!!!


The way she speaks penetrates to the soul


Lisa I stumbled across your channel a few months ago and have binge watched so many videos. I'm in a place where this resonates with my soul. I'm with her and on my journey to not be ashamed of who I am, not making myself small for other people and trusting myself. So powerful, I'm in tears.


Thank you I needed this because I’m at ground zero. Lord Jesus hear my prayers. I’m still struggling to take care of my children. Both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Lord Jesus I’m overwhelmed as a single mother. Please hear my prayers. I’m constantly struggling to buy groceries and constantly struggling to pay rent and now that I’m home schooling my sons I’m struggling even more. Lord give me strength I can’t do it without you. 💕💝


I feel like ive literally attended a therapy or a coach. Something has changed in my life positively


She did it . She found the essence of christ. This message was excellent.
