You're Still Covered | Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Message: "You're Still Covered"
Scriptures: Exodus 16:3-8 (NKJV)
Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Date: Aug. 11, 2024

Freedom isn't free. It requires trust in God, especially during uncertain times. In moments like these, you may feel exposed and vulnerable — similar to how the Israelites felt in the wilderness after their Egyptian exodus. But through it all, God is still with you! His expression just might look different. He is the God of breakthrough and the God of follow-through that will sustain you in uncharted territory. He provided bread from heaven for the hungry Israelites, teaching them to rely on Him daily. So stay connected, and let His presence be your source of strength in times of struggle.
Рекомендации по теме

I came to the Lord asking for his blessings as a single mom because raising my son (Joel) was an act of courage despite all the challenges. And the Lord answered my prayers with a benefiting income of $31, 000 every month. To God be the glory. Joel is in school and life's been fair lately.


To everyone reading this, I sincerely pray for whatever is causing you pain or stress will pass. May your negative thoughts, excessive worries and doubts disappear, replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love🇧🇸🇧🇸💙


My son (Chaz) who is only 19 made some decisions that resulted into him facing 10 years in prison, while on this journey he became ill with a bacteria that the doctors didn’t know how long he had it or how he got it. The bacteria spread through his whole body causing him to receive surgery on his spine 😢, I revived a call from the nursing department at the prison stating that my son was put on a ventilator and the he was critically ill at the time I live in Georgia and he was in the Midwest our home town. That news brought me to my knees the fact that I couldn’t be with during his time of sickness I prayed to lord as I had been doing I prayed for covering over his life I knew he wasn’t lonely but alone with the lord .
He recovered from the spine surgery and 2 weeks later he big toe on his right foot had to be amputated and now he’s learning how to walk again 😇😇our savior was present the whole time and we’re forever grateful thank you father


Battling with stage 4 cancer all I needed to hear today was that he is Jehovah Rafah 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 the Lord my healer


I am currently in nursing school, I declare and decree God’s favor and abundance throughout my entire life and as a servant to others as a Registered Nurse. I declare and decree full paid for my Airbnb, hotels, flights, and food for my clinical studies. I


My 3yr old son was swarmed and stung over a dozen times by hornets this morning an hour away from medical services. My husband and I prayed for him immediately. He didn’t swell at all and the marks are nearly gone. Praise God🎉


“Some of us do too much because we don’t trust that God will do enough.” 🙌🏾🙏🏾👏🏾


Proudly south African! We are the friendliest people on this planet! Love you Pastor!


"You can go 40 days without food.3 days without water. 8 minutes without air.But you can't go single second without God.Amen!Whatever may happen in this world;Christ remains unchanging forever & ever"


I'm 32, $75, 000 biweekly and I'm retired. I'm not boasting but something about this video reminded me of my past!!!💔


I decree declare a full flight paid hotel and ticket. I must be in the building. I am currently homeless. I have a three year-old daughter who I recently released my share of the custody to her father. So she wouldn’t suffer; be homeless like me. It was a hard sacrifice. Since I’ve done a journey to joy Bible conference. I believe God is calling me here. I don’t have the funds, but I decree and declare they’re on the way because I will be in the building. God please allow this to take root and produce fruit for me and my daughter Elizabeth. In Jesus name, I pray amen. Amen. Amen


She’s always talking to me I didn’t have money for a fancy lawyer but God made due with the half priced lawyers. God is still performing miracles


When Sarah and PT said they were SENT to South Africa I felt it. Thank you so much to you both, Naledi and Thabo, you have helped me activate my Spark, I’ve been rebelling against the governments that were holding me back from serving God fully and truthfully! I am thank God for you 🙏🏽


Wow. Amen. I just prayed to God yesterday for breakthrough…
“God I don’t need you to change the environment, I need you to become the environment.” !!!


I love her teaching and preaching, God is really using her to bring the word for this generation and the next. We need somebody like her for our future President.💕❤️💕🔥💦🍞‼️


Once again the LORD uses Sarah Jakes Roberts to deliver his message. Amen! Thanks for the insight


Sarah’s sermon really moved me today and anyone who is seeking gods grace, mercy and understanding please know that he’s always there in the midst of whatever battle you’re fighting and he will pull you through so please know that you are always covered even when you think you’re not he hears you he sees you and he knows you’re pain 🩷✨please know that you’re not alone ever put faith into him you’re part and he’ll handle the rest 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲


Lord, please watch over my incoming college freshman. Lord, remind her she can do all things through you who strengthens her. Lord help her mature, grow, and pivot thru the ups and the downs because she will come out on the upside by your grace and mercy 🙏🏽


I'm going through trials and tribulations. And I'm trying to find my way. I know that God has plans for me.


Yes, she's telling the truth. You have to surrender. God has been telling me this for about a month, maybe longer. You have too. I promise you, it will change your life for the better.
