⚠️Serious WARNING for visitors to Spain & Canary Islands! | It is on the brink of collaps!

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In a time when headlines are dominated by scaremongering and claims of an imminent collapse, Mr. TravelON is on a mission to set the record straight with genuine travel news from the heart of the Canary Islands. 🌴📰 Join us on a truth-finding journey across Lanzarote as we debunk the myths and share the real story of this paradise.

Beyond the Headlines:
Amidst alarming reports suggesting the Canary Islands are on the brink of collapse, Mr. TravelON takes to the vibrant streets and beloved hot spots of Lanzarote to uncover the truth. With camera in hand and facts as our guide, we explore the current state of tourism, local life, and the undeniable charm that continues to draw visitors from around the world.

Calling Out Bad Reporting:
It's time to challenge the narrative and call out the mainstream media for their less-than-accurate portrayal of the Canary Islands. Through interviews with locals, insights from tourists, and a firsthand look at Lanzarote's bustling towns and serene landscapes, Mr. TravelON provides a much-needed perspective on the real situation on the ground.

The True Spirit of Lanzarote:
Far from the gloomy picture painted by some reports, Lanzarote thrives with life, culture, and an unwavering spirit of resilience. From the sun-kissed beaches to the volcanic peaks, we showcase the island's natural beauty, the warmth of its people, and the vibrant tourism that continues to flourish against all odds.

Your Trusted Source for Travel News:
Forget the sensational headlines; for those seeking the truth about the Canary Islands and Lanzarote, Mr. TravelON is your go-to source for reliable travel news. Whether you're planning a visit or simply love staying informed about one of the world's most enchanting destinations, our coverage provides clarity in an era of confusion.

Don't let the headlines deter you; Lanzarote is as welcoming and spectacular as ever. Press play to join Mr. TravelON on this eye-opening journey, and remember to like, share, and subscribe for more honest travel news and adventures from the Canary Islands and beyond. Together, let's celebrate the truth and beauty of travel.

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“Journalists” in the UK no longer exist.


Currently in playa blanca. Its really quiet, so many bars empty last night. If its coming from the mainstream media, believe the opposite.


At immigration Tenerife the first thing you see is a big green and white banner ad proclaiming "The app you need for buying property in Tenerife". On leaving the airport there are billboards advertising new developments for sale.
If they are genuinely upset, then may I suggest some affordable alternatives that welcome us and offer proper all inclusive holidays.
Portugal, France, Italy, The Balkans, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, The Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde, The Gambia.
(Includes islands)
The U.S., Mexico, and Dominican Republic are also


Hi from Finland. Journalists today are mostly greenmovements hornblowers. Canary islands does not live without tourism and we have to remember that.


They're doing it everywhere including to France at times. Boy cot mainstream media.


Have younever reviewed the thb tropical island?


I’m there now, been to Arricife Puerto Calero and staying in PDC. Now I visit 3 or 4 times a year. It’s the quietest I’ve seen it for a few years… This anti tourist hype is complete nonsense.


I have a very simple rule, if mainstream media say it's so... You can safely put your money on it NOT being so...


"If you don't read a newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read a newspaper, you're misinformed."
Mark Twain.


Media spouting the ideas of the WEF & WHO. Only 1 overseas holiday per year.


No one with more than two brain cells believes a word of what the mainstream media says. My wife and I came back from a thoroughly enjoyable 10 nights in Tenerife last June. The hotel staff, bar staff, restaurant staff, shop staff, taxi drivers, tour guides and ordinary locals were amazing. A couple of weeks after returning home, we booked our next holiday for this year in Lanzarote. We are looking forward to another amazing two weeks in June.

We visited Lanzarote about 9 years ago and can't wait to visit again.


Well said Dave. Its up to the local government to build houses for locals at affordable prices. Lanzarote relies on tourism


Lanzarote isn’t particularly to my taste, but the sneering snobbish MSM just hate the idea of ‘the little people’ enjoying a well-earned holiday. Excellent, informative video.

I’d be more tempted to visit having seen this, though!


I'm currently in Maspolmas.
Absolutely love it.
I wouldn't listen to a word the media has to say and haven't done since Hillsborough 1989 (as most people hopefully haven't).
The UK seriously need to get a grip but I feel its too late.

Sadly, the UK has very little to offer anymore.


Straight from the horses mouth! Thankyou for clarifying and giving a real perspective 👍🏻


If the authorities dont want any tourists they just have to restrict tour operators offering holidays.


The problem is being caused by the failure of the local gov who have not addressed the housing problems faced by vital workers. Air bnb and buy to let should be restricted. If those working in the hotels, bars and restaurants can't find anywhere to live then thpose businesses won't be able to function. Then the predictions will come true.


Recibimos a los turistas respetuosos (como anfitriones, no siervos). Las manifestaciones son en contra del turismo de masas y todo incluido, porque expolia nuestros recursos, no podemos atender a más turistas que Brasil y Australia juntos!!! Además atrae mano de obra de fuera cuando aquí ya hay más de un 30% de pobreza y un 16% de paro. También estamos en contra de que adquieran propiedades aquí o monten empresas, ya que el teritorio es MUY limitado, nuestra biodiversidad comparable a Galápagos y las normas para residir deberían ser las mismas si queremos conservarlo. Es una emergencia social y ambiental, nada personal. Simplemente ya no cabe más gente, no es sostenible. La manifestación es desde la sociedad, una queja hacia nuestros políticos, turoperadores y hoteleras, que son los responsables.


the problem in Canary Islands, is it's looking like a huge English pub beer all over the place


What protesters are saying is that the island needs quality tourists so respect the environment and local culture. I agree with some of that, walking down the strip in PDC the amount of British pubs and restaurants is unreal, it's becoming like Alicante. I think tourism is good for the island, but the cheap drink and fish n chips model isn't working. Locals, who the island belongs to, must feel pushed out. I think the real issue however is the housing market being pushed up and made scarce because of holiday lets - that is an issue for their government though and not tourists. I would personally like to see a bit more of local culture back in Lanzarote, its a beautiful place and last time I was there I was hard pushed to find much that wasn't British in PDC and any tourist destinations. money isn't everything when you're losing your cultural identity
