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This film was produced for the 11th International Conference on Behavior Studies, November 2014.

Intro music: Boards of Canada - Poppy Seed
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Society isn't designed to take behavioral science into account. The government, the market, our legal and education systems, simply don't account for it, and in many ways cannot account for it. These systems need to be redesigned to keep up with modern knowledge, and be designed in such a way that they can continually update. 


If only there could be an off-shoot, hi-tech, experimental community which has international backing. A scientific culture by design. ;)


These videos are great and they are bringing forth important information and insight! Thanks for making them and please KEEP making them! :)


You really ought to add some tags in the description to make this video more visible. More people need to see this clip. I especially liked the first two minutes of Skinner. What speech is that audio taken from?


Please "The Venus Project / The Zeitgeist Movement / Horizon1" UNITE! Be powerful together.


Great video guys a lot of useful info here. But I honostly can't imagine a version of capitalism which is sustainable in the long term and will not reward negative antisocial behaviours. Also there is a misunderstanding about long term and short term investments in my opinion. Even in the western world majority of people still spend the majority of their time doing what they need to survive. And most of them don't want to spend the small amount of their free time making long term decisions beyond their own economically secure future.

I think society has changed in a way where the basis for the short term investments in the past have become somewhat long term. Because even long term investments like going to uni and studying for a long time is usually based on building a secure future. In the past and even today for many people that secure future it is down to short term day to day survival decisions. But unlike in the past where survival or your secure future was based on immediate environmental factors, today survival means means "economic survival" and a secure future is based on "economic security".

It's just a section of the population is able to have more long term interment options usually due to the socioeconomic level of the place and people they were born to.
I also think a consumer society where people are indoctrinated culturally to consume and be individualistic leads to more antisocial short term decision making than long term.

We need to have money to design new systems that basically gives people what they need to survive. Then when they actually have free time they can start thinking about bigger questions and can be educated. But I don't know where the resources and labour for this would come from on a large scale. Because it will not come from the established economic powers as something like this will never bee seen as profitable.


Spanish and other languages subtitles, please!
